Chapter 360 Price

"Girl, I haven't been able to conceive a child in the three years since I got married, and I can't conceive even more after I got sick. If you turn the disease back on me, I will die."

Mrs. Zhou cried miserably to Ling Chu.

 Although poor people must be hateful.

But the sick person was the wife of Shangshu Mansion, and Ling Chu had no control over the matter.

Mrs. Zhou kowtowed to Shangshu Bi again, "Master Bi, we did something wrong. We shouldn't have harmed the wife, but we had no choice but to do it.

There are three types of unfilial piety, the greatest of which is not having offspring. My husband is a single son of the third generation, and I cannot be a sinner of the Zhou family. Please, sir, spare me this time. "

 Mrs. Zhou became more and more sad the more she cried, Zhou Jiang also knelt down towards Bi Shangshu with red eyes.

 Bi Shangshu looked very unhappy.

Although he sympathized with the couple, he had to save his mother.

 The people watching pointed.

 Bi Shangshu is in a dilemma.

It is scary to say that if he insists on turning the disease back to Mrs. Zhou. The world might say that he was cruel because he didn't even care about a woman's life or death.

 Some people might even blame him for causing the Zhou family to die out.

 But if he let Zhou Jiang and his wife go, he would be harming his own mother.

Bi Hongsheng resented the Zhou family and his wife, but he also knew that it was not easy for his eldest brother to become an official. If someone takes advantage of you and attacks you, even if you don't lose your official position, your reputation will be ruined.

Mrs. Shangshu saw her husband's dilemma.

"Miss Ling, do you have any idea..."

Before she finished speaking, Ling Chu also knew that she was asking about a way to get the best of both worlds.

Mrs. Zhou saw what Madam Shangshu meant and kowtowed to her gratefully.

Turning to Lingchu again, "Girl, I don't want to die, I don't want to be unconscious again.

 Do you have any idea? Can you please help me? "

Since Bi Shangshu didn’t want to embarrass Zhou Jiang and his wife, Ling Chu had nothing to say.

“There is a way, but there is a price to pay, are you willing?”

Mrs. Zhou felt happy and nodded fiercely, "As long as you don't die and have a chance to conceive a child, I can give you whatever you want."

Zhou Jiang also echoed from the sidelines.

“My method is to bring back the illness of the dowager, and each of you and your wife will bear half of it.

This way Mrs. Zhou will not be unconscious again.

But Zhou Jiang has to bear half of the pain, are you willing? "

Zhou Jiang's expression changed. The pain was not bearable.

 Seeing his hesitant expression, Mrs. Zhou's expression turned ugly and said, "Husband..."

Zhou Jiang raised his eyes and looked over. He didn't know what he thought of, but suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "I do."

Lingchu glanced at him and asked Bi Shangshu, "Master Bi, have you made your decision?"

“Miss Ling, I wonder if this will affect my mother’s health?”

“Don’t worry, as long as the disease is taken away, Mrs. Tai will be able to recover.”

Bi Hongsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Zhou Jiang, I can agree to your request. But I want to know, who instigated you to attack my mother?"

Zhou Jiang shook his head, "No one instigated me. This is my own idea."

 Bi Shangshu looked at him steadily, obviously not believing what he said.

Zhou Jiang thought of the three generations in his family and his father before his death, and cried and begged him to leave descendants.

“This is what I was inspired by when I was dining in a restaurant when I heard Mr. Li, the left minister of the Ministry of Industry, chatting with a friend and mentioned an anecdote.”

Mr. Li's anecdote is about a man whose father is seriously ill and cannot be cured. When he was at his wits' end, the man rescued a Taoist priest who fainted from hunger in front of his house.

After the Taoist priest woke up, in order to repay the man, he taught him to find a healthy person, and then cast a spell to help him lend the medicine pot to him.

 Transfer the disease away, and the man's father recovered without medicine.

