I Made a Fortune By Raiding Houses In Ancient Times

Chapter 344: The evidence is conclusive

Ning Chuyi knelt down, picked up a piece of silver and looked at it.

 The silver ingot is engraved with the words "Baofeng Longzhu".

Helbaofenglong is one of the three major banks in Beijing.

It seems that this silver is not official silver, but market silver.

Wei Feng was also holding a piece of silver and looking at it. When he saw the bank name on it, he couldn't help frowning, "How can these be municipal silver? Could it be that these silvers were not obtained by Teng Chong's corruption, but were obtained by taking bribes?"

Ning Chuyi shook his head, "This is official silver."

Wei Feng was stunned for a moment, then looked at it carefully and found that the silver ingot contained gold.

This quality looks very similar to the ingot given to Duke Ningguo by the emperor.

Wei Feng suddenly realized, "Sir, is this gold and silver?"

Ning Chuyi nodded.

 The imperial court stipulated that gold flowers and silver could not be circulated in the market. After this kind of silver is minted, it can only be contributed to the national treasury. The emperor would use it to pay monthly salaries to officials, or as rewards.

The silver ingots in the mezzanine of Teng Chong's study are all five or ten taels.

They are all engraved with "Baofenglongzhu".

Wei Feng shook his head, "This Teng Chong is really very courageous. He was in charge of the imperial court's banking bureau, and he dared to embezzle so much money. Could it be that he thought he would find a bank to melt the stolen silver and make it into silver ingots? Others won’t recognize it.”

 Ning Chuyi said nothing.

Teng Chong has been able to hold the position of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Household Affairs for so many years, so he is certainly not a stupid person.

It’s not that he didn’t know that the gold and silver would not be recognized even if they were melted into other forms.

 But even if you know it, so what, people’s greed cannot be curbed.

Teng Chong is in charge of the silver situation, and those gold and silver are a huge temptation.

As long as the benefits are great enough, it is worth taking the risk.

Furthermore, corrupt people often have a luck mentality and think that they are lucky enough that what they do will not be exposed.

 In addition to the silver ingots hidden on this largest wall, there are gold bricks hidden in the mezzanine of the other two walls.

 They were all smashed out by Ling Chu with a small hammer.

Ning Chuyi asked people to start counting, registering, and finally sealing the boxes.

 The gold and silver taken out from the study were about 380,000 taels.

 Including what was copied out before, there are already 710,000 taels.

 We copied so many copies on the first day, Wei Feng and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Bing squinted his eyes and watched silently, no one knew what he was thinking.

 Everyone is excited.

Seeing that it was not dark yet, I took the time to continue the search.

 It’s a pity that every wall has been knocked on, but nothing more has been found.

Wu Bing, who had been supervising with a stern face, suddenly said, "Pry open all the green bricks on the ground and search."

Wei Feng and the others frowned and said, "Sir, we have checked all the floor tiles and there is nothing abnormal."

“With such a thick blue brick, you cannot be sure that there is no hidden silver underneath just by tapping it. You must pry it open to ensure that no fish escapes the net.”

  Everyone has a sullen face.

The Minister's Mansion is so big. If we pry open every brick and dig deeper, three days will not be enough.

Ning Chuyi looked at Ling Chu.

Wei Feng couldn't wait to ask, "Ling Xiaoqi, can you calculate whether there is any hidden silver under these floor tiles?"

 There is a system, and Ling Chu doesn’t even need to do calculations to know that it’s not there.

 But she knew that even if she made a fortune, Wu Bing would not believe it.

Just call out a small hammer, smash all the floor tiles, and then let the big shovel dig up the soil underneath.

 Fortunately, Ning Chuyi had allowed the system to absorb so many jade pendants before, otherwise Ling Chu would not have been able to keep letting the big shovel and small hammer help.

 After one stick of incense, all the floor tiles in the Minister's Mansion were dug up beyond recognition.

