"Alicia, haven't the person you said you're coming to pick you up yet? I'm going to die of heat! Mebius, dressed in a long green dress and inconvenient to move, leaned lazily against the suitcase and asked Klein to give her an umbrella.

"It's coming soon, don't worry, Mebius. Girls are too easy to be anxious, but they will have acne on their faces, right? Alicia smiled and looked at all the Fire Thirteen Heroes gathered here.

The easiest to convince here are the three researchers, Mebius, Vilvie and May. Oh, by the way, although Mei is not thirteen, but it's about the same, right?

Isn't it normal to have fourteen of the thirteen? It was as if there were five of the four heavenly kings.

Then there is Kevin, who wants to come with him because May is coming, and two children who are interested in the other world, Cosmor and Grace.

Although the other Yingjie were very interested in the other world, they were always worried about the collapse of this world, so they didn't agree at first, but after hearing Alicia say that time would be frozen until they returned, and they couldn't withstand Alicia's soft and hard bubbles, even a temperamental person like Qianjie agreed.

Although they didn't even know where Alicia met someone who could travel through the world and freeze time, just based on Alicia's words, with their trust in Alicia, they also chose to believe for no reason.

A rotating white circular passage suddenly appeared in the space in front of Alicia, making all the Yingjie's bodies tense.

Chen Ming came out of the passage and looked at the fourteen people who were staring at him guardedly.

As an administrator, he can directly travel into the world where the group members are with the permissions in the group, and there is no need to trouble the door Yashi or Yakumo Zi, but he can only cross into the world where the group members are located, and cannot shuttle in any space like the two of them.

"First meeting, Miss Pink Fairy, I'm Chen Ming." Chen Ming really couldn't say his screen name in front of so many people, especially children like Grace, so he simply used his real name.

Alicia was also slightly relieved to hear her screen name. She 2 looked at the nervous heroes around her, and felt that her vacation was still very necessary.

"Hello, Chen Ming, finally meet! These are the friends I told you about. Alicia introduced the warriors to Chen Ming one by one.

The rest of Yingjie finally relaxed their guard a little when they saw the familiar look of the two.

"It is an honor to meet all the heroes, and I will welcome you to Tivat in advance on behalf of Liyue." Chen Ming nodded towards them, "Then let's go to our world first, it's not a matter of standing here all the time."

One by one, Thirteen Ying stepped into the white passage either excitedly, curiously, or guardedly.

With the departure of the last person, Chen Ming Yangtian shouted at Tokiwa Zhuangwu: "It's okay, group master, freeze time!" So

the hot sun, the slight blowing hot wind, all stayed in place.

Chen Ming also crossed the white passage and returned to the continent of Tivat.

"Is this the other world... Wonderful, indeed.

As soon as Chen Ming raised his eyes, he saw Mei, Mebius and Vilvie, three great scientists, gathered together and pointed at the data on a machine, and from time to time issued some discussions that others could not understand.

"This is already starting to be studied." Chen Ming had also met such a student in his previous life. They are not forced to learn, but are genuinely interested in "learning what they don't know." Despite not being urged by their teachers, they take a book with them wherever they go.

"Alright, you three! Didn't we come out to play this time? At least relax before you start working, right? "Alicia is like Chen Ming in her previous life, and she thinks about taking these top students out to play all day. It's just that after these top students finished playing, the exam was still in the top ten of the grade, and Chen Ming became a fool.

But fortunately, in the end, Chen Ming was sent to the same university as these top students because of his status as a high-level athlete.

In every sense, it seems that Chen Ming and Alicia are still relatively similar?

"This is my home, just stay in my house while you play here." Chen Ming pointed to his yard very arrogantly, and then saw that all the heroes were not touched in the slightest, and suddenly remembered some glorious deeds of the world's richest man Eden in front of him.

He threw a bag of money at Alicia, "This money should be enough for you to use for a while, if it is not enough, just ask me again." Of course, you can also directly take money from all the 'Rare Pavilion' shops, which is my property.

"Thank you, we will eventually exchange it with you for jewelry or precious metals of equal value." Eden shows the boldness of a rich woman at this time, making people feel the charm of wanting to hold her thighs and then not trying hard.

"Then you can explore by yourself, I believe that people like you are more interesting than others to introduce or explore by yourself, right?"

Chen Ming spread out his hands, "Welcome to the continent of Tivat!" Have fun everyone. Few

of the heroes expressed happiness or gratitude for Chen Ming's welcome lines, and most of them just grabbed two Mora in their money bags and left in pairs.

"Don't worry, their personalities are like this, although they are a little rude, but they are very kind people."

Only the kindest Alicia remained, and even Eden was gone.

"It's okay, I already know their personalities. Moreover, people with skills are always qualified to be willful, and sometimes I am quite willful. Chen Ming smiled uncaringly, "It's you, Alicia, you are obviously so powerful, but you don't have any temper, it's really rare."

"What, you're talking like there's something wrong with someone! Besides, people also have their own little tempers, right? Alicia puffed out her mouth again, her face looked round, like a hamster, very cute.

"Oh? Do you still have a temper? Chen Ming was very surprised, he thought that this girl would never be angry.

"Of course, like..." A sly smile flashed in Alicia's eyes, "You've never called me Ellie." Looking

at her aggrieved appearance, although I knew that she was pretending, but in the face of such a cute girl, who could not be moved? What's more, although he said that he wanted to open a harem, he actually didn't have a girlfriend Chen Ming.

Ellie looked at Chen Ming's expression that seemed to be a little shy, and she narrowed her eyes slightly and smiled as if she was very satisfied.

"Okay, okay, I know it's still a little difficult for you now, but it's okay, take your time."

It was obviously just a matter of title, but from Alicia's mouth in such a sweet tone, it seemed like she was doing something bad.

"I didn't expect that one day I would actually feel shy in front of a woman. In this way, can I still fulfill the vow of opening the harem? Chen Ming thought in his heart, "No, I can't let this woman look down on me!" "

Aren't you hanging out, Ellie?"

Although there was some resistance, Chen Ming still called out the name completely.

"Huh, did you call out my nickname so easily?" This time, Ellie was a little shy.

Although she once told her male comrades in Thirteen Yingji that she wanted them to call themselves "Ellie", Kevin refused because of his family, the pure love boy Cos Devil's brain burned and did not call out the word Ellie, Sue also only called her full name, and Qianji... Or pray that Mars hits the Earth more realistically.

So this is the first time she has been called "Ellie" by a man.

"I want you to take me to play." Alicia looked at Chen Ming with hopeful eyes, "Look, a beautiful girl like me is not familiar with the ground, you must not worry about letting me play alone, right?" The

corner of Chen Ming's eyes twitched, although he had not directly exchanged hands, but he knew from the perception of momentum alone that there should be nothing in this world other than the Demon God that could beat her, right?

"I still have things to do these days, and I may have less time to take you out to play, is that okay?"

"Of course!" Alicia's eyes twinkled and she nodded vigorously.

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