Lingchu thought about it. Since the original owner was no longer here, she inherited the body of the original owner.

The prince and the princess really loved her, so she would try to treat them as her parents.

While the family of four was enjoying themselves, a **** came to the palace.

Eunuch Cao met King Dingyuan and greeted him with a smile.

 But his expression was a little strange.

 King Dingyuan was a little suspicious, and waited until he heard that Eunuch Cao was here to announce the decree to Ling Chu.

Looking a little surprised.

 But I didn’t think much about it.

 I was wondering, could it be that the emperor knew that he recognized Ling Chu and wanted to grant her a title?

 Although he was speculating in his heart, King Dingyuan didn't say anything. He only asked the boy to set up the incense table.

 But when Eunuch Cao finished reading the imperial edict, the family of four was shocked.

King Dingyuan frowned and said in disbelief, "Eunuch Cao, the emperor appointed my daughter as a guard flag?

Did the father-in-law read the imperial decree wrong, or is there something wrong with the king's ears? "

 In fact, what King Dingyuan wanted to ask Eunuch Cao was, is the emperor crazy?

Eunuch Cao could probably guess what he was thinking by looking at his expression.

 In fact, it was not only King Dingyuan who thought the emperor was crazy. When the emperor made this decision, the courtiers thought that the emperor had become a coward.

Eunuch Cao was slandering in his heart, but he said with a smile on his face, "Your Majesty, Zajia read it correctly, and your ears are also fine. The emperor indeed named Miss Ling the little flag of the Jinyiwei Xiaoqi. This is absolutely true."

Knowing that King Dingyuan still couldn't believe it, Eunuch Cao simply handed him the imperial edict.

King Dingyuan calmly received the edict and read it ten lines at a time.

Eunuch Cao is right. The imperial edict is indeed to confer Lingchu the title of Jin Yiwei Xiaoqi.

 King Dingyuan was still in disbelief.

 Throughout the dynasties, there has never been a woman as a royal guard.

The emperor would not personally issue a decree to seal a seventh-rank Jinyiwei Xiaoqi.

 However, the emperor not only issued an imperial edict to Ling Chu.

 This edict was written by him himself.

The jade seal on the cover is also genuine.

King Dingyuan put aside the suspicion that someone had forged the imperial edict and looked up at Eunuch Cao.

“I left the capital a few days ago on errands and just came back last night. What happened in the court?”

 King Dingyuan guessed well.

 Something happened in the DPRK.

But Eunuch Cao couldn't talk about government affairs in front of everyone, so he could only make a few vague remarks.

 Then he handed a black Xiao Qizao suit to Ling Chu and left with his little father-in-law.

As soon as Eunuch Cao left, the princess became extremely anxious.

King Dingyuan comforted him a few words and hurried out of the mansion to inquire.

  It didn’t take long for him to come back with a sullen face.

 King Dingyuan has found out the matter clearly.

 Some time ago, the emperor ordered Ning Chuyi to leave Beijing on business.

 But before he finished his official business, he suddenly returned to Beijing privately.

 After the prince and the second prince knew about it, they secretly asked officials of their own factions to impeach the emperor and apply eye medicine.

The censors at the Censorship Station are even more insistent on this matter.

Even listed many crimes against Ning Chuyi, such as excluding dissidents, using severe torture to extract confessions during the trial, and handling the case with too harsh and **** methods.

These people jointly put pressure on the emperor, secretly or overtly, and wanted to deprive Ning Chuyi of his position as a royal guard.

The emperor naturally did not want to agree, and even wanted to kill the official who proposed to take away his position.

The official knew that he had touched the dragon's scales and was so frightened that he changed his mind and proposed that Ning Chuyi should be demoted to the rank of Jin Yiwei Tongzhi.

Seeing that the emperor was still unhappy, the official suggested that if Ning Chuyi could handle a hundred cases within a year, he would be reinstated.

As soon as the proposal came out, the prince and the second prince immediately asked officials from their own factions to come forward to second the proposal.

 The emperor was finally forced by the situation and had to agree.     But my heart was not happy.

