Having been splashed with the most disgusting thing in public, Wu Bing felt disgusted and ashamed.

 Immediately became furious.

He pulled out the embroidered spring knife from his waist with a clang.

He was about to slash at Ling Chu with his sword.

Ning Chuyi's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Ling Chu did not give these two people a chance to take action.

He quickly made a secret gesture and flicked it towards Wu Bing, making him unable to move.

But there was a look of annoyance on his face, "It's all because of the impetuousness of the young man's work, which caused the master to be stained with this dirty thing. I hope Master Wu can forgive me."

Seeing that Wu Bing didn't say anything, Ling Chu praised him again, "Sir Wu is really good-natured and doesn't care about me. Thank you, sir. I will be careful not to hurt you next time."

Ling Chu said it sincerely. Seeing that Wu Bing was silent, the other Jinyi guards thought that he was not a commander who could attack a small flag in public.

Unknown to him, Wu Bing was shocked and angry at the same time.

He wanted to kill Ling Chu, but he found that he was suddenly unable to move, and he couldn't even turn his eyes.

Wu Bing has never encountered anything like this.

 I was so panicked for a moment that I couldn't help but wonder if I had some strange illness.

 Seeing that everyone’s attention is on Wu Bing and Ling Chu.

Zhu Yi quietly took out a silver ingot from his body, quickly used his internal energy, and flicked it towards the cesspit.

 But the silver was half gone.

 A big shovel suddenly appeared and slapped the silver hard.

 Everyone looked over subconsciously.

 I heard a clanging sound.

The silver ingot followed the path it came from and was knocked back by the shovel.

Zhu Yi screamed.

His hand was covering his forehead, and blood was dripping from between his fingers.

Lingchu stepped forward quickly, kicked the silver ingot that fell aside, and said in surprise, "Ah, how can this be silver? I thought it was some kind of hidden weapon.

 Master Zhu, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't look carefully, I moved a little too quickly, and I accidentally hurt you."

Before Zhu Yi could speak, Ling Chu quickly sent another flattery, "Master Zhu has a good belly like the commander, and he doesn't care about the younger one. Thank you sir, your belly is indeed extraordinary, big enough, big enough."

Seeing that Ling Chu finished his praise and took a special look at Zhu Yi's round belly, the veins on Ning Chuyi's forehead jumped and picked up.

The shoulders of Wei Feng and the guards around him were shaking as if they were having a convulsion.

  Hold up laughing until your cheek hurts.

Zhu Yi’s eyes wanted to eat Ling Chu alive.

 I wanted to get angry, but the commander didn’t even care if he was splashed with salt. He couldn’t fight with a small flag as a commander.

What's more, she apologized, said it was a misunderstanding, and praised him for being as generous as the commander.

If he wanted to fight with a little girl, these people wouldn't know how to laugh at him.

He could only hold in his breath.

 But seeing Wei Feng and the others laughing so hard, Zhu Yi was still so angry that she wanted to vomit blood.

He didn't want to endure it and wanted to draw his sword to kill.

Ning Chuyi looked at him with eyes like daggers, "Commander Zhu, do you think Ling Xiaoqi worked too hard and feel bad about it, so you want to express your gratitude with money?"

The murderous intent in Ning Chuyi's eyes made Zhu Yi's heart tighten.

It would have been fine if he had just flicked the silver ingot into the manure pit. He could insist that it was Zuo Shilang's hidden silver.

 But in full view of everyone, he was beaten back with a big shovel.

Not to mention Ning Chuyi, even the Jin Yiwei present saw through his intentions.

Zhu Yi was filled with hatred, but she could only put on a smile that was uglier than crying, "Yes, yes, yes, Lord Ning is right.

Ling Xiaoqi did everyone's work by himself. It was indeed very hard. This money is my reward for Ling Xiaoqi. "

Lingchu felt that the title Ling Xiaoqi was a bit awkward, but who said she had the lowest position. After smashing Zhu Yi, Ling Chu accepted it when he saw that it was good. He smiled and said, "Thank you very much for Zhu Qianshi's reward."

 Zhu Yi’s heart was bleeding.

He wanted to help Wu Bing win the bet, but not only did he not succeed, he was smashed to pieces and bleeding, and in the end he didn't even keep the silver ingot.

 He has lost both his wife and his army.

Ling Chu didn't mind that the silver ingot was too small. After picking it up, he said to Ning Chuyi, "Master Ning, with this silver, could you please ask someone to go to the street and buy some tea so that everyone can moisten their throats?"

Ning Chuyi didn't need to ask for such a trivial matter. Wei Feng had already taken it with a smile and handed it to the captain next to him to run errands.

Looking at the sky, Ling Chu moved the remaining feces into the pit without letting other Jinyi guards do anything.

 Let the big shovel dig the manure pit from bottom to top.

 As a result, of course, I didn’t get even half a penny.

Seeing that Wu Bing's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, Zhu Yi did not dare to stay any longer.

He left in a hurry on the pretext of going to see a doctor to bandage his wounds.

Wu Bing was annoyed, this Zhu Yi was a fool who failed to achieve anything but failed.

There are so many cesspits in the Minister's Mansion. He doesn't know how to avoid people, but he has to act in front of so many people.

Wu Bing snorted coldly.

He was suddenly startled again.

It was then that I realized that I could move and speak.

He immediately said to Ling Chu with a sullen face, "The winner has not yet been decided. There are still nine out of ten cesspits that have not been dug."

It doesn’t matter if the left servant didn’t hide the money in the manure pit. He can help him hide a hundred and eighty taels. It’s just a frame-up trick, and he is very familiar with it.

Wu Bing glanced at the Jin Yiwei next to him.

That Jinyiwei is his confidant Yuan Fen, and you can tell what it means at a glance.

  While no one was paying attention, he quietly turned around and left.

Lingchu was cleaning the shovel with water. She knew that the Jin Yiwei had left, but she didn't pay attention.

She has a system at her disposal. No matter what the Jin Yiwei wants to do, he can't hide it from her.

Soon, Ling Chu knew the intention of the Jin Yiwei.

Yuan Fenda entered the cleanest room in the palace, looked at it for a few times, and then walked around to the cesspool outside.

He took out a few pieces of silver and a piece of gold from his sleeve pocket, glanced at it, and wanted to put the gold back into his sleeve pocket.

But after hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and put the gold and silver together again.

Just as he was about to throw it into the manure pit, his arm suddenly hurt.

The five pieces of silver and the piece of gold rolled to the ground.

Yuan Fen was startled and turned around and saw no one.

Just as he was in shock and doubt, a sudden gust of wind hit his back.

Even though he guessed something was wrong, Yuan Fen was caught off guard and fell into the manure pit.

 Fortunately, he held his breath, mouth and nose at the best moment, otherwise he would have become the first Jinyiwei in history to be drowned in feces.

Yuan Fen has martial arts skills. He endured nausea and used Qinggong to jump out of the manure pit.

However, as soon as a head popped up, there was a strong force pressing down on the top of the head.

Even though he tried his best to hold it in until his face turned red, Yuan Fen failed to get out of the manure pit.

 It felt like a big mountain was pressing down on my head.

Just when Yuan Fen was getting more and more desperate, Wei Feng's surprised voice suddenly came, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, no wonder your name is Yuan Dung, and you even take a bath with dung. Your hobby is really special."

Yuan Fen struggled to raise his head and saw Wei Feng and the Jin Yiwei beside him, and his vision immediately went dark.

 He wanted to die.

Ling Chu: Do you have the tickets?

  (End of this chapter)

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