The secret room of Mrs. Zhao Guogong was not built in the main room, but in the west wing.

Although it was built a bit secluded, with Ling Chu around, he quickly lured the royal guards there.

Wei Feng reached out and knocked on the wall. "Listen to this sound, there is something fishy behind it. Let's look for it and see where the mechanism is hidden."

Jinyiwei was looking around when suddenly an old woman rushed in with two men and two women.

"Who are you? How dare you break into our house! If you don't get out quickly, we will report you to the police."

"No matter who they are, it's wrong for them to break into our house. Get out quickly."

These people rushed in and started shouting at the top of their lungs.

With a look from Wei Feng, Jin Yiwei immediately stepped forward to stop him, "We are Jin Yiwei and we are handling a case. If you dare to stop us, you will all be thrown into Jin Yiwei's prison."

When those people heard this, they stopped but did not leave.

When the leader, Mrs. Chen, saw them, she quickly glanced at them.

 Although they felt a little uneasy, the two men and two women still shouted loudly.

"We haven't broken any laws. Even if you are a royal guard, you can't arrest people randomly."

"That is, we stayed at home and did nothing. How could you forcefully break into our home?"

"I think you Jin Yiwei are interested in our family wealth and want to accuse us of any crime so that you can rob our family's money."

Ling Chu glanced at those people. Although his voice was quite loud, there was a sense of guilt. It could be seen that these people were still afraid of Jin Yiwei.

By making such a fuss, he probably wanted to shout loudly to alert Mrs. Zhao Guogong in the secret room.

What they didn't know was that Ms. Guo had been knocked unconscious by a small hammer. No matter how loud they made the noise, she couldn't hear it.

Seeing that those people were still making trouble, a guard in Jin Yi pulled out his sword with a cold face.

Afraid that Jin Yiwei would kill someone, the two men and two women took a few steps back in panic.

The old woman glared at them with hatred, then sat down on the ground, clapped her legs and began to cry, "It's unreasonable, the Jin Yiwei wants to steal our money. You are not officials, you are robbers, I will not live anymore." …”

Seeing the Jin Yiwei approaching with a dark face, Mrs. Chen started crying at the top of her lungs, "Help, the robbers are killing people..."

The four people opened their mouths and looked at her in fear, fearing that they would offend Jin Yiwei and kill her.

This Mrs. Chen is the concubine of Mrs. Zhao Guogong, and also her confidant.

On weekdays, she lives in this house with her two sons and daughter-in-law, nominally helping Guo to look after the house, but when Guo is away, she almost treats this house as her own home.

Although the main house of this house is reserved for the Guo family, Mrs. Chen's two sons live in the east and west wings.

Although the matter between Guo and Taoist Priest Qingyang was hidden from outsiders, Mrs. Chen had been with her for a long time and could not hide it from her at all.

In order to silence Mrs. Chen, Mrs. Guo tacitly allowed her family to live in this house as their home.

 As for Granny Chen, she is happy to see the matter between Guo and Qingyang come to fruition. After all, she has mastered the secrets of the Guo family, so she can do whatever she wants to the house.

Mrs. Chen secretly felt sorry for Taoist Master Qingyang's death, for fear that the Guo family would take the house back. But today, she overheard that Mr. Guo and Taoist Master Mingzhen were getting together again, and she felt relieved again.

Mr. Chen knew that only by keeping the Guo family could she keep the house.

If Guo's theft was revealed, their family would probably be in a bad situation.

While Mrs. Chen was crying, Zhao Guogong followed Ning Chuyi and walked in.

Mr. Zhao Guogong was not familiar with Mrs. Chen, and it took him several times to recognize her as Guo's concubine.

Frowning, he said, "Mother Chen, didn't you go home because of something at home? What are you doing? Jin Yiwei is handling the case. Why can't you stop it? Why don't you hurry up?"

Mother Chen never returned home. She just overheard that Mrs. Guo and Taoist Priest Mingzhen were getting together again. She was afraid that her two sons and daughter-in-law would gossip and detained them in the back room.

They just ran out when they heard something was wrong. They didn't even know that Duke Zhao had also come to the house.

At this moment, Grandma Chen was complaining in her heart, but she did not dare to show it on her face.

He just wiped his tears and cried, "Master Marquis, we are fine in the house. These guards in uniforms barge in randomly. If they damage the things in the house, we have no way to explain to the madam."

 Zhao Guogong just wanted those Jinyi guards to finish searching and leave quickly, so that he could rush back to Beijing. He didn't take Mrs. Zhang's cries seriously at all, and said casually, "Don't worry, Jin Yiwei handles things in a measured way. I'm here to watch. If anything happens, I will explain it to my wife and I won't hurt you."

Mrs. Guo and Taoist Master Mingzhen were still in the secret room. Mrs. Chen was so anxious that she could not rest assured.

Seeing that the Jinyi guards were still looking for the secret room, Mrs. Chen was afraid, but she could only rush forward to stop her, "This wing is so big, there is no way to hide anyone. What are your intentions after waiting so long?" "

Mrs. Chen's son was like a drum in his heart. He didn't dare to look at Zhao Guogong at all. He could only nod and bow to the Jin Yiwei, "My lords, we have been in this house and haven't seen anyone break in at all. If you don't believe it, you can go elsewhere. Local search.”

As soon as Mrs. Chen finished speaking, Zhao Jingming hurriedly walked in, first said hello to Zhao Guogong, and then said to Ning Chuyi, "Master Ning, I heard that you are searching for the criminals in Chongxuguan.

I come to this house often and I know where to hide people. Why don't I take you to search it? "

Seeing his son, Zhao Guogong was surprised, "Jingming, you didn't go hunting today, why are you here?"

Zhao Jingming pursed his lips, suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, and said calmly, "Dad, I went hunting. When I came back, I remembered that my mother had a village here, so I stopped by to take a look."

Zhao Jingming didn't lie. He did come over to Zhuangzi on a whim to take a look.

What he didn't expect was that as soon as he entered the door, Qiulan's maid rushed up to catch him, saying that Mrs. Guo had secretly come to the house to see Taoist Mingzhen.

But Qiulan did not tell Zhen that she had an affair with Guo, and only lied that Mingzhen had saved Guo's life. In order to repay his kindness, Guo had to hide him in a secret room.

Unexpectedly, Jinyiwei brought Zhao Guogong to search. In order to protect Taoist Mingzhen, Qiulan could only ask Zhao Jingming to lead those Jinyiwei away.

Zhao Jingming became anxious when he heard this. He knew that Duke Zhao was not allowed to hold important positions in the emperor. If his mother was found out about harboring Mingzhen Taoist priests, their family might even be despised by the emperor.

What's more, he knew that his parents were at loggerheads over the usury issue. If my father knew that his mother was hiding in a secret room with Taoist Mingzhen, I don't know how many misunderstandings would arise.

Zhao Jingming wanted to lure Jin Yiwei away, but how could Ling Chu let him do so.

With a wave of his hand, the small hammer hit the wall.

 After a loud noise, the entrance to the secret room was revealed behind the wall. (End of chapter)

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