Su Yu said to Lucario in the distance.

And Lucario nodded, without any hesitation, just tied the woman as fast as he could, and then carried it on his shoulder with the black armor.

Carrying the weight of two adults, Lucario seemed relaxed, after all, he himself existed as a fighting elf, although not a power-focused type.

But since it is a fighting elf, there is no one who is weak.

“Anchor, what’s that gem you’re holding?”

“yes, yes, we all want to know what that thing is?”

“It turned out to be something that was carried on the chest by that girl, it must be very precious!”

“Could it be some kind of evolutionary stone, the same as poisonous gemstones, moonstones and the like?”

Looking at the words of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu nodded slightly and explained.

“Everyone is right, this gem is a special gem called Mega Evolution, and you can help some elves evolve Mega to higher levels.” with…

Chapter 514 – Mewtwo Who Wakes Up!

“The first time I heard that there is still this gemstone, can’t the elves no longer evolve when they reach maturity, and can further evolve through special means?”

“Wouldn’t that become particularly powerful, directly beyond the original level!”

“I feel that it will, you think, if it is a powerful top elf like Charizard and then Mega evolution, what level of existence can it evolve into?”

“I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it, but I still hope that the anchor’s fantasy and Lucario can evolve again!”

Su Yu looked at the words of the water friends in the live broadcast room, and did not say much.

Through the mega evolution stone in his hand, with a trace of worry in his eyes, to be honest, this time the rocket team operation, he really didn’t want to go.

If Su Yu of Mewtwo in ordinary form can still fight with dreams, or “Seven Four Three” Xu When dreams become Mewtwo, he can fight with the other party and lose both.

But if Mewtwo has evolved MEGA, either X or Y, neither of which is Dreamy can resist.

In the end, Su Yu sighed slightly and didn’t say anything more.

He just looked back at the black armor and purple diamond that Lucario was carrying on his shoulder, and then led them towards the distance.

At this moment, in the control room of the rocket team base, little Lori Bai Ze sat on a chair with great anger in his eyes.

“Damn, I didn’t expect these two guys to be so useless, and they were so easily pinched by that anchor!”

“I have really raised them for so many years, it seems that after this incident, I want to supplement my cadre team.”

Speaking of this, little Loli Bai Ze paused slightly, and then spoke.

“I don’t know if that anchor is likely to become my subordinate, I suddenly feel that he looks quite good, in case I want to get married in the future, maybe it’s not bad to find him, are you right, Mewtwo?”

Speaking of this, little loli Bai Ze looked at Mewtwo on the side.

I saw Mewtwo standing beside her at this time, with a trace of indifference on her face.

Leng glanced at Su Yu in the live broadcast room, and Mewtwo said lightly.

“I don’t feel great power from him, he doesn’t deserve to be my opponent!”

Hearing Mewtwo’s words, Bai Ze sighed slightly and explained.

“You are an elf, he is a human, you two naturally can’t fight directly, but he has a powerful elf under him, named Dream, I see the information in this machine shows that you are likely to be developed and manufactured by Dream Cells!”

Hearing this, Mewtwo looked at Little Lori Bai Ze with some surprise, with a trace of doubt.

“What do you mean?”

Little Lori Bai Ze sighed slightly, and then opened her mouth to explain.

“We humans are born and raised by our parents, and you are directly manufactured, but no matter what the situation, you need to get genes and cells, human gene cells come from both parents, and your gene cells come from dreams, in this case, dreams are your biological parents!”

Mewtwo was struggling to digest this information, his brows furrowed slightly, and he didn’t say anything more.

It’s just that at this time, he looked at the dream beside Su Yu in the live broadcast room, with an unclear look in his eyes.

Just an hour ago, Mewtwo suddenly woke