I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 34: Is She Cheating? [Please Collect It! ]

Wang Feng's reaction was also very fast. After finding that something was wrong, he immediately changed the direction of the long sword he had chopped out, and it fell below his body to protect his vital parts.


The dagger hit the long sword, and the fire splashed.

After the attack failed, Xiao Leng didn't want to fight anymore, so he immediately stood up and pulled away.

Wang Feng swallowed his saliva, staring at Xiao Leng with his eyes, and cold sweat slowly slid down his forehead.

The fight just now lasted less than a second, but it made him tremble with fear.

The petite girl in front of him gave him a feeling that this was not a game, but a real life-and-death fight.

The other party's murderous eyes made his hands and feet cold.

The crowd watching, at this moment, stared at the two with wide eyes, not blinking, for fear of missing the wonderful scene.

To calm down, Wang Feng held the long sword tightly, not daring to rush forward recklessly, but took steps to slowly approach, appearing to be extra cautious.

Seeing this, Xiao Leng raised a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth.

The dagger turned twice in his hand. Xiao Leng held the dagger in reverse, moved his feet, and rushed towards Wang Feng.

At this moment, in Wang Feng's eyes, it was not a petite girl rushing towards him, but a beast!

Five meters...

Three meters...

One meter...

When Xiao Leng was less than one meter away from him, Wang Feng finally moved.

Holding the long sword with both hands, he stabbed to the left accurately.


As a game master, prediction is the most basic ability.

Based on Xiao Leng's series of actions, Wang Feng predicted that her body would move to the left.

He was very confident in this sword.

However, Xiao Leng's next action was like a slap in his face.

Xiao Leng twisted her waist, and her body, which was originally moving at high speed, turned to the right.

Chen Zhigang, who had been staring at the two, suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed in disbelief: "Fuck, how did she do it?"

You know, the physical effect of this game is no different from the real world.

It was simply impossible for a person to change his appearance twice in 0.5 seconds while running at high speed.

Because it completely violated the principle of inertia.

But the fact was that the female Soul Clan player in front of him really did it!

"She... is she cheating?" Lin Shanshan was stunned and muttered to herself.


At this moment, Wang Feng's heart was already full of doubts and confusion.

However, he had no time to think.

During the stiff time of his sword swinging, Xiao Leng's dagger had already cut across his neck.


Then, Xiao Leng, who rushed to Wang Feng's back by inertia, turned around and kicked him in the leg.

Wang Feng's right leg suddenly softened, and the whole person lost balance and fell forward.

Xiao Leng had already turned around, holding the dagger in both hands, and fiercely chiseled his neck.


The bright red damage slowly floated up.

Two consecutive fatal blows directly made Wang Feng's blood bar empty.

After killing Wang Feng, Xiao Leng had no expression on her face, and her eyes did not fluctuate at all.

After playing with her sword, she said calmly: "Okay, I'm going to go offline and sleep. If you still want to play, continue tomorrow!"

After that, her figure gradually disappeared and she went offline directly.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

This female player of the Soul Clan had terrible skills.

The most important thing is that her equipment was only a novice cloth and a novice dagger. If she had changed to a blue weapon, I'm afraid Wang Feng would have been killed instantly just now!

After a moment, Chen Zhigang took a deep breath and slowly said: "Sister Shanshan, I'm really sorry about this time."

Lin Shanshan frowned, as if thinking about something, and said nothing.

Seeing this, Chen Zhigang reminded: "Sister Shanshan, as a friend, I advise you not to continue to dwell on this matter. This woman's eyes are very scary. I feel that her profession in reality should be very special. For the sake of safety, bear with it!"

This remark was very obscure, but Lin Shanshan still heard the meaning of his words.

A very special profession?

Thinking of Xiao Leng's previous performance and the murderous eyes, a mysterious profession flashed through Lin Shanshan's mind-killer!

Suddenly, Lin Shanshan shuddered.

Killer, as the oldest profession in human civilization, has been passed down to this day.

Although she has money ability, she doesn't want to be targeted by a killer hiding in the dark, and she is worried all day long.

"Sister Shanshan, we are going to level up, you should pay attention to your own safety!" Chen Zhigang didn't mention the money, waved his hand, and led the team members to the depths of Moyulin.

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