I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 99: Heaven's Approval

But before Qinglin could make a move, Niutou rushed forward and used all his strength to protect the Spider Queen behind him, and said loudly.

"Go quickly, don't worry about me, as long as you survive."

Niutou has been with the Spider Queen for a long time and has always been loyal to her. How could he be afraid of death at this moment?

The Spider Queen, who had escaped from the Nine-tailed Fox's illusion, was shocked to see Niutou's move.

But in order to survive, the Spider Queen finally tore open the space crack and left in a hurry.

Niutou stayed where he was, panting. Although his legs were shaking with fear, Niutou knew his fate and closed his eyes.

Qin Ge and Qinglin showed disdain.

Finally, the two left with a faint look.

It's not that they want to kill them all.

They just think that if they don't teach the Spider Queen some profound lessons, this guy will come back again, so it's better to cut him off at the root.

But who knew that Niutou would rush forward to protect life like this.

The two were not ruthless characters. If they really wanted to kill them all, it would be difficult for them.

Seeing Qin Ge and Qing Lin let him go, Niu Tou was relieved.

But on the other side, Han Xiao Leng was still in the illusion set up by the psychedelic butterfly, constantly swinging his sword to kill monsters.

Gradually, Han Xiao Leng suddenly realized another move.

But after Qin Ge and Qing Lin tore through the illusion set up by the psychedelic butterfly.

490 Although Han Xiao Leng woke up, there was complexity in his eyes.

"I seem to have become stronger."

The moment he held the Miao Dao, Han Xiao Leng looked at the ghost shadow spreading out in the darkness.

What they are best at is defeating their opponents with fear.

Unexpectedly, Han Xiao Leng rushed over in an instant, and when the blade turned around, the ghost shadow screamed.

Several companions fell down.

The remaining ones quickly turned into real forms and attacked Han Xiao Leng.

They also used their ability to turn into smoke at will to avoid Han Xiao Leng's attacks again and again.

Unexpectedly, their evasion also made Han Xiaoleng more excited.




Seeing that the ghosts of the underworld were defeated one after another, Han Xiaoleng just smiled faintly and said directly.

"You are not qualified yet."

But after those ghosts of the underworld were solved, unexpectedly, all the strange magic weapons fell on the ground.

Han Xiaoleng bent down to pick them up, and the prompt sounded.

Fear Mask Fragment 1/10

After picking up all the fear mask fragments, a complete mask appeared.

Han Xiaoleng had just put it on, and the game player who appeared next to him shouted (bbei).

"What is that?"

They were panicked and actually sat on the ground.

At this time, Han Xiaoleng slowly took off the mask.

"This is a good thing."

I didn't expect that after coming out of the illusion, I could still harvest such a treasure.

"We have to continue to set off, it's just a small profit."

Qin Ge stepped forward.

Han Xiaoleng decisively put on the mask and followed Qin Ge and Qinglin.

The two were so powerful, how could they be afraid of Han Xiaoleng's mask?

Only those game players and low-level monsters would be afraid.

When the blue bird was released, it only flashed Han Xiaoleng and laughed.

Obviously, this mask can only be used against those weaklings.

It seems that there is nothing good in the magic cave. Except for some low-level monsters, Han Xiaoleng and his group have not seen any powerful monsters.

"There is nothing good here, why don't we leave first."

As he was talking, Qin Ge was also preparing to take Han Xiao Leng and Qing Lin away from the village.

But just after walking out of the magic cave, a huge vortex rolled in the sky behind them, and all the buildings and people on the ground were taken to the sky.

For a moment, it was hard to tell whether it was a game player or an NPC.

But after a moment, Qin Ge calmed down and said decisively to the two people beside him.

"Something big is coming, be prepared."

The two hurriedly picked up their weapons, but saw a hand stretched out from the vortex, with scars like hills on the hand, like tattoos.

But the purpose of that hand was to come to this land.

In a blink of an eye, the arm slowly extended, and a giant also stepped out of the vortex.

There were many game players who came to the magic cave from the city.

But on this road, they also saw how the giant rolled out of the vortex.

For a moment, everyone was terrified and desperate.

"Isn't this giant too scary?"

They shook their heads gently, already stunned.

Qin Ge said to Han Xiao Leng beside him.

"Be prepared." As soon as he finished speaking, Han Xiaoleng raised his Miao Dao and looked at the giant in the distance. [Bluebird was waiting on the side. As long as Han Xiaoleng said a word, the bluebird would fly up, and the two would come to the mid-air to fight for more opportunities to attack. "Empress, where are you?" The giant roared and roared, with all kinds of scars all over his body, and his appearance was like a skeleton. Qin Ge glanced at the giant, and then said to Han Xiaoleng. "Don't attack yet, this is probably a spell." It seems that he has to attack himself. But Qinglin held Qin Ge. "I seem to know him." "How could it be?" Qin Ge showed a shocked look. He knew Qinglin. Even if he was the reincarnation of the empress's consciousness, Tiandao also said that all the remaining memories of the past would disappear. So how could they know each other? When he was confused, the voice of Tiandao suddenly sounded in Qin Ge's mind. "Don't interfere in this matter, let Han Xiaoleng deal with it, this may be the birth of another emperor. "What?" Hearing this, Qin Ge turned his head to look at Han Xiaoleng. Although he was terrified, he believed that Han Xiaoleng had the ability to take down the giant, but it would take some effort. But Tiandao's next words also shocked Qin Ge. "Han Xiaoleng is the reincarnation of the Sword Emperor. You should have seen this, right? If it weren't for the obvious aura on his body, I wouldn't have been able to detect it. This time, just treat it as an experience to awaken the Sword Emperor!" Listening to Tiandao's description, Qin Ge finally nodded blankly. Although he accepted it, he was still indescribably shocked. When looking at Han Xiaoleng, Qin Ge Ge just thought about it and said decisively.

"You go and deal with him!"

He left this matter to Han Xiaoleng.

Han Xiaoleng also rushed to the cloud with the blue bird.

Just arrived in front of the giant, even if the two looked at each other, the giant would not let Han Xiaoleng go easily.

As soon as he raised his hand, the powerful giant was swept to his side.

Blue bird felt pain and turned his head and flew to the other side. Even if the action was fast, it was too late.

Another huge hand rushed down from the air and caught the blue bird directly.

The gamers watching below were dumbfounded.


This time, he actually took two-thirds of the blood volume.

I don't know what Han Xiaoleng's situation is.

Just when they were worried, several gamers also picked up weapons and tried to help Han Xiaoleng.

But the range was limited.

Relying on the spiritual contract, Han Xiaoleng directly took the blue bird and rushed out of the palm, but the giant's target had already been set on Han Xiaoleng. The next attack was not only crushing, but also brought terrible killing.

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