I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 21: Heavenly Path? What The Hell? [Please Collect! ]

(Added Chapter 2!)

Lin Shanshan was in a very bad mood at the moment. Very bad.

Her guild lost in the guild war tonight. In fact, winning or losing is normal, but what she couldn't stand was that she lost to Rosa's guild tonight.

What's more hateful is that after the guild war, Rosa kept making sarcastic remarks. She even promoted it crazily on the official forum of "Road to Glory".

Take off the game helmet, Lin Shanshan, who was still angry, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

After the call was connected, she asked: "Chen Zhigang, why didn't your team show up for the guild war tonight?"

Chen Zhigang's team only has a few dozen people. Although the number is small, the team members are all senior gamers with very good game skills. After being recruited by Ye Shanshan at a high price, they have been the main force of the guild.

The reason why the guild war tonight was lost was largely because Chen Zhigang's team did not show up, resulting in a lack of high-end combat power.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds, and then Chen Zhigang's apologetic voice came.

"Sister Shanshan, I'm sorry! From today on, my team and I will officially leave the guild!"

These words made Lin Shanshan stunned. After she came to her senses, she said in disbelief: "Why? Chen Zhigang, ask yourself, am I not good to your team? The hundreds of thousands of subsidies every month have never been in arrears, right?"

"Tell me the truth, did that bitch Rosa poach you?"

Lin Shanshan felt that this was very likely. When she had been suppressing Rosa's guild before, this bitch had always wanted to poach Chen Zhigang's team.

Hearing this, Chen Zhigang smiled bitterly and said: "Sister Shanshan, what are you thinking! Although I, Chen Zhigang, am just a game dog, I still have moral integrity."

"Then why do you want to leave the guild? Is the salary I give too low?" Lin Shanshan asked in confusion.

Chen Zhigang explained: "It's not a salary issue, it's a game issue. After discussion, our team decided to quit "Road to Glory". After the equipment is processed in the next two days, we will move into "Tiantu"."


What the hell?

Lin Shanshan said with a blank look on her face: "Is this game more fun than "Road to Glory"? "

"The two games cannot be compared, they are not on the same level at all. Sister Shanshan, I suggest you try it for a few minutes, and you will understand what I mean!"

After Chen Zhigang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Looking at everyone in his team, he said: "I have explained it clearly to Sister Shanshan. Everyone should hurry up and get rid of all the equipment in your hands in the next two days, even if it is a loss. We must make a name for the team in "Road to Glory" before the second batch of players!"

"No problem!"

Everyone agreed.

Chen Zhigang also came into contact with the game "Road to Glory" a few hours ago.

Originally, he only tried it for a few minutes under the recommendation of a friend, but after entering the game, he was unstoppable.

As a professional player, he can be 100% sure that this game will sweep the world.

Although in Lin Shanshan's guild, they have a subsidy of more than 300,000 yuan per month, but after deducting daily expenses, it is only 4,000 to 5,000 yuan for each person.

After playing the game for a few hours, with the keen sense of a professional player, he felt that the game "Tiantu" would be a paradise for his team.

The reason is simple. This game has no recharge entrance, and the output rate of fairy jade is low, which means that the exchange rate of fairy jade to RMB will remain high, or even continue to rise.

As for his team, Chen Zhigang is very confident that as the number of players continues to increase, the demand for fairy jade will also increase. At that time, a monthly income of one million is not a dream.

Of course, these are just additional conditions.

The most important thing is that "Tiantu" is so damn fun. Any game lover can't resist the temptation of this game.

After playing "Tiantu", going back to play "Road to Glory" will instantly feel boring.

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