I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 23: Cultivation Is Like Drinking Water! [Please Collect! ]

The next morning, Qin Ge found a company that specializes in making official websites and spent 100,000 yuan to ask them to make one.

As for why he suddenly became rich, it was because he found a female player collecting a large number of fairy jades last night, so he sold some.

After entrusting the official website to a professional company, Qin Ge locked himself in the house and did the most important thing.


Although the Tiandao online game can create countless players for him, his strength is the key to completely recovering his ancestral land.

Although it was his first time to practice, there was no obstacle.

Because the Tiandao records the cultivation system of all creatures in the entire Tianxuan Continent, and even the cultivation perception and growth process of the six emperors can be checked at any time.

The most important thing is that Qin Ge has been recognized by the Tiandao and completely integrated with the Dao.

This unique condition makes his practice as simple as drinking water. As long as there is enough world origin, he can continue to break through.

You know, the female emperor of the sub-immortal clan back then was amazing and brilliant, with a heavenly appearance. It is known as the most talented person in the past million years, but even so, it is only in line with the Dao.

Fitting with the Tao, merging with the Tao, although there is only one word difference between the two, but in fact there is a world of difference.


It does not exist. Since he is the Heavenly Dao, what Tao does he need to understand!


The rules of the world are all under his control!

The realm system of Tianxuan Continent is divided into body tempering, blood sea, five palaces, divine field, shaking the sky, communicating with the gods, earthly mystery, heavenly man, heavenly master, and emperor.

As for what realm is above the emperor, even the Heavenly Dao does not know.

Because since the birth of the Heavenly Dao in Tianxuan Continent, the emperor has been the end of cultivation.

But when the Heavenly Dao Hunter appeared, everyone was shocked to realize that the emperor was not the end, and there was still a way to the end.

After Qin Ge completely explored the growth process of the six emperors, he couldn't help asking: "How to set foot on the road after the emperor? What realm is the Heavenly Dao Hunter?"

As long as the world origin is sufficient, it is inevitable for Qin Ge to become an emperor.

Therefore, he will consider the realm after the emperor.

Since the Heavenly Dao Hunter appeared for the first time, it will definitely appear for the second time.

Qin Ge didn't want to work hard to recover his ancestral land and restore the Heavenly Dao, but then continue to be plundered by the Heavenly Dao hunters and repeat the tragedy.

"I don't know either, you can only rely on yourself to explore."

The Heavenly Dao sighed and continued: "In fact, this is a good thing for you. Because at least you know that there is still a way after the Great Emperor. The most feared thing in the path of cultivation is that there is no way to go."

"Do you know how the six great emperors felt when they died?"

This question made Qin Ge stunned for a moment, and he pondered for a moment, and he answered: "Heartache, sadness!"


The Heavenly Dao said seriously: "It is ecstasy and regret! Ecstasy is to know that there is still a way after the Great Emperor. Regret is that I can't get a glimpse of the wider world."

These words made Qin Ge fall into deep thought.

Originally, in his opinion, the world he lived in was invaded and plundered, and his people were hunted wantonly. The hearts of the six great emperors should be extremely sad.

But unexpectedly, the Heavenly Dao gave such a truth.

Seeing him in doubt, Tian Dao comforted him: "It's normal that you can't understand now. When you become the Great Emperor, you may understand!" Qin Ge nodded, indicating that he agreed with Tian Dao's words. After all, he was just a mortal, and the Great Emperor was the most powerful existence in the entire Tianxuan Continent. The two were completely not on the same level, and naturally looked at things from different angles. Sitting cross-legged in the hall, Qin Ge began to practice. The origin of the world is the purest and most essential energy in a world. With the help of Tian Dao, the origin of the world was constantly infused into his body and absorbed by him bit by bit. And his cultivation level was also improving bit by bit. The first level of the Tempering Body Realm... The fifth level... The tenth level... "Crack!" When the cultivation level broke through the Tempering Body Realm and reached the Blood Sea Realm, Qin Ge formed a layer of black hard shell all over his body. The fifth level of the Tempering Body to the Heaven Shaking Realm mainly cultivates the body. The Tempering Body Realm, as the name suggests, is to temper the physique and expel excess impurities from the body. And the hard shell formed outside his body is the accumulation of expelled impurities. Qin Ge's cultivation is still improving. Blood Sea Realm Level 1...

Level 3...

Level 10...


At the moment of breaking through the Blood Sea Realm, a surging blood force burst out from the top of his head. Faintly, waves of slapping sound came from his body.

After the Blood Sea Realm, it is the Five Palace Realm!

After breaking through to the Five Palace Realm, Qin Ge immediately found that all his internal organs were locked by iron chains, making him feel like his hands and feet were tied up and he couldn't use his strength.

The Five Palaces, heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, correspond to gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

To break through this realm, you have to break all the shackles and let the internal organs form a reincarnation, endless.

However, with the infusion of the origin of the world, Qin Ge was unstoppable and kept breaking free from the shackles.

Heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys!

A reincarnation was formed in his body, which was mutually reincarnated and constantly circulated, endless!

The God Field is the spiritual platform, which condenses the soul.

The third floor...

The fifth floor...

The eighth floor...

Just when Qin Ge was enjoying his breakthrough in cultivation, his cultivation speed suddenly stopped.

He opened his eyes and asked blankly: "What's wrong? Keep going!"

"Your world origin is exhausted!" Tiandao's old voice reminded.

It's gone so soon?

Qin Ge was slightly stunned, and then found that the more than 20,000 fairy jades he had stored before were completely consumed, and there was nothing left.

"I still have some here, do you need it?" Tiandao asked.


Qin Ge waved his hand and rejected the proposal.

The world origin on Tiandao's side is used to maintain the system, including the consumption of future update settings, and must not be used.

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