I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 28: Symbiotic Relationship! [Please Add This To Your Collection!]

After being teleported back home, Qin Ge sat on the sofa and thought about Chatu.

Obviously, Chatu's sudden arrival must have been informed.

Now that Chatu was killed by him, the dark creatures behind Chatu would not give up easily.

Thinking of the dark creatures, he could not help but think of the Heavenly Dao Hunter.

Because after the Heavenly Dao Hunter devoured the Heavenly Dao, countless dark creatures swarmed in from the space cracks. Hunting the native creatures of the Tianxuan Continent and plundering the origin of the world.

If you say that there is no connection between the two, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

What Qin Ge is most worried about is that if he leads the player army in the future, drives out the dark creatures, and successfully recovers the ancestral land, will the Heavenly Dao Hunter come back for revenge?

Touching his chin, he couldn't help but ask: "How much do you know about the Heavenly Dao Hunter?"

"Not much! I only know that its strength is so terrifying that it can crush all the heavens and worlds." Tiandao recalled the Heavenly Dao Hunter, and there was still fear in his tone.

After a slight pause, Tiandao continued: "The six emperors had traveled to other worlds, but the strongest people in those worlds were only at the level of emperors. So I guess that the Tiandao hunters are likely to come from a higher level world."

"Higher level world?" Qin Ge frowned slightly and thought about this sentence carefully.

Is there a world above the heavens and myriad worlds?

After thinking about it in vain, he simply stopped thinking about this question and continued to ask: "Are those dark creatures the tribesmen or subordinates of the Tiandao hunters?"

Faced with this question, Tiandao pondered for a moment and replied: "I think the dark creatures are more like parasites of the Tiandao hunters!"

"Parasite?" Qin Ge was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Tiandao to answer like this.

Tiandao said seriously: "Yes, it is a parasite. Or, you can compare the dark creatures to dependents. In fact, the strength of those dark creatures is not very strong. If there is no Tiandao hunter, it only takes one emperor to kill them easily."

"Tiandao hunters hunt Tiandao and kill the strongest people in the local world at the same time. Therefore, after the dark creatures come, they can absorb the origin of this world unscrupulously. When this world is completely destroyed, they will follow the Tiandao hunters and move to the next world."

Tiandao's words reminded him of a creature on Earth, the oriole toothless scad.

The oriole toothless scad, also known as the guide fish, is a small fish in the sea. It has no self-protection ability and no predation ability.

But this kind of fish lives a very comfortable life.

Because they have a symbiotic relationship with sharks, they always follow sharks and live on the leftovers of sharks.

Many people wonder why sharks don't eat guide fish?

The reason is very simple. Guide fish can play an auxiliary role for sharks.

The two have a symbiotic relationship. Guide fish will clean the debris between the teeth of sharks, and even take the initiative to act as a guide to help sharks find prey.

In an instant, Qin Ge was enlightened.

Dark creatures are equivalent to guide fish, and Tiandao hunters are ferocious sharks.

Dark creatures rely on the leftovers that Tiandao hunters despise to survive, and Tiandao hunters also need dark creatures to act as cleaners to completely clean up the broken world.

"Of course, the possibility you said is not ruled out."

Tiandao explained: "After all, the origin of a strong world is so abundant. Continuously hunting Tiandao and letting your own people or subordinates absorb the origin of each world can indeed play a role in rapid growth. But this possibility is very low, because at that level, race is no longer necessary."

"I understand!"

Qin Ge nodded, and the worries in his heart before had disappeared without a trace.

"How many dark creatures are there in Tianxuan Continent at present?" Qin Ge really wanted to know this question.

"It's impossible to count. There are tens of billions of people in Zhongzhou alone, not to mention the other four states. Adding the vast and boundless Misty Sea, there are probably at least trillions! The most important thing is that those space cracks are connected to the nests of dark creatures." Tiandao sighed, "Back then, when the dark creatures first invaded, the creatures of Tianxuan Continent were completely able to resist, and even formed an overwhelming advantage at one time. But dark creatures kept coming from those space cracks, as if they were endless. On the contrary, the creatures of Tianxuan Continent, one less for each death in battle. In the end, they lost the war." Trillions? Qin Ge was frightened by this number. Originally, he wanted to wait until the players grew up and lead more than one billion workers to sweep away the dark creatures. Now it seems that he still thought too much. Moreover, countless dark creatures can still come from those space cracks. Space cracks? Thinking of this, Qin Ge couldn't help wondering: "At that time, the situation should be countless times better than it is now. Why didn't any creatures block the space cracks?"

"Countless creatures have tried, even I have tried." Tiandao shook his head and said helplessly: "It's just that the edges of those cracks are contaminated with the rules of Tiandao hunters. Even if the six emperors are alive, they can't block the cracks."

Qin Ge said thoughtfully: "It seems that in order to completely quell the dark turmoil, not only must we eliminate the dark creatures on Tianxuan Continent, but we also need to attack their nests to eliminate future troubles..."

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