I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 43: Success And Fame! [Please Add This To Your Collection!]

(The backstage of the author of Feilu crashed again. The author used the writer's assistant to upload it. It is very troublesome to operate. I don't know if you can see it after uploading. I hope the backstage will be restored tomorrow!)

Originally, Director Ao wanted to go back to sleep after watching the announcement of the updated expansion pack.

As a result, after watching this official trailer video, he was in a state of excitement and couldn't sleep at all.

After watching the video five or six times in a row, Director Ao found that he still didn't feel sleepy at all, so he simply didn't sleep and went directly to the official website forum section.

At this time, although it was late at night, the official website forum was extremely popular.

Countless players were excitedly discussing the cool skills shown in the video.

Bilibuli: Finally updated the skills, this video made me excited!

Hedgehog Cat: Tears welled up in my eyes, my sub-fairy tribe finally rose, the skills are so cool!

Never surrendered replied to Hedgehog Cat: Sub-fairy tribe, never be slaves! Who dares to discriminate against us!

Suifeng replied to Hedgehog Cat: Rise? Have you asked my soul tribe?

Finding Dream Spirit: Soul Clan is nothing, who dares to fight with my Wan Yao Clan.

Xiao Baozhi replied to Finding Dream Spirit: No, brother, the Wan Yao Clan in the video mainly has defensive skills, and is obviously a tank. The Shura Clan has a blood-sucking talent, which is completely against the Wan Yao Clan.

Finding Dream Replied to Xiao Baozhi: Who can't talk about war on paper? Wait until the update is ready, and fight in the wild, dare you?

Xiang Nong Oreo: Looking at the skills in the video, the Baihua Clan is indeed a priest.

Exploding Sugar: Is there any big guy who can analyze the skills of each race in detail? Begging?


After refreshing the page, a post on the homepage attracted the attention of Director Ao.

"A five-year game planner will take you to a detailed analysis of the skill settings of the six major races and the development route! 》

The post was published less than half an hour ago, and the number of views exceeded 100,000, and the number of replies was as high as more than 6,000.

Out of curiosity, Director Ao couldn't help but click on this post:

Before resigning, I worked as a planner for a domestic game for five years. I know a little about the game settings. Okay, without further ado, let's get back to the point. Let's talk about my analysis after watching the preview video.

Let me state that all the analysis in this post only represents my personal thoughts and opinions.

Okay, let's get started now!

First is the sub-fairy race, which is also the first race shown in the video.

From the wind and thunder skills released by the empress in the video, both are large-scale AOE skills. Needless to say, the wind skill has high damage and high penetration, which will be the main skill for sub-fairy players to kill monsters in the future. As for the thunder skill, in addition to damage, it can also impose a negative BUFF on the target.

You can carefully see that after the thunder skill is released, the reaction speed of the fire centipede lord is obviously slower than before. So I guess that this negative BUFF should be a paralysis effect.

Of course, the effect of the negative BUFF will definitely not be too obvious, otherwise it will be too against the sky and will affect the balance of the game.

According to the talent setting of the sub-fairy race, the spiritual power is increased by 3%, plus the high growth of the mana attribute. The game planner obviously wants to define the sub-fairy race as a high-burst mobile turret. So I suggest that the best way to add points is to go all-magic and maximize the output, which can also reflect the value of the sub-immortal race.

The second is the Wan Yao race. The setting of this race is very obvious. I believe that even a game novice knows it. I won’t introduce the first skill of the demon emperor in the video. As for the second skill, I think it is very interesting.

Many people may think that the second skill is a damage skill, but I think it is still a defensive skill.


Let me explain it in detail...

This post is full of thousands of words.

But I have to say that the author of the post is really good. He analyzed the skills in the official preview video very well.

Many views made Director Ao feel refreshed and couldn’t help applauding.

And it also gave suggestions on the point addition method and development path of new players. It is a rare technical post.

After reading the post, Director Ao was a little reluctant.

Try to wear a virtual game helmet to see if the game has been updated.

The result is naturally still under maintenance. The content of the expansion pack is very large, and it is possible to update it all day.

With a helpless sigh, Director Ao could only continue to read the posts on the forum...


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