I Made a Fortune By Raiding Houses In Ancient Times

Chapter 308: That's a token of love

  After coming out of the palace, Yin Sha rushed to Cuiyu Pavilion with his silver notes to buy jade.

It’s just that he didn’t know much about jade, so he hesitated for a long time and didn’t know where to start.

 After all, what he wanted to buy was not ten taels, but one hundred thousand taels.

That was all Ning Chuyi’s banknotes.

If the purchase fails, it will be equivalent to all the money being wasted.

In order not to offend Ning Chuyi, the owner of Cuiyu Pavilion suggested that he buy cut jade directly.

Yin Sha weighed it up and finally bought the most expensive jade in Cuiyu Pavilion.

Although they are expensive, they are all cut jade, so you don’t have to worry about the money being wasted.

But even so, Yin Sha still felt distressed and panicked. One hundred thousand taels were exchanged for a dozen broken stones.

I don’t know why the adults asked him to buy so many jade stones.

Yin Sha took so long to come back. He was originally worried that Ning Chuyi would be dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything. She only asked him to move all the jade stones into Miss Ling's bedroom, and then waved him out.

Ning Chuyi found an excuse and sent away the serving maid.

Looking at Ling Chu who was lying quietly on the bed, he picked up a piece of jade and put it next to her, then put her hand on it.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the jade disappeared under Ning Chuyi’s eyes.

【Ding! 】

  【High-grade energy stones detected, which can help the system repair. 】

Ling Chu heard the system's beep while he was sleeping, and was surprised where the system absorbed the jade.

But I quickly remembered Ning Chuyi’s jade pendant.

 Could it be that the system absorbed Master Ning’s jade again?

 Yes, it must be him.

Except for Ning Chuyi, no one else knows that she can absorb jade.

 If anyone else saw this scene, they would probably think Ling Chu was some kind of monster.

But Ning Chuyi didn't even blink.

Seeing that Ling Chu's face looked better than before, he immediately took another piece of jade and put it next to her.

Lingchu listened to a series of ding-ding-ding notification sounds from the system, and almost felt so anxious that his soul came out of his body again.

She wanted to stop him, but she was too weak now. In addition, her senior brother had just cast several spells on her body in order to stabilize her soul, so she couldn't wake up at all.

Ling Chu was so anxious that he rummaged through the system, but he couldn't find any function that could prevent the system from absorbing jade.

 Watching the system absorb seventeen pieces of high-grade jade before stopping.

Lingchu felt a chill in his heart.

  I just want to cry without tears.

 The ones that the system absorbed when she dealt with the Hundred Ghosts earlier must also have belonged to Lord Ning.

How is she going to pay back so much jade?

Even if she had a system to scan, she might not be able to find so many high-quality jade stones to compensate Ning Chuyi.

What's more, she doesn't have that much money to buy jade!

Even if I don’t know how much those jade stones are worth, they are definitely worth a lot of money.

Ling Chu is simply getting bigger and bigger. How come she owes Master Ning more and more.


 Master Ning, he must be crazy. She is not related to him, so why did he give her so many jade stones?

  Could it be that the system accidentally absorbed his jade?

 That’s not right either.

This is her dormitory. Why would Master Ning's jade be placed in her dormitory?

Ning Chuyi didn't know that Ling Chu was going crazy with anxiety. After seeing the jade stones disappear, her face became better, her breathing also improved, and she finally let go of her worries.

Just then he got up and left.

He suddenly returned to Beijing and had to go to the palace to see the emperor.

Yin Sha looked at Ning Chuyi's back silently and saw that his hands were empty and his mouth opened and closed several times and then closed again.

 Wei Feng felt as if he was scratching his heart with a hundred claws. Did your lord give all those jade pendants and jade stones to Miss Ling? It's a big deal, but do you know that jade pendants can't just be given to a girl's family?

That is a token of love!

Should he remind the adults?

Ling Chu didn't know that Wei Feng was tangled up in his inner slander.

 After the system absorbed the jade, she quickly fell asleep.


 Dingyuan Prince’s Mansion.

Princess Dingyuan has not woken up since she fell asleep for no reason.

If it weren't for the decoctions prescribed by the imperial doctor, the Dingyuan Palace would have held a funeral long ago.

However, although the princess was not dead, the whole house was filled with gloom and misery.

Han Lin came from his yard early in the morning, entered the princess's bedroom, and sat on the brocade stool next to her bed.

He stretched out his hand to tuck the corners of the quilt and said slowly, "Mother and concubine, my father has finished slaying the bandits and is on his way back to Beijing.

 You have slept for so long, is it time to wake up? If you don't wake up, your father will definitely blame his son for not taking good care of you when he comes back.

Mother concubine, can you bear to see my legs broken by my father?

Mother, I am not married yet. If my father breaks my legs, no girl will be willing to marry me.

 You can’t bear to see your son in such misery, right? So, you’d better wake up quickly…”

 Ever since the imperial doctor announced that there was nothing he could do about the princess's illness, even the miraculous doctor who was called in could do nothing.

Han Lin could only stay with her and talk about it every day, hoping to wake her up in this way.

Princess Dingyuan closed her eyes, feeling angry and funny. Listening to him quietly, waiting for a while without hearing anyone else speaking, then quietly opened his eyes.

Han Lin was so happy that he just wanted to call his mother and concubine.

Princess Dingyuan winked at him quickly, and then quickly closed her eyes.

Han Lin had a surprised look on his face and could only swallow back the words as they came to his lips.

His eyes paused on her face, then turned around and found an excuse to send the maid who was waiting aside.

 “Mother’s concubine?”

Princess Dingyuan opened her eyes when she heard the maid leaving.

Han Lin was surprised and happy, but at the same time he was confused.

“Concubine, are you... pretending to be faint?”

Princess Dingyuan shook her head, "I am not pretending. If Chuchu hadn't saved my life, I would have really died this time."

Han Lin frowned. Did Miss Ling save his mother and concubine?

But as far as he knew, Miss Ling had not been to Dingyuan Palace since her mother-in-law fell into a coma. How on earth was she rescued?

Han Lin thought for a while but couldn't figure it out, "Mother, concubine, what's going on?"

 Princess Dingyuan glanced toward the door. After looking away, she said with a sad expression, "It should be Yaoyao who made my mother and concubine unconscious."

Han Lin was stunned, "How could it be Yaoyao? Why did she want to harm you?"

He thought about many reasons why his mother and concubine were unconscious, but he never thought about Han Yao.

 “Yao Yao...she may not have been born to a concubine.”

Han Lin's eyes widened in surprise, and he even reached out to touch her forehead involuntarily.

 Is the concubine still asleep, or is she confused due to high fever?

Princess Dingyuan knew that he didn't believe it, so she could only suppress her voice and quickly tell everything that happened before she fell into coma.

Han Yao, who was raised by her own hands, was ruthless enough to harm her. The princess didn’t know how many people around her were loyal.

 Her husband has not returned from the capital to suppress bandits. The only one she can trust now is her eldest son.

Han Lin’s expression kept changing.

The princess knew that he would be here for a while, so it would be hard for her to believe this. In fact, if she hadn't experienced it personally, she wouldn't have believed that Han Yao would cruelly harm her. (End of chapter)

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