I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 31: Unforeseen Disaster [Please Collect! ]

"Haha, Brother Gang is awesome, he really got the hidden mission!" Wang Feng laughed excitedly.

Other players in the team also expressed their admiration.

Chen Zhigang said before that it was very likely to receive the hidden mission, but he didn't expect that he actually received it.

Chen Zhigang smiled slightly and reminded: "New map means new monsters. Everyone keep the arrow formation and be vigilant."

Hearing this, everyone immediately formed a triangular arrow formation skillfully. Chen Zhigang acted as the tip of the arrow and took the lead.

This formation has a strong impact and is very practical in large-scale guild wars. It can penetrate the opponent's camp.

Moreover, this formation has no dead angles. Each player is responsible for monitoring an area.

As he walked, Chen Zhigang suddenly stopped and he vaguely heard a burst of sound.

After a moment of silence, he frowned and said: "Did you hear any sound?"

"Yes! It seems that something is approaching us!" Wang Feng nodded with a serious look.


Boom! !

Boom! ! !

A series of muffled sounds continued to reach everyone's ears, and the sound came from far to near, as if something was constantly approaching them.

And judging from the noise, it seemed to be quite large!

Everyone looked at each other, and Wang Feng asked, "Brother Gang, what should we do now?"

"Let's go over and take a look! With so many of us, we can kill even a BOSS!" Chen Zhigang said.

Chen Zhigang was not arrogant. The players in the team were basically at the fourth level of the Tempering Body Realm, and their equipment was not bad. Their personal skills and cooperation were even better.

Even if they faced a BOSS at the tenth level of the Blood Sea Realm, they would have the strength to fight.

After that, Chen Zhigang took the lead, holding a spear in his hand, and walked quickly towards the front.

The people behind him hurriedly maintained their formation and followed closely.

However, before they had taken a few steps, the ground began to shake.

The frequency of the shaking became more and more intense, and everyone hurriedly hugged the giant tree beside them to stabilize their bodies.

"Fuck, there will be earthquakes in the game?" Wang Feng exclaimed.


As soon as the words fell, the ground exploded and a huge monster emerged from the ground.

For a moment, dust and stone chips flew everywhere.

Several players were unlucky and were directly pushed into the sky by the huge impact force. Their health bars disappeared instantly and they died directly in mid-air.

When the dust settled, everyone saw clearly that this huge monster was a huge centipede-like monster.

This centipede monster was as thick as a water tank, with an upper body of more than ten meters, and the lower body was still hidden underground.

The monster's head was covered with rows of blood-red eyes, which looked particularly creepy.

Looking at those countless eyes, everyone felt their scalps tingling.

A player said with a chill: "Damn, this is simply a nightmare for people with trypophobia."

Chen Zhigang stared at the centipede monster and yelled: "Everyone be careful, this monster has a high attack, Xiao Chen and the other four were killed instantly, the tanks should pay attention to sharing the damage."

"You reptiles, how dare you break into my territory, die!"

The centipede monster opened its mouth wide, and the huge sound made everyone's eardrums hurt.

It was very angry at the moment. Before, six reptiles had sneaked into its territory. Those six reptiles not only killed many descendants of the tribe, but also woke it up from its deep sleep, which was simply unforgivable.

However, just after crushing the six reptiles, it found that dozens more had crawled in and broke into the territory.

In anger, it decided to crush all the reptiles to death.

Yes, those six reptiles were Sheng Rui and his six men.

And what Chen Zhigang and others were experiencing at this moment was completely an unprovoked disaster.

Next, there was a one-sided massacre.

These elite players at this stage were like paper in front of the centipede monster. Even the meat tanks of the Wan Yao clan were killed instantly.

After just three minutes, the battle was over.

[You have been killed by an unknown creature! ]

Chen Zhigang took off his helmet and fell into silence.

Wang Feng lit a cigarette and said depressedly: "It's unscientific. The monsters in the new map are too damn strong!"

"It was killed instantly! How can we play this?"

"The game planner is stupid! He doesn't give the players a chance to transition at all. Who the hell can kill such a fierce monster?"

"There is no room for operation at all!"

Everyone complained and expressed their dissatisfaction.

If the strength is almost the same and they can't beat them and are wiped out, then they will only blame themselves for their lack of strength.

But in front of the centipede, there is no room for operation at all. The attributes are directly crushed and they are slaughtered from beginning to end. This situation makes them very unhappy.

What they don't know is that the centipede monster is the lord of the plain.

Moreover, the reason why he was attacked by the centipede monster was that he was implicated...

Chen Zhigang pondered for a moment and said, "This time it's my fault. After we go online, let's go to another place and go to Mo Yulin to have a look!"

"Brother Gang, what about the hidden mission?" Wang Feng said anxiously.

"What else can I do? Give up! Do you want to be abused by the centipede again?" Chen Zhigang said unhappily.

Thinking of the centipede monster, Wang Feng immediately became timid. The gap between the two is too big.

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