Zhou Jiang was worried about his wife's illness and overheard this strange news. So he wanted to give it a try and found a Taoist priest to cast a spell.

 I didn’t expect that I would be successful on the first try. Zhou Jiang felt a little regretful. When he heard this strange news, he felt grateful to Mr. Li.

He knew that Li Ji was not getting along with Bi Hongsheng. In order to repay him, he also heard that Mrs. Bi Futai had always been in good health, so he chose to transfer his wife's illness to her.

Bi Shangshu's face was very cold. He didn't believe that this was a coincidence.

Left Minister Li Ji did not deal with him. Although this was not his instigation, it was directed at him.

 If something happens to his mother, he can only worry.

Li Ji is equivalent to becoming the top leader of the Ministry of Industry.

It's a pity that although he knew that this was Li Ji's conspiracy, he couldn't do anything to him.

With the matter clear, Bi Hongsheng signaled Ling Chu to cast a spell.

“Zhou Jiang, although I can let you bear half of the disease, you have harmed Mrs. Bifu and damaged your moral character.

 The lifespan of your husband and wife will also be affected in the future.

If you don’t want to die, pay half of your family’s property to the Madam.

The remaining half, you must give porridge to the poor families in the city.


 In fact, Lingchu could cast a spell to transfer Mrs. Zhou's disease to those cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs.

 But she was unwilling to do so.

Whether it is a pig or a dog, they are all alive.

More importantly, she has to let everyone know that transferring her disease to others will not only cost her family money, but also affect her lifespan.

If anyone still wants to use the method of borrowing a medicine pot to harm others, they must first consider whether they can afford the price.

The faces of Zhou Jiang and his wife changed again and again. Although they were unwilling, they had to grit their teeth and agree for the sake of their heirs.

 Seeing that they agreed, Lingchu started to cast the spell.

 Take the medical pot borrowed from Bi Shangshu, erase the name and birth date of the wife, and write those of Zhou Jiang and his wife.

Then make a secret to let Bi Shangshu and Zhou Jiang fall asleep.

 In the dream, Bi Hongsheng returned the medicine pot to Zhou Jiang.

 Everyone could not see what happened in the dream. They only saw Bi Shangshu and Zhou Jiang falling asleep after Ling Chu cast the spell.

 Not long after, the two woke up again.

Ling Chu walked to the Tai Fu's couch and cast a mysterious spell on her.

 Soon, the madam opened her eyes.

Everyone in the Bi Mansion suddenly became careless and pounced on him.

Lingchu stepped aside and said to Bi Shangshu, "My wife is still a little weak, but the problem is not serious. Just ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine to treat her."

 The imperial doctor who followed from Bi Mansion was surprised to see Ling Chu resuscitating the wife.

 After checking Mrs. Tai’s pulse, she found that all the symptoms on her body were indeed gone, and she couldn’t be more impressed with Ling Chu.

Although Zhou Jiang and his wife were not in coma, they were both sick.

Seeing this scene with their own eyes, the onlookers exclaimed that it was amazing, it turned out that diseases can really be cured.

The emperor learned that Mrs. Bi Fu's health had recovered, and he greatly praised Ning Chuyi and Ling Chu in the court.

Even in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, he asked Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment to hand over all cases that could not be solved to Jin Yiwei.

The Minister of Dali Temple and the Minister of Punishment knew that the emperor wanted Ning Chuyi to complete one hundred cases as soon as possible.

The arms cannot twist the thighs, so the two of them can only respond respectfully.

Ling Chu is happy to see the success.

The more she helps Ning Chuyi, the faster she can pay off her debt to him.

Mrs. Tai recovered. In order to thank Ling Chu, Bi Shangshu sent some craftsmen to help her build the yard.

After the building was completed, Han Yao suddenly came to Lingchu's house and asked her to move back to Dingyuan Prince's Mansion.

Request for votes~

  (End of this chapter)

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