 Not even half a penny was dug out.

Wu Bing said nothing, but his eyes looking at Ling Chu became more and more solemn. He didn't expect that King Dingyuan's daughter could be so capable.

Ling Chu knew that Wu Bing was wary of her.

Although she wanted to keep a low profile, in order to help Ning Chuyi official resume his post, some things were unavoidable.

Ning Chuyi has helped her so much, but she can't hide her ability even though she is capable, and watch him being suppressed by others.

 If so, she will have a bad conscience.

Ning Chuyi raised his head and looked at the sky. Seeing that there was still time, he ordered, "Move the ladder and check the ladder."

 There is a cylindrical tile at the front end of the eaves, which is called a tile.

 Some craftsmen will carve auspicious animals and auspicious clouds on the tiles, or draw auspicious words such as fortune, longevity, and happiness.

Some people will melt the silver and hide it in a tile. Even if thieves find out, they cannot steal it. Because in order to steal the money, the tiles must be demolished.

Once this thing is dismantled, the movement cannot be hidden from others at all.

Lingchu glanced at Ning Chuyi and swallowed the words on his lips.

She wanted to say that she would tear down the eaves just now, but she didn't expect Ning Chuyi to say it first.

 Lingchu summoned the small hammer.

When Wei Feng saw it, he immediately beamed and said, "Ling Xiaoqi, you have come to our Jinyiwei team at the right time. With you here, we don't have to do anything."

Ling Chu smiled back at him and said modestly, "It should, it should."

 Although it is modest, it is also true.

If it weren't for Ning Chuyi's jade stones, her system would have run out of energy and would have been unbound to her.

Now for Ning Chuyi, even if the big shovel and small hammer consume some energy, it should be done.

Yin Sha glanced at Ning Chuyi and saw that he frowned slightly, knowing that he was dissatisfied with Wei Feng's words.

  They are the royal guards and it is their duty to raid homes, but they cannot rely on Miss Ling for everything.

Ling Chu waved his hand and let the small hammer hit a round tile.

Yin Sha also used Qing Gong, flew up to the roof, raised his foot and kicked another tile with auspicious clouds carved on it.

The tile fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

The silver that fell out made a "ding-dong" sound.

Originally, Wei Feng was waiting for Ling Chu to use a small hammer to smash down the tiles, but when he saw Yin Sha taking action, he had no intention of just standing by and watching.

So he also took the royal guards up to the roof.

It's easier to do things when there are more people, and these royal guards all have martial arts skills, so they can be dismantled very quickly.

 For a time, there was a crackling sound in the Minister's Mansion.

Teng Chong's father, mother, wife, concubines and children were locked in the hall. Seeing this scene through the crack of the window, they could no longer care about the money and could only pray to God to let them escape and not be beheaded by the emperor.

More than a quarter of an hour later, everyone finally dismantled all the tiles in the Minister's Mansion. After counting, they found about 20,000 taels.

They also found many boxes containing silver from the beams of various courtyards, and copied out more than nineteen thousand taels of silver and treasure notes.

Although it is not much, it is one step closer to one million and seventy thousand taels.

Jinyiwei has a rule not to raid homes at dusk, in order to prevent anyone from fishing in troubled waters at night.

Before dark, Ning Chuyi asked everyone to register all the things they copied, put them in the box, and put a seal on them.

 The house search on the first day is completed.

 A team of guards in royal robes were arranged to guard the palace of the Vice Minister.

Ning Chuyi personally took the people and transported the copied things into the palace.

 If gold and silver are copied, Teng Chong's accusation of corruption will be confirmed. His family members will all be taken to prison to await trial.

Even though they were tired and hungry after a busy day, everyone was still very happy at the thought of killing Wu Bing.

Ling Chu did not go to Xiankelai with everyone. When she left the minister's house, she saw King Dingyuan waiting for her outside the gate.

 Finally finished coding the second update before 12 o'clock.

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