In order to survive, Mingzhen had to confess, "The Lord of Wen'an County is Dong's biological daughter, and Miss Ling is the biological daughter of the princess."

Han Yao yelled at Mingzhen angrily, "You are talking nonsense, how could I be the Dong family's child? I am the biological child of the prince and princess. You can't even think of slandering my identity."

Han Yao was almost furious. Mingzhen took her virginity away and instead of helping her, he helped that **** Ling Chu.

 Mingzhen didn’t want to tell the truth unless he had to.

Not to mention, he has only one way to die.

At that time, the princess went to Chongxu Temple to offer incense, and Mr. Dong also went to Chongxu Temple on the same day.

Unexpectedly that day, first a group of refugees broke into the Taoist temple, followed by a group of gangsters.

 Due to the shortage of food in Guanli, the refugees and gangsters robbed the food.

In order to save the food in the Taoist temple, some Taoist priests secretly induced the refugees to rob the pilgrims who came to the temple to offer incense.

Of course, outsiders don’t know this.

At that time, Princess Dingyuan was pregnant with Liujia. The maids and women waiting around her were scattered by the refugees, and the princess was knocked down by the refugees.

Just when she fell, Mr. Dong happened to be not far from her.

 Watching the pregnant Princess Dingyuan being robbed and wrestling and bleeding a lot, Dong was frightened.

She was wearing a full head of vermillion, and she did not escape the robbery of the refugees.

  When I was resisting, I was pushed down and fell down. My fetus was convulsed on the spot and I lost a lot of blood.

Although Princess Dingyuan tried her best to take her to a side room, she fell asleep after giving birth.

Mrs. Dong was left alone. None of the maids and women who were around to serve her when she gave birth, and there was no midwife. Ms. Dong was in pain and scared.

 When the nun next to her found her and helped her give birth to twins, she found that her son was so thin and small that he could barely hear his cry.

Looking at the eldest son who was so thin that he could die at any time, Mrs. Dong felt resentful in his heart.

She hated that the princess was dressed so well that the refugees came to rob her and all her jewelry was robbed.

He hates the princess to affect her fall and blood, which leads to premature birth.

 But after the princess gave birth to the child, she ignored her and left her alone to worry.

Ms. Dong felt that if there had been no princess, she would not have suffered so much, suffered so much, and the children who were born prematurely would not be in poor health.

In order to take revenge on the princess, Dong asked her aunt to secretly exchange Han Yao and Ling Chu.

 The Dong family wanted Han Yao to replace Ling Chu and enjoy the splendor and wealth of the Dingyuan Palace.

 She originally wanted to take revenge on Ling Chu for her resentment towards the princess.

 But every time she saw Ling Chu, Dong would think of the sin she had suffered.

So he found Taoist Mingzhen privately and asked him to give Ling Chu orders to punish his six relatives.

At that time, Mingzhen didn’t know that Dong had secretly changed her children. He thought she was patriarchal, so she asked him to give orders.

Mingzhen originally didn't want to agree, but Dong threatened him openly and secretly. If he didn't agree, she would go to the government to sue him. It was he who attracted the refugees to Chongxu Guan, which caused them to rob her, causing her to give birth prematurely.

Mingzhen was forced by the power of Shangshufu and had no choice but to agree to Dong's approval of Ling Chu's orders.

“The prince and the princess, Pindao was forced by the Dong family, so he had no choice but to order Miss Ling to punish her six relatives.

Pindao didn't know that Dong had changed the child at that time, so he begged the prince and princess to spare Pindao's life because Pindao didn't know about it. "

Ms. Dong glared at Mingzhen angrily, "You're talking nonsense, prince and concubine. This Taoist priest obviously can't stand the poison to force a confession. In order to survive, he slandered me."

Then he said angrily to Ling Chu, "I know that because I fostered you in a Taoist temple since you were a child, you have resentment towards me. Mother admits that she is not good enough to you, and she has not cared enough about you for so many years.

 It is right for you to be resentful towards your mother, but you are indeed my biological daughter.

You can't join forces with your senior brother to poison Taoist Master Mingzhen and let him frame your mother just because you have resentment towards your mother and feel that the Ling Mansion has fallen. "

Ling Chu waited for Dong to finish scolding, and then asked expressionlessly, "Are you my biological mother? Did I join forces with my senior brother to let Ming Zhen frame you?"

Ling Chu sneered, turned around and took a few letters from Xia Zhi, and threw them in front of Dong, "Then tell me, what are these?"

Ms. Dong's face turned pale. She didn't expect that this **** actually got the letter between her and Han Yao.

Lingchu handed the letters to King Dingyuan, "The prince and princess must recognize the county master's handwriting, right? You will be able to clearly understand whether I have made any slander or not after reading these letters."

He then turned to the three silent Ling family members and said, "You must also recognize Dong's handwriting."

When Han Yao saw those letters, she recalled that as soon as Dong met her, she said she had received her letter and rushed over immediately. She realized that she and Dong had fallen into a trap.

Han Yao suddenly sneered, took out a piece of letterhead from her sleeve pocket and threw it in front of Ling Chu, "These letters were not written by Mrs. Dong at all, they were forged by you. You imitated Mrs. Dong's handwriting to send letters to your mother and me.

I also secretly invited my father, the Queen, my mother, and the concubines to come over, and deliberately let them hear the excerpts of the opera that Mrs. Dong and I rehearsed, in order to mislead them into thinking that I was not my biological child.

 I will poison Taoist Master Mingzhen again and make you a witness to frame Mrs. Dong.

Miss Ling, I didn’t expect you to be so scheming and create such a big situation. But fake ones are fake. You can’t use these forged letters to deceive my father, the queen, mother and concubines.

 You saw that the Ling Mansion was in decline, and you tried your best to steal my identity.

Miss Ling, if you act like this, where will your parents, grandparents, and grandparents be placed? "

“Chuchu, it turns out that you forged this letter by imitating the county master’s handwriting? You really disappoint me.

You have only been back in Beijing for a few months, but you have become obsessed with glory and wealth. In order to cling to power, you even gave up your biological parents and grandparents!

Had I known you were so unfilial, I shouldn't have sent someone to take you back in the first place..."

Listening to Mrs. Dong's accusations against Ling Chu one after another, Qingfeng couldn't bear it and shouted loudly, "That's enough! I might as well tell you that this letter of yours, Mrs. Dong, and the letter in Miss Han's hand were both forged by this prince. King Dingyuan The prince and the princess were also invited here."

Qingfeng dropped these few words and said to Prince Dingyuan with a stern face, "As for whose hand the other letters were written, the prince can ask Yu Jijiu, the Imperial College Supervisor, to help identify them.

 What is the truth? I believe Yu Jijiu will come to a conclusion. "

Yu Jijiu, the head of the Imperial Academy, was the most knowledgeable person in calligraphy in the court.

 And very good at identifying handwriting.

Whether those letters were forged by Ling Chu or written by Han Yao of the Dong family could never be concealed from his eyes.

Qingfeng looked at Dong and Ling Zong coldly, "Don't say that you are not Ling Chu's biological parents. Even if you are, you are not worthy of being her parents.

 She is our Xuan Qing Guan, raised by my master. In our eyes, she is the most precious treasure in the world. You can't even tell the difference between fish eyes and pearls. It's no wonder that your Ling Mansion has fallen from the lofty Shangshu Mansion to this.

You are so blind and blind that your defeat is not unfair at all. "

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