The wife originally thought that she would kneel down to the emperor. For the sake of King Dingyuan, even if the emperor did not agree to let Han Yao be the second prince's concubine, he would still let her be a concubine.

 Unexpectedly, the second prince only gave Liangdi the position.

Han Yao originally thought that since the Dowager wanted her to marry the second prince, she would definitely not agree to let her be a lowly Liang Di.

It can be seen that the lady was silent and did not protest. Han Yao was unwilling to give in and looked at Mrs. Tai eagerly.

Liangdi’s status is too low, and the wife is naturally dissatisfied.

At this moment, she was still thinking about how to speak in order to get the second prince to agree to give Han Yao the position of concubine.

I don’t know if the emperor saw the madam’s thoughts and didn’t give her a chance to speak.

Turning around, he said to the second prince with a cold face, "Now that you have made a decision, then go back to the palace and find the Qin Tian Supervisor to handle the matter yourself.

 You should put the affairs of the civil service aside for a while. Your prince's palace has just been built. From tomorrow onwards, you can move out of the palace. "

Mrs. Tai frowned, the emperor actually took advantage of the second prince's errand.

 After punishing the second prince, she would no longer be able to ask for Han Yao to be a concubine.

 The second prince's face turned pale, and his fists under his wide sleeves were clenched tightly.

He originally thought that if he agreed to accept Han Yao, this matter would be over.

Unexpectedly, his father not only gave him a job as an official, but also asked him to move out of the palace.

The second prince wanted to keep his job as a civil servant, but it could be seen that his father's face was colder than ever before. His lips moved a few times, but he still did not dare to speak.

After a long while, he reluctantly responded, "Yes, Father."

At this moment, the second prince was in a very bad mood and had no thoughts left at all. "Father, my son is feeling a little uncomfortable. Can you please step aside and go back to the palace to find the imperial physician to check your pulse?"


 The second prince lowered his eyes and turned to leave, without even looking at Han Yao from beginning to end.

Han Yao collapsed on the ground in despair.

Although she succeeded in getting in touch with the second prince, she was so tired that the emperor gave him a job and asked him to move out of the palace.

The second prince must be angry with her. Even if she can enter the second prince's house, the second prince will not treat her well in the future.

The Dowager gave her a dissatisfied look. The second prince had not yet married his wife, although Liang Di's rank was lower.

But Han Yao is the first woman to enter the second prince's palace. As long as she wins the second prince's heart and gives birth to a son before the main concubine enters the house, the mother is more valuable than the son. I believe the second prince will definitely raise her rank. .

King Dingyuan kept frowning. Originally, he planned to let Han Yao move to the family temple in the future.

 But now...that's all.

Since she wanted to climb a high branch and entered the Second Prince's Mansion, it had nothing to do with their Dingyuan Prince's Mansion.

 In this matter, if anyone is the happiest, it is the prince.

The second prince was given a job and ordered to move out of the palace to see how he would fight with him in the future.

If he hadn't been worried about the emperor's presence, the prince could hardly help but look up to the sky and laugh.

He is the prince, and he will only be the one who will be honored in the future.

 The second prince must not get involved.

The prince thought his pride was well concealed, but the emperor saw through it at a glance.

The emperor was a little disappointed. He had asked the tutor to teach the prince carefully for many years, but people could still easily see through his thoughts.

 Prince, it is embarrassing for him to take on such a big job.

 The emperor was in a good mood when he left the palace. But what happened to the second prince made him feel ashamed.

However, when he saw Ning Chuyi standing aside, his expression softened again.

Especially when he saw the charming Ling Chu standing not far away, this pair of talented man and beautiful woman made his mood improve.

The emperor was very pleased. He felt that Ning Chuyi was the most like him. He was good at both civil and military affairs, and his skills were not lacking. He could face the collapse of Mount Tai without changing his expression. Not only is he good-looking, he also has good eyesight.

The disciple of Master Xuan Yi was actually the daughter of King Dingyuan.

Ning Chuyi satisfied him in every aspect, but he was too gentle towards the girl.

 If this continues, I don’t know when I will be able to marry Han Chu into the family.

Looks like he still needs his help to broker the deal.

The emperor withdrew his gaze and turned to look at King Dingyuan.

"Han Aiqing, today is such a happy day, and I am also very happy. Is the banquet about to begin? I haven't eaten out for a long time, and today is just the right time to taste the skills of your royal chef."

Although it would be a great honor for the emperor to have dinner at Dingyuan Prince's Mansion.

 But for safety reasons, the emperor generally would not eat outside.

Although Dingyuan Prince's Mansion is heavily guarded, there are many guests coming today, so there is no guarantee that no one with ulterior motives will sneak in.

If anything happens to the emperor in Dingyuan Palace, they cannot afford it.

King Dingyuan did not move, and urged with a serious look on his face, "Your Majesty, it's time for you to return to the palace."

The commander of the imperial army and his father-in-law looked at King Dingyuan with gratitude. They had long wanted to persuade the emperor to return to the palace. It's just that the emperor rarely leaves the palace once, so they didn't dare to disappoint the emperor.

The emperor glared at King Dingyuan dissatisfiedly, "On this happy day, Han Aiqing should not say such disappointing things."

Seeing that King Dingyuan was unmoved, he even tried to persuade him.

The emperor simply ignored him and walked towards Ling Chu with a smile, "Princess Jiashan, don't be as stingy as your father. You are a guest. I brought a gift today, so I have to taste you." A banquet at the royal palace.

 Let's go, lead me there quickly. There were a lot of guests here today, and I was late. I was afraid I wouldn't even be able to wash the pot in time. "

Ling Chu smiled.

 She did not expect that the always majestic emperor had such an easy-going side.

But she can understand it if she thinks about it.

Although the Emperor is the most noble, he is also a human being.

Trapped in the palace day after day, year after year, I'm afraid I'm tired of eating even the most delicious royal meals.

It was a rare trip out of the palace, but she just wanted to have a meal outside. Seeing that he had deprived Han Yao of the title of county lord, she should not spoil the emperor's happiness at all.

Lingchu smiled and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty. You have given me a big gift today, and I will not let you eat the water in the pot. I will make sure you have enough food and drink."

The emperor laughed heartily and said, "Okay, okay, okay, I haven't had a drink to my heart's content for a long time. I want to drink to my heart's content today."

Looking at Ning Chuyi, the emperor felt that iron could not become steel.

 He personally created such a good opportunity for him, but that stupid boy didn't know how to seize it.

The emperor dissatisfied and turned to Ning Chuyi, who was discussing defense matters with Commander Pang, "Ning Aiqing, come with me for a drink. Commander Pang is here for my safety, so you don't need to worry about me."

Ning Chuyi turned around and saw that the emperor looked a little unhappy. After hesitating for a moment, he had no choice but to respond and walk over.

The emperor's dissatisfaction immediately disappeared when he saw Ning Chuyi and Ling Chu walking beside him.

However, the emperor’s idea of ​​having a meal at Dingyuan Prince’s Mansion failed in the end.

Just when a group of people were about to reach the banquet hall, they happened to see a long team of boys carrying boxes of various sizes.

 The leader, Manager Han, saw the emperor and came quickly to pay his respects.

 The emperor's eyes fell on the gift list in his hand, and his expression suddenly changed.

 Do you have any tickets?

 No, I’ll ask again later.

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