I Made a Fortune By Raiding Houses In Ancient Times

Chapter 356: Borrowing a medicine pot in a dream


After Bi Hongsheng, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, spoke, he realized that the person who had just spoken was not Dr. Li, but a strange young female voice.

Bi Hongsheng turned around and realized that Ning Chuyi was standing behind him, and next to him stood a girl wearing soap clothes.

Beside them is the steward of Bi Mansion, who apparently brought Ning Chuyi and the others here.

Although Bi Hongsheng did not know Ling Chu, among the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, only the emperor's newly appointed Jin Yiwei Xiaoqi was a woman.

After the emperor sealed Ling Chu, Bi Hongsheng, like many officials, also inquired about her out of curiosity.

 Knowing that she is a disciple of Master Xuan Yi.

I even heard that she was the daughter of King Dingyuan.

But none of that matters now. Bi Hongsheng looked at Ling Chu expectantly, "Miss Ling, what did you mean by what you just said...?"

Lingchu knew that he actually heard her words clearly, but he just couldn't believe it.

 “The madam cannot die. If she returns her illness, she will be restored to health.”

Bi Hongsheng frowned.

 Actually, it wasn't just him, everyone present looked at Ling Chu in confusion.

Everyone understood every word of what she just said, but when put together, no one understood what it meant.

If Ling Chu hadn't been a disciple of Master Xuan Yi, and the emperor had ordered her and Ning Chuyi to come over to her, she might have been kicked out by the people of Bi Mansion at this moment.

Lingchu saw that Bi Shangshu didn't understand.

Even Ning Chuyi’s face showed curiosity.

 The corners of Lingchu's mouth twitched.

 Well, she didn’t make it clear.

“The lady herself is not sick, and the illnesses she has now are all borrowed. Therefore, by returning those illnesses, the lady can regain her health.”

Bi Shangshu still looked a little confused.

 He has been studying for more than ten years and has been an official for many years. He considers himself to be very knowledgeable.

 But he couldn't understand what a little girl said today.

If he hadn't seen Doctor Li opposite, who also had a puzzled look on his face, Bi Shangshu would have almost suspected that there was something wrong with his brain.

For the sake of his wife, Bi Shangshu just wanted to ask again without shame.

His eldest daughter Bi Yelan had already spoken quickly, "Miss Ling, why can't I understand you? I've heard of borrowing money, borrowing books, borrowing rice, and borrowing grain, but I've never heard of borrowing money." Can take advantage of illness."

“I know that many things in the world can be borrowed, but can illness also be borrowed?”

 “The disease can neither be seen nor touched, how can we borrow it?”

Physician Li looked at Bi Yelan who looked doubtful. He actually wanted to say that it was wrong.

 For doctors and imperial physicians, diseases can be seen and touched.

It’s just that Doctor Li was also curious about what Ling Chu meant by what he just said.

No one interrupted Bi Yelan, and she continued cracklingly, "You said that my grandmother's illness was borrowed. Isn't that right? Our whole family hopes that my grandmother will be healthy and live a long life. Even if the illness can be borrowed, it's nothing. Good thing, no one will lend this to my grandmother.”

Bi Yelan’s words expressed the thoughts of everyone present.

 Everyone looked at Ling Chu.

Seeing Bi Yelan looking at him with big bright eyes, Ling Chu was not annoyed.

He smiled and said, "What you said is wrong. Sickness can be borrowed. If I guessed correctly, Mrs. Bi's sickness was borrowed by Bi Shangshu."

Bi Hongsheng opened his mouth, hesitating whether his ears were hallucinating or whether he had become a fool. However, Bi Yelan asked with great interest, "Is it true that illness can really be borrowed? How can we borrow it?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Bi Yelan realized that her attitude was wrong. The one who was sick was her grandmother.

In a blink of an eye, Bi Hongsheng stared at Bi Hongsheng with a suspicious look on his face, "Dad, are you possessed by a ghost and are you borrowing your grandmother's illness?"

"Lan'er..." Mrs. Shangshu saw that she was getting more and more outrageous, so she quickly stretched out her hand and pulled her sleeve.

Bi Yelan glanced at her father subconsciously and saw that his expression was not good.

He didn't dare to speak again, he just looked at Ling Chu curiously with his eyes open.

Bi Hongsheng glared at Bi Yelan, and then said, "Miss Ling, I'm sorry that I'm stupid and didn't understand what you said. Although I don't know how to borrow a disease, I can tell you with certainty that I have never borrowed a disease."

Perhaps in order to prove that he was not lying, Bi Hongsheng followed up and said, "The one who is sick is my mother, her biological child. Moreover, my mother and I have always gotten along harmoniously. There is no conflict, no friction, and no hatred. What should I borrow?" , I won’t let my mother suffer.”

Bi Hongsheng, the second master of Bi Mansion, also said, "Miss Ling, my eldest brother didn't lie. If something happens to my mother, my eldest brother will want Ding You, and it won't be of any benefit to him.

 There is no way he could harm my mother. "

In fact, Bi Hongsheng was a little disapproving. This disciple of Master Xuan Yi seemed to be just mediocre and had no real ability at all. If Ning Chuyi hadn't been watching from the side, he would have wanted someone to kick her out.

Lingchu could see the impatience in Bi Hongsheng's eyes at a glance.

 Forget it, considering that the system has absorbed so much jade from Master Ning, it is nothing for her to endure it.

In order to prevent others from suspecting that she was talking nonsense, Ling Chu made a lot of calculations and then said, "According to the hexagram, the illness of Mrs. Tai is caused by the medicine pot..."

As soon as the words came out, everyone turned to stare at the maid who was preparing the medicine for the wife.

The maid's face turned pale, and she knelt down in fright, "Master, madam, slave... I didn't poison the wife."

Ling Chu twitched the corner of his mouth, why should he be so anxious? She hadn't finished speaking yet.

Seeing that the maid was about to cry, Ling Chu could only say, "Don't get me wrong, the lady is not poisoned."

Physician Li glanced at Ling Chu and swallowed back the words that came to his mouth.

Bi Yelan couldn't help but wonder, "Miss Ling, since it's not poisoning, what's wrong with the medicine pot?"

 Ling Chu did not answer Bi Yelan, but turned to Bi Hongsheng, "Master Bi, before Madam Tai fell ill, did you have a dream in which you borrowed a medicine pot?"

Bi Hongsheng was surprised and blurted out, "How do you know?"

Bi Yelan was even more surprised than him, "Dad, did you really borrow the medical pot? We have several medical pots at home, so there is no need to borrow them."

What Bi Yelan didn't say was that even if there wasn't one, people like them wouldn't need to borrow a medical pot.

It's not a rare thing that cannot be bought. There is none in the house. They can ask their servants to buy it back at any time.

 Let alone one medical pot, one hundred and eighty will not be a problem.

Bi Hongsheng ignored his daughter's words. He couldn't help but be surprised, "Miss Ling is indeed a disciple of Master Xuan Yi. She can actually see other people's dreams from the hexagrams."

He dreamed about borrowing the medicine pot and did not tell anyone about it, but Lingchu was able to figure it out through the hexagrams, which really impressed him.

Ling Chu smiled modestly.

Bi Yelan couldn't wait to ask, "Dad, tell me quickly, what dream did you have and why did you need to borrow the medicine pot?"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him curiously, Bi Hongsheng glanced at the unconscious wife on the bed and said, "A month ago, I did have a dream that my mother was sick.

I knew there was a medical pot in my house, but for some reason, I borrowed one from someone else and brought it back to cook her medicine..."

Thank you CHEN, for writing the future, this moment, laughing with you, Shangyue, colorful life, 20230828227_ac, 20210301106472433066, 20170318191430835, 20181128100506706, this moment, laughing with you, official_DC, prose_Ba, haichan, Julienne, white clouds in the sky L, A! Purple leaves, yuanjuan, cm_Ea, all living beings, Panax notoginseng_Db, half an apple, chlwch, Xiongbin, mentioning the future, Yilianyoumeng_Bc, Yilianyoumeng_Bc, Falling Leaves Know Autumn_Ad, Lalan Xixi, Hacked book friends keep re-checking in, heartbeat on the left, .v·, China Fuze, ixixi, why we grow old, Tao Yao_eb, Luo Luo, Yangliu An ~, 20230121012702243, Qingsha makeup, the wind of the blue planet, 2023077797_bE and other book friends' recommendation votes support.

   Thanks to Hongxiu and Xiaoxiang for supporting book friends.

  (End of this chapter)

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