Ling Chu looked at Ning Chuyi who broke in and was stunned for a moment.

 The next second, he quickly summoned a small hammer.

Ning Chuyi opened the door and took two steps in. When she saw the white shoulders in front of her, she stopped abruptly.

 The murderous aura in his body suddenly dissipated, and he was about to turn around.

Suddenly he saw a small hammer coming towards him, and subconsciously wanted to dodge.

 But he quickly changed his mind and pursed his lips.

 Looking down, he stood silently.

 He broke in rashly and offended Miss Ling. She was angry and wanted to teach herself a lesson, and he deserved it too.

Ning Chuyi was prepared to be hit by the small hammer, but found that it flew past him.

 He was surprised and subconsciously wanted to raise his eyes to look at Ling Chu.

 But I soon remembered something was wrong.

Miss still taking a bath at this time.

Ning Chuyi didn't know why Ling Chu didn't hit him, but this was not the time to ask.

The door is open and someone could break in at any time.

Ning Chuyi turned around and said, "I'm really sorry for interrupting the princess..."

He wanted to leave first and wait for Ling Chu to put on his clothes. He would agree to settle accounts with him no matter what.

But Ling Chu didn't have time to care about it at this time. Seeing that he was about to leave, he hurriedly said, "Master Ning, there is something wrong with this inn. I just smashed the emperor's meal. Please go and inform the emperor. The remaining food is worth tens of millions." Don’t use it, otherwise something will happen.”

Ning Chuyi paused in his steps, and his face changed slightly when he heard that something happened on the emperor's side.

 “Thank you, Princess, for informing me, I will go over now.”

Seeing Ning Chuyi hurriedly exiting without forgetting to close the door for her, Ling Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

  The embarrassment that he had suppressed appeared on his face.

She didn’t expect that Lord Ning would barge in when she was taking a bath.

 But this cannot be entirely his fault.

If she hadn't heard the warning from the system, woke up in a daze, and saw from the system that the emperor was about to eat the bowl of noodles in question, she subconsciously wanted to stop him.

 I believe Master Ning will not rush in rashly.

 The moment he rushed in, she was startled.

 But he saw a sword in his hand and a strong murderous aura on his body.

Master Ning must have thought she was in danger, so he rushed in to save her.

Ling Chu’s guess was correct.

Yin Sha came back after fetching hot water. Ning Chuyi finished taking a bath, but Ling Chu didn't come out yet.

He was a little uneasy, thinking that she had always been in poor health and that she had been caught in the rain on the road.

I just wanted to ask her if she was feeling well.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked to the door of her room, I heard her scream, "No."

Ning Chuyi’s first reaction was that she had met a bad person, and all she could think about was that she wanted to cut him into pieces.

I didn’t expect Ling Chu to stay in the inn room for so long and take a bath.

Ling Chu sighed and had a headache. What should we do next?

 Forget it, let’s put this aside first.

 The emperor's safety is important.

Lingchu hurriedly put on his clothes, put on his shoes and walked out.



The emperor lowered his eyes to look at his empty hands, and then glanced down at the bowl of noodles scattered on the ground. Finally, he raised his head and looked at the small hammer hanging in front of him.

"Your Majesty, this..." Eunuch An looked at the noodles that fell to the ground and thought to himself that it was a pity. He was still full of anger, because he had personally watched the master in charge of making this. Although it is not a good dish, for this bowl of noodles, he also asked the chef to fry two fragrant eggs, stir-fry shredded pork, and add green vegetables. Just looking at it will make people appetite.

 What's more, the emperor has been hungry for so long.

 But this bowl of noodles was hit by the small hammer that suddenly appeared.

 Gonggong An was angry. He remembered that this small hammer belonged to the princess of Jiashan.

The emperor naturally recognized the small hammer, but he was not angry. I just don’t know why the little hammer suddenly appeared and smashed his noodles.

I was trying to get someone to send word that Princess Jiashan was here.

But he saw Ning Chuyi walking in quickly.

When Eunuch An saw him, he immediately said, "Master Ning is here just in time. Do you know where Princess Jiashan is? Ask her why she didn't take good care of her own things and smashed all the emperor's noodles."

Ning Chuyi could hear Mr. An’s anger and dissatisfaction, but he ignored it.

He raised his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid there's something wrong with this inn. There must be something wrong with the noodles, so the Princess of Jiashan had it smashed with a hammer."

The emperor frowned, "What happened?"

 He did not hear any unusual noises. Although he did not go out, he knew that Commander Pang was guarding his door with his men. Moreover, at this time, the voices of the Forbidden Army could be heard faintly in the lobby downstairs.

If there was something wrong with the inn, didn't they even notice it?

Mr. An even subconsciously blurted out, "Is there something wrong with the noodles? Impossible. The slave watched the master making it with his own eyes. The slave has just tested it and it is not poisonous."

Ning Chuyi glanced at Eunuch An. Although he didn't know what was wrong with the noodles, he believed in Miss Ling's ability.

Just as he was about to speak, Ling Chu's voice came from the door, "If there is anything wrong with the noodles, Sun Yuanzheng will come over and check it out."

Although Sun Yuanzheng has medical skills, he is old and not as good as those forbidden soldiers with strong martial arts skills. In addition, after driving for three days, I was caught in the rain, and I was frightened by the assassination of a masked man halfway.

 I barely managed to hold on until I reached the inn, and I started to have a high fever.

When the emperor came, he understood that Sun Yuanzheng was old and relied on him to treat Ning Chuchu. Instead of letting him follow him, he was asked to stay in the room to rest.

 After hearing Ling Chu's words, he sent someone to pass on Sun Yuanzheng.

Hearing that there was something wrong with the emperor's food, Sun Yuanzheng's face changed with fright.

He hurried over regardless of the fact that he was still running a high fever.

 After some inspection, Sun Yuanzheng had large beads of sweat on his forehead.

He knelt down with a plop and said, "Your Majesty, this noodle contains cartilage powder and poison."

Even though Eunuch An didn’t know how this person had been tampered with under his eyes, Sun Yuanzheng had found out everything, so he had to believe it even if he didn’t believe it.

  With a white face, he knelt down with a bang.

“Your Majesty, this slave deserves to die for not realizing that this noodle has been drugged...”

At this time, Sun Yuan was in a panic. With a trembling voice, he interrupted Gonggong An's apology, "Your Majesty, please stretch out your hand, and I will check your pulse."

The emperor saw his worry, but it was Sun Yuan who ordered him to stay in the room to rest, so it was not easy to punish him for this.

  Waving his hand, "Sun Yuanzheng, don't worry, I didn't eat the noodles. Speaking of which, it's thanks to Princess Jiashan that I escaped this time."

Sun Yuanzheng breathed a sigh of relief knowing that the emperor was fine. Although the emperor asked him to rest, if something happened to the emperor, he would definitely die.

Even the young and old in the family are affected by him.

I heard that Princess Jiashan smashed the emperor’s noodles, and Sun Yuan was very grateful.

Princess Jiashan saved not only the emperor, but also himself and more than a hundred lives in his family.

Sun Yuan was about to thank Ling Chu, but found that his legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up at all.

The emperor asked Eunuch An, "Do you know who did it?"

  Gonggong An kowtows, "You deserve to die, this slave. I kept looking at the noodle maker and didn't notice that he had drugged him."

Sun Yuanzheng sympathized with Eunuch An, "Your Majesty, the medicine must have been put into the flesh early in the morning, so Eunuch An didn't notice it."

“Very good, it seems that I have lived in a dark store. Ning Aiqing, what is the situation outside now?” (End of Chapter)

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