And seeing this scene, little loli Bai Ze’s pupils shrank sharply, obviously not expecting such a thing.

And after Su Yu broke free from the cage, he did not hesitate and rushed towards Little Loli Bai Ze at the fastest speed.

He knew that Mewtwo must be listening to Little Lori Bai Ze now, as long as he could subdue the other party, then Mewtwo would not fight anymore.

And seeing Su Yu rushing towards him, little loli Bai Ze shouted loudly without any hesitation.

“Mewtwo, save me!”

In the distance, Mewtwo, who was fighting with Dream, heard Little Lori’s words, subconsciously turned his head to look, and at a glance, he saw Su Yu rushing towards Little Loli Bai Ze with his teeth dancing and claws.

A large amount of anger instantly filled his eyes, and his body flashed with red light, and as soon as the spiritual impact hit Su Yu

Chapter 520: Bai Ze Without Fear!

Feeling the instantaneous attack, Su Yu did not have any panic.

Because he still has the Kabi Beast by his side.

Sure enough, I saw that Kabi’s fat body was directly blocked in front of Su Yu.

The spiritual impact hit his body directly, making a dull sound, and the body of the Kabi beast also jerked back a few steps, almost spitting out blood.

After all, the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides is too much, if it were not for the huge size of the Kabi beast, perhaps this move would have directly knocked her away.

And Su Yu took advantage of this time to hold the little loli Bai Ze in his arms, and then strangled her neck.

“The anchor is amazing, there is a Jedi counterattack, damn it, why didn’t I think that the anchor had other elves just now?”

“It is estimated that it was the appearance of Mewtwo just now, so I was too surprised, so let’s not think of it!”

“I didn’t expect that little loli Bai Ze didn’t expect it, now it’s a direct loss, right?”

“What is the anchor going to do next, do you want to do something to that little loli Bai Ze?”

“It’s stupid upstairs, that’s illegal loli, how can the anchor do such a thing?”

Su Yu didn’t pay attention to the words of the water friends in the live broadcast room, and he naturally wouldn’t do such a thing.

At this time, he firmly grabbed the little loli Bai Ze in his arms, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

“Let Mewtwo stop!”

Hearing Su Yu’s words, little loli Bai Ze struggled madly, however, her small body could not burst out with great power.

A moment later, little Lori Bai Ze gave up, but still did not speak.

Seeing this scene, a trace of surprise flashed in Su Yu’s eyes, he hesitated, and Yihui took out a spirit ball again with his left hand and pressed the switch.

With a flash of red light, he saw some terrifying dark demons appear in front of him.

Looking at the night demon spirit in front of him that seemed to be like the soul of a cyclops, Little Loli Bai Ze’s body trembled violently.

Feeling the other party’s reaction, Su Yu knew that this bet was right.

“Hurry up and stop Mewtwo, or I’ll let him eat you!”

Hearing Su Yu’s words, the night demon spirit on the side also made a corresponding performance.

He opened his big mouth and opened his teeth and claws, looking like a devil, and really wanted to eat little Lori Bai Ze.

And little loli Bai Ze’s pupils shrank sharply, and a look of horror appeared in her eyes.

The next moment, he directly opened his mouth and bit into Su Yu’s arm.

Feeling the huge pain, Su Yu grinned in pain, but did not let go of the little loli Bai Ze, he stretched out his left hand and broke the other party’s head.

“What are you doing?”

Hearing his words, little loli Bai Ze rolled her eyes at him and spoke.

“Do you really think I’m a child, how can I be afraid of this kind of ghostly elf, he is not a real ghost!”

Su Yu’s divine action, he didn’t expect that little loli Bai Ze was not even afraid of this.

You must know that when he was a child, he was very afraid of virtual things like ghosts.

“Anchor, is this stupid? The other party is the boss of an evil organization, how can he be afraid of ghosts?

“That’s right, don’t look at this as a little loli, or the illegal one, but the other party is estimated to have more insight than ordinary adults, right?”

“That’s true, otherwise, how could she deter her subordinates, she would have been emptied by her subordinates long ago!”

Looking at the words of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu also knew that they were right.

But he can’t really do something to little loli Bai Ze, although the other party is the leader of an evil organization, but how to look at it is just a little loli.

He is not a pervert, how could he do such a thing.

And the night demon on the side also saw the trace of gratitude in Little Loli Bai Ze’s eyes, and suddenly felt quite defeated.

Sighing slightly, Su Yu looked around, and at a glance, he saw the Kabi beast on the side staring straight at him.

The trace of desire in the other party’s eyes let Su Yu know that the Kabi Beast was really hungry again.

He sighed and spoke.

“Kabi Beast, after this battle is over, I will give you something to eat, it’s not convenient now!”

Hearing Su Yu’s words, Kabi Beast showed a disappointed expression, but he didn’t want to eat anymore, after all, he was not stupid and knew that it was the time to fight.

I saw the Kabi beast look around, lie directly on the ground, close his eyes, and start sleeping.

“I’ll go, Kabi Beast is also too good, can you still fall asleep at this time?”

“Can it be said that it is worthy of being an elf who only eats and sleeps in life, and it is estimated that the sloth is like this!”

“What the upstairs said is not right, sloths become very slow because they eat poisonous food, so they look lazy, while Kabi beasts are simply because they are lazy!”

Seeing the appearance of the Kabi Beast at this time, Su Yu also sighed slightly and did not say anything more.

And the little loli in his arms, at this time, his eyes glanced to the side of the Kabi beast from time to time, and from the light in his eyes, it was obvious that he wanted to go over and hug the Kabi beast.

Seeing this scene, he sighed slightly.

Sure enough, no matter how powerful the little girl becomes, she can’t escape the love of plush toys.

Su Yu said slowly.

“If you want Mewtwo to stop, I’ll let you hold the Kabi Beast, otherwise, you won’t want to touch him 760 in this life!”

Hearing this, little Loli Bai Ze rolled her eyes at him again.

“Kabi beasts are not very rare, I just haven’t encountered them before, as long as I encounter them, I will copy 100 for you in minutes, hum!”

Seeing that he was despised again, Su Yu felt quite helpless, but at this time, he did not have any way.

In the distance, Mewtwo saw that little Lori Bai Ze was caught, and directly began to go berserk.

The momentum on his body increased rapidly, and his combat effectiveness was also rapidly improved, which made the dream that he was struggling to support on the opposite side, and some could not be supported.

But Dream also knew that he couldn’t let Mewtwo influence Su Yu’s side, otherwise, they would definitely fail.

You know, Mewtwo is an elf of the super power system, and he will not be afraid that Su Yu will directly kill little loli Bai Ze.

Because he could completely control Su Yu with his spiritual power, and the reason why he couldn’t do it now was because of the dream of fighting him, so he couldn’t use that power to influence Su Yu’s side.

Otherwise, the dream will definitely stop it.

Su Chen looked at the battle in the distance and frowned, he knew that it was not a way to go on like this.

Because Dream can’t beat Mewtwo no matter what, the moment Dream loses, it means that he has failed

Chapter 521 – No One Can Be Its Master!

At this moment, the Kabi beast on the side actually snored.

I saw that the corners of Su Yu’s mouth twitched slightly.

“It won’t be the god of sleep, at this time, not only sleep, but also snore!”

“I’m a little envious of Kabi beasts, this kind of mentality is not common people!”

“Ordinary people don’t have it, and ordinary people don’t have it!”

Looking at the words of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu also expressed helplessness to the Kabi beast.

And at this time, the Kabi beast suddenly stuck out its tongue and licked its mouth.

Obviously, he dreamed of something delicious in his dream.

However, Su Yu’s pupils were slightly paused, and a smile appeared on his face.

I saw Su Yu look at the little loli Bai Ze in his arms, and slowly spoke.

“I’ll give you one last chance, do you tell Mewtwo to stop?”

“Hmph, you are dead! When Mewtwo defeats Dream, our positions should be swapped!

“Very well, then don’t blame me for being cruel.”

Saying this, Su Yu pressed the little loli Bai Ze to the ground.

And little loli Bai Ze seemed to have expected something bad and began to struggle violently, but her illegal loli’s body size made him unable to resist anything.

“What are you going to do, I’m still underage, don’t mess around!”

Little Lori Bai Ze squeaked.

And Su Yu ignored her at all, and took off Little Loli Bai Ze’s shoes in three or two clicks.

Two white and tender feet were exposed in mid-air.

When the distant Mewtwo saw this scene, the breath on his body suddenly exploded, and the terrifying aura made the opposite dream feel incomparable pressure.

But Dream knows that he can’t be defeated, at least for a while, and he also bursts out with great power to compete with Mewtwo.

“What is the anchor going to do, is his bestiality about to explode?”

“No one watches, no one watches, I really don’t want to watch this, but if the anchor actually lets me watch it like this, I can only watch it!”

“Really fake, the anchor is not even interested in the woman Ziling, is it a lolicon?”

“Wait a minute, what are you doing with the anchor?”

Under the attention of the water friends, Su Yu took out a jar of honey from his pocket.

This is what he exchanged from the system, which can restore the elf’s physical strength, and besides that, it tastes quite delicious.

Of course, this is for elves, and for humans, it’s just plain honey.

“Ah, what are you doing?”

Little Loli Bai Ze was no longer struggling, and looked at Su Yu with some surprise, not knowing what he was going to do.

And Su Yu didn’t explain, just smeared the honey on the little loli white and tender little feet.

Su Yu’s behavior made little loli Bai Ze couldn’t help but laugh.

For a moment, looking at the little feet coated with honey in front of him, Su Yu smiled.

He directly held the little loli Bai Ze and came to the front of the Kabi beast.

Then, he stretched out the other party’s little foot next to the mouth of the Kabi beast.

“No, you can’t do this, you can’t do this!”

Little Lori Bai Ze shouted loudly, however, Su Yu ignored him at all.

At this time, because of the aroma of honey, the Kabi beast, which was already asleep, did not even open its eyes, and directly extended its tongue and began to lick.

“Hahaha, don’t, don’t, I obeyed!”

Little Lori Bai Ze shouted loudly, looking very uncomfortable.

And Su Yu took advantage of this time to speak.

“Hurry up and stop Mewtwo, otherwise, I’ll put this whole jar of honey on you, and I’m sure Kabi Beast will like you very much.”


“The anchor is too perverted, how did he come up with this method?”

“But ordinary people really can’t resist this look!”

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