Seeing Ning Chuyi throw the flag, Ling Chu quickly bit his index finger, used his own blood to draw the talisman in the air, and used the formation-breaking flag to break the formation. At the same time, I have to use a big shovel and a small hammer to deal with those ghosts.

Ning Chuyi felt her heart tightening when she saw that her soul was getting weaker and weaker.

 Took out a stack of soul-killing talismans and threw them at the ghosts.

Although part of them was destroyed, those behind them came up again and besieged them.

Those ghosts are all controlled by Mingzhen. If he is not destroyed first, I don’t know how many more he will summon.

Lingchu was concentrating on breaking the formation, when Ning Chuyi glanced back and withdrew his gaze.

With a sullen face, he took out a soul-killing talisman and rushed towards Mingzhen.

Mingzhen’s face changed drastically when he saw him coming to kill him.

He was not afraid of Ning Chuyi. Mingzhen could see that he did not understand mystical arts, but the soul-killing talismans in his hands made him dare not despise him.

 The green hills are left and there is no need to worry about having no firewood.

Ming really didn't want to die, so he turned around and ran away without even looking at Han Yao, who was lying unconscious on the ground.

To prevent Na Ming from trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain, Ning Chuyi hesitated, stopped, and did not pursue him again.

Without Mingzhen's control, those ghosts were quickly wiped out by Ning Chuyi, the big shovel, and the small hammer.


As Ling Chu uttered the last incantation, the broken formation flag quickly impacted, and after a loud explosion, the formation was destroyed.

Ling Chu's heart relaxed and he couldn't hold on any longer. Regardless of whether the ground was dirty or not, he collapsed suddenly from exhaustion.

Ning Chuyi quickly stepped forward after killing the last few ghosts.

 “You...can you still hold on?”

Ling Chu took some time and then managed to stand up.

Her third senior brother didn't know how he was deceived, but he actually got Master Ning to agree to leave his body to save her.

She had to get Master Ning's soul back quickly, otherwise if something happened, Duke Ning and the emperor would probably have to join forces to kill her.

Lingchu took a deep breath and stood up from the ground.

 It's just that she overestimated her body.

Before she could fully stand up straight, her vision went dark and she fell forward uncontrollably.

 “Be careful.”

Ning Chuyi frowned and quickly grabbed her arm.

 Subconsciously, he wanted to help her stand upright.

He just didn't expect her soul to be so light. He lifted her up hard, and Ling Chuzheng was knocked into his arms.

Ling Chu's soul was already dizzy, and this collision almost made him faint.

 The back of my right hand touched something unknown, and suddenly I felt a warm feeling.

At this moment, the system's weak prompt tone suddenly sounded.

【Ding! 】

 【The best energy stone detected...】

Ling Chu subconsciously looked along the back of his right hand.

It turned out that he accidentally touched the jade pendant hanging on Ning Chuyi's waist.

Ling Chu was about to move away, but his eyes suddenly widened.

 The system actually absorbed the jade pendant.

Ling Chu’s head buzzed.

 This was in front of Ning Chuyi.

Unable to hold it back, she suddenly raised her head and looked at him.

Ning Chuyi was looking down at her apologetically because she had exerted too much force. Just when he was about to ask her if she felt uncomfortable, he happened to see the scene where the jade pendant disappeared.

 Perhaps this was the second time he saw this scene, and he was not surprised at all.

Aware of Ling Chu's gaze, he followed it.

 The two of them stared at each other. Ling Chu racked his brains and couldn't think of how to explain the disappearance of the jade pendant.

Ning Chuyi didn't speak because he found that her soul was more solid than before.

A thought suddenly came to his mind, could it be because of the jade pendant?

Seeing Ling Chu's confused expression, he could probably guess what she was thinking.

"It's just a worthless jade pendant. If it's gone, it's gone. Don't worry."

Lingchu was surprised by his calmness, but also saw that he probably wasn't telling the truth.

Although I just took a quick look at it, the jade pendant looked to be of good quality and should be quite valuable.

Ning Chuyi did not tell the truth.

That jade pendant was actually a gift from the emperor.

Just when he was out of Beijing on errands, the emperor summoned him into the palace.

At that time, he had just finished bathing. When his father-in-law came to deliver a message, he was walking in a hurry and didn't realize that he had forgotten to wear the jade pendant.

After entering the palace, the emperor saw that his waist was empty. It happened that he had just carved a jade pendant with his own hands a few days ago, so he found an excuse to praise it a few words, and then rewarded him with the jade pendant without any reason.

He also asked his father-in-law to hang it up for him with his own hands.

Ning Chuyi had no choice but to take it with him when he went to Beijing on business.

Looking across her face, Ning Chuyi hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask, "Is the jade pendant good for your health?"

Master Ning has already seen her changes and cannot deny it. He can only nod his head and say, "Yes, I accidentally used Master Ning's jade pendant. When I feel better, I will go to the Jade Pavilion to pick out a piece of jade and give it to you as compensation. Is that okay?" "

“No need, I still have many jade pendants...”

Before Ning Chuyi could finish his words, he suddenly heard the distant voice of Qingfeng, carrying a sense of dissatisfaction, "Xiao Si, why don't you come back quickly? Are you thinking you are growing mushrooms?"

Lingchu regained consciousness and twitched the corner of his mouth. It seemed that her third senior brother was still the **** he had been before after several years.

"Let's go." Ning Chuyi heard Qingfeng's dissatisfaction and broke the talisman.

A strong force came and sucked the two of them away in an instant.

 When he opened his eyes again, he was already standing in Ling Chu's dormitory.

"Third senior brother..." Ling Chu looked surprised when he saw Qingfeng's white clothes turning gray.

 Her senior brother always pays great attention to appearance, but this is the first time she has seen him so unkempt.

Qingfeng naturally saw Ling Chu's expression and glared at her with dissatisfaction, "My life is almost gone, why don't you go back quickly."

If it weren't for the fact that he was casting a spell and couldn't interrupt it, he almost couldn't help but hit her on the head with a bang.

Although his tone was fierce, there was clearly worry in his eyes.

Lingchu guessed that he must have figured out something was wrong with him and was in a hurry to return to Beijing to save her, so he didn't care about his own image.

  Silently walked back to the bed and lay back into his body.

Ning Chuyi followed him back to the couch and lay down.

 As the Qingfeng spell was finished, Ning Chuyi woke up.

But he saw that Ling Chu was not awake yet.

Since he saved his junior sister, Qingfeng gave a rare explanation, "Although Xiaosi's soul has been successfully recovered, it doesn't mean everything will be fine.

Let her have a good sleep first, nourish her soul, and then help her regain her merit and luck. "

Lingchu's soul was recovered, and he finally fulfilled his master's instructions. Qingfeng could no longer bear the dirt on his body.

He couldn't wait to say to Xia Zhi, "Okay, take me to wash and eat quickly. I'm about to starve to death."

 After Xia Zhi left with Qingfeng, Yin Sha hurriedly returned with more than a dozen pieces of jade.

Yin Sha felt uneasy and didn't know what happened to Miss Ling.

He went back to the mansion to collect the banknotes, but met the father-in-law from the palace who came to the Ningguo Duke's mansion to deliver an oral message.

 It turned out that the emperor heard that Ning Chuyi suddenly returned to Beijing and wanted to send him to the palace to see him.

But Yin Sha couldn't bear to let Ning Chuyi not even see Ling Chu for the last time.

Had no choice but to bite the bullet and enter the palace on his behalf. (End of chapter)

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