I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 66: So Ugly! [4/10]

(Just woke up, here it comes!)

This news is too shocking for the Green Spider Demon Emperor!

For a moment, it was filled with shock and anger, and was extremely frightened, and even its body couldn't stop shaking.

Why is it so panicked?

The reason is simple, it is a traitor!

Darkness is turbulent, and the enemy is at hand. Not only does it join the dark creatures, but it also points the butcher knife at the creatures of the Tianxuan Continent and slaughters its own people. It is more cruel than the dark creatures!

If the female emperor of the sub-immortal race really revives, then who does she hate the most?

Who does she want to kill the most?

Needless to say, it must be the Green Spider Demon Emperor.

In many cases, traitors are more hateful than enemies.

If the other demon emperors heard this news, they would be shocked, but they would not be so panicked.

They themselves came from the source of darkness, and there is not much left of the world origin of the Tianxuan Continent. At worst, they just leave and return to their nest, waiting for the opportunity for the Heavenly Dao Hunter to attack the next world.

But the Green Spider Demon Emperor couldn't do that. Although he had devoted himself to the darkness, he didn't have a good relationship with the other Demon Emperors.

Moreover, he was like a rootless duckweed at the source of darkness. Even if he escaped to the nest of the source of darkness, he was destined to become a vassal of other powerful people.

If he didn't leave, the revived female emperor of the sub-immortal clan would definitely kill him, the traitor, with her own hands!

Unless he could break through the emperor!

But it was so difficult to break through the emperor. At least in the past 100,000 years, there was no hope of breaking through.

Countless thoughts flashed through the female head of the Green Spider Demon Emperor in an instant.

"No... No! We must not let her revive! Absolutely not!" The panicked look on the female head gradually disappeared, replaced by cruelty and resentment!

Before the female emperor of the sub-immortal clan revived, strangle her.

This is one of the best calendars at present!

"Fuck, it's so cold!"

In the dim jungle, Director Ao held a torch in his hand and walked carefully in it.

There were two high-level treasure maps. The coordinates of the first one were near Hurricane Valley, but he only dug out a pile of scrap copper and iron.

So, he could only hope for the second treasure map.

Compared with the last time, after stepping into the jungle outside the Moon Temple again, Director Ao found a lot of changes.

Originally, there were many floating light spots in the jungle, providing them with vision.

It seemed that because the moonlight grass was taken away, the light spots in the jungle had disappeared at this moment, and the whole jungle was extremely dim.

In desperation, he could only make a simple torch to barely use for lighting.

In addition, another difference is that this jungle has become extremely cold.

The ground and trees are all covered with a layer of frost, and the mist exhaled will turn into a pile of ice slag as soon as it touches the air.

"It wasn't so cold when I came last time!"

Director Ao complained, and brought the torch closer to himself, trying to warm up a little.

However, this change is not without benefits.

At least the disgusting stench disappeared, and the humanoid creatures in the jungle seemed to be in a strange state, trembling one by one, and even when he walked by, they did not react at all.

Taking out the advanced treasure map and looking at the coordinates again, Director Ao adjusted the direction and slowly walked towards the depths of the jungle.

The Green Spider Demon Emperor was thinking about how to strangle the sub-immortal queen in the process of recovery.

Suddenly, the female head seemed to notice something.

Seeing a flash of red in her eyes, Chen Xi said: It turned out to be that ant!"

After that, the Green Spider Demon King drew a line in the air in front of him with his forelimbs, and then a phantom big hand appeared out of thin air and stretched into the crack in the void.

The next second, when the big hand appeared again, it was holding a person in its palm.

This person was Director Ao.

At this time, Director Ao was completely confused.

Just one second ago, a gap in the void suddenly appeared in front of him, and then a big hand grabbed him and dragged him into the void.

When he opened his eyes again, he had appeared in front of the Green Spider Demon King.


After looking at the Green Spider Demon King and the white-haired coffin with one corner opened, Director Ao suddenly realized: "Fuck, you are the thing in the coffin? You look so ugly!"

It must be said that from the perspective of a pure earthling, the Green Spider Demon King is dozens of times more terrifying and disgusting than the alien.

Seven heads, each with a different shape.

Especially the human female head in the middle, with a twisted cheek and a resentful look, comparable to Sadako.

Moreover, seven heads share a spider body, which is simply horrifying.

Just one look, Director Ao felt his scalp tingling.

Fortunately, he is also a well-informed person, having played many European and American bloody horror games.


But in the Golden Thread Spider Clan, the number of heads is respected.

The more heads, the stronger the strength.

The Green Spider Demon King was also praised as a genius. After only three thousand years of cultivation, he condensed the sixth head and was one of the most promising geniuses to become the seventh emperor.

"Tell me, who asked you to take the moonlight grass?"

Controlling the big hand to hold Director Ao tightly, the Green Spider Demon King asked solemnly.

Director Ao ignored it and said to himself with some pain: "I should have sold the treasure map earlier. I had to dig it myself. It's a loss! MD, I'm I will never dig again!"

"What are you talking about? What treasure map?" the Green Spider Demon King asked sternly.

Director Ao yawned and said, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and kill me, I'm going to sleep!"

Hearing this, the Green Spider Demon King showed a grim smile and said in a grim tone, "Hehe, you want to kill me?"

As soon as the voice fell, the big hand suddenly tightened.


Director Ao's body was crushed like a watermelon.

[You have been killed by the Green Spider Demon King!]

Looking at the prompt in front of him, Director Ao was about to take off his helmet and go to bed.

But the next scene made him stunned!

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