I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 41: Official Trailer! [Please Add This To Your Collection!]

The background image turned into stone statues of six great emperors, and a shadow appeared in front of each stone statue.

These six shadows, using 3D technology, kept rising and falling in front of the stone statues, because they were filled with white mist.

Under the rendering of 3D special effects, the white mist kept changing its shape, sometimes turning into a blue dragon, sometimes turning into a phoenix, which looked particularly cool.

In the middle of the official website, four large gold-plated characters with flying dragons and phoenixes slowly emerged.

Success and fame!

Obviously, these four words should be the name of the first expansion pack.

"Success and fame?"

Looking at the four large characters, Director Ao couldn't help but frown slightly, trying to infer the theme of the expansion pack through this name.

Generally speaking, the name and theme of the expansion pack are consistent.

But Director Ao thought for a long time and had no clue.

Shaking his head, he simply stopped thinking about it and controlled the mouse to drag the page.

At this time, a video appeared at the bottom of the official website.

"Official Preview: A List of Skills of the Six Major Races! 》


"Fuck, finally a skill is out!" Director Ao was so excited that he opened a can of coffee and drank it in one breath before clicking on the video. At the beginning of the video, a vast plain was seen, with towering trees like giant umbrellas covering the plain. "Isn't this the plain behind the Beimang Mountains?" Director Ao recognized this familiar map at a glance. The picture turned and landed on six figures. These six figures were the phantoms of the emperors of various races that appeared when the player selected the race. Boom! Boom! ! At this moment, the ground trembled and the earth shook. "Bang!" With a loud bang, dust flew, and a huge centipede beast broke out of the ground. "Fire Centipede Lord!" Director Ao exclaimed the moment the centipede beast appeared! Before, Sheng Rui and others encountered the Fire Centipede Lord when they were doing hidden tasks, and they were wiped out. At that time, Sheng Rui also took a screenshot and posted it in the group. "Hiss!"

After the Fire Centipede Lord appeared, he let out a low roar towards the sky, and countless red eyes on his head opened one after another.

At this time, the shadow of the Sub-Immortal Clan Emperor stepped on the green lotus and slowly stepped forward.

She stretched out her delicate jade hand and opened her red lips.


Accompanied by the ethereal voice, the whole plain suddenly blew up with a strong wind, and countless wind blades slashed towards the Fire Centipede Lord.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

The area of ​​hundreds of meters around the Fire Centipede Lord was covered by the wind blades.

The wind blades slashed on the hard shell of the Fire Centipede Lord, making a series of muffled sounds. The towering trees were like pieces of paper in front of the wind blades, and they were all cut in half.

The ground was slashed with huge cracks, with amazing power.

However, this is not over yet.

After the gale disappeared, the shadow of the emperor of the sub-immortal tribe spoke again: "Thunder!"


As soon as the voice fell, the whole sky was covered by thick dark clouds, and countless purple-blue lightning rays tilted out from the dark clouds.

For a moment, the sky was full of thunder, as if it was the end of the world!

The Fire Centipede Lord kept wailing in the sea of ​​thunder.


Seeing this scene, Director Ao took a breath and said in a lost voice: "My goodness, are the skills of the sub-immortal tribe so powerful? This is going to be against the sky!"

In Qin Ge's setting, each race has a racial talent.

The advantage of the sub-immortal race is to increase spiritual power by 3%.

In addition, the mana attribute of the sub-immortal race grows high.

This is very useless in the early stage of the game when it relies entirely on flat attacks.

It is not as strong as the Shura tribe and the Wan Yao tribe, and the monster-brushing efficiency is not high. Except for professional teams and studios, casual players will not consider the sub-immortal tribe when forming a team.

They can neither resist damage nor have low output, and are often discriminated against.

The clues can be seen from the level rankings in the game. At present, the top 1,000 players in the rankings are basically occupied by players from the Shura Clan and the Ten Thousand Demon Clan. Occasionally, there are some players from the Royal Clan and the Soul Clan on the list, but there is no player from the Sub-Immortal Clan and the Hundred Flowers Clan.

However, after the update of this expansion pack, it can be foreseen that the players of the Sub-Immortal Clan will rise strongly.

Two large-scale AOE skills are simply magical skills for killing monsters!

His status directly jumped from son to father, sweeping away the previous frustration.

In future games, it is estimated that there will be countless players begging Sub-Immortal Clan players to form a team!

The thunder in the sky lasted for seven or eight seconds and then slowly dissipated.

At this time, the Fire Centipede Lord no longer had the majesty just now. Most of the red eyes on his head disappeared, and the originally fiery red shell appeared pieces of charred black.

Countless wounds were cut on his body by the wind blade, and dark green blood kept sliding down the wounds.


With an angry roar, the Fire Centipede Lord's huge body fell from midair, and a pair of steel-like claws fiercely stabbed at the phantom of the Sub-Immortal Emperor.

The Fire Centipede Lord's attack was too fast, and his huge body turned into a residual image, which could not be seen clearly at all.

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