After demoting Ning Chuyi's position, he immediately issued an order to confer Lingchu the title of Jinyiwei Xiaoqi.

This decree immediately aroused strong opposition from the courtiers.

The reason is that there has never been a woman as a royal guard in all dynasties.

 Faced with everyone's opposition, the emperor was not angry this time.

 But he gave two options.

 That is to let all officials choose between demoting Ning Chuyi to Tongzhi or Feng Lingchu to the rank of Jinyiwei Xiaoqi.

Of course no one wants to choose these two options.

 Some censors scolded the emperor for being a coward.

 But the emperor was determined this time.

 The censor's black gauze hat was taken off in court.

And bluntly said that if anyone objects again, they will be dragged out and beheaded immediately.

Facing the emperor's power, the princelings and the second princes finally chose Ling Chu to be the flag guard.

 After hearing what happened, the princess and Han Lin looked worried.

 On the other hand, Ling Chu was no longer surprised.

 Although she was really surprised when she heard the imperial edict at first.

 But she was not from this era after all, so she quickly thought about it and regarded this matter as just a job, and she just had to go to Jinyi Clinic to work every day from now on.

Lingchu was not as worried about this matter as King Dingyuan and others. Instead, she was worried about Ning Chuyi.

The emperor sent him out to Beijing on errands, but he suddenly returned to Beijing privately. All in all, that was the time when her merit and luck were robbed by Taoist Mingzhen, causing her soul to leave the body.

Ling Chu still remembered that when his soul went to seek revenge against Han Yao, he happened to meet Ning Chuyi on the road as he led Wei Feng and Yin Sha back to Beijing in a hurry, and was chased by a group of men in black.

Ling Chu also helped him and stopped the men in black.

At that time, she was focused on seeking revenge against Han Yao and didn't think much about it.

But now Ling Chu couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Ning Chuyi had received the news and learned that something had happened to her, so he left his official duties and rushed back to rescue her?

How else could he use the jade help system to stabilize her soul at the critical moment when her soul left the body and was trapped by Mingzhen with the hundred ghosts and formations?

 Even let his soul leave his body to save her life.

The more Ling Chu thought about it, the more he felt that his analysis was correct.

Ning Chuyi was demoted this time all to save her.

Ling Chu owed Ning Chuyi so much, and Zheng was worried that he would not have the chance to repay him.

This time, no matter whether it was due to emotion or reason, she had to help him reinstate his official position, otherwise her conscience would be uneasy.

As long as he completes 100 cases within a year, Ning Chuyi can become the commander of the Jinyi Guards.

 She has a system and understands mysticism, so she will definitely be able to help.

Seeing that Lingchu had been silent, King Dingyuan thought that she was worried about her being a Xiaoqi.

The couple owed her too much and were not willing to let her work as an errand in Jinyiwei and be ridiculed and embarrassed.

King Dingyuan planned to enter the palace to ask the emperor to take back the imperial edict.

 But he was stopped by Ling Chu.

“Father, king, mother, concubine, the imperial edict has been issued, and there is absolutely no way for the emperor to take it back.

 It's just an errand at the Jinyi Guards Station. Don't worry, I can handle it.

The reason why the emperor appointed me as the Imperial Guard Xiaoqi is probably to allow me to assist Mr. Ning in handling the case.

Mr. Ning has saved my life many times, and I am the reason why he was demoted this time.

I must join the Jinyi Guards as an errand to help Lord Ning resume his duties as an official. "

King Dingyuan and the others did not know that Ning Chuyi had saved Ling Chu many times.

In order to dispel the idea of ​​King Dingyuan going to ask the emperor to take back the imperial edict, Lingchu had to tell them everything about Ning Chuyi's rescue of her.

After listening to what she said, King Dingyuan and his wife learned that their daughter indeed owed Ning Chuyi a lot of kindness, so they could only accept her as the imperial guard Xiaoqi.

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ps: I don’t know if the system went crazy, but the previous chapter was blocked twice after it was released, so I can only wait until it is released before reading it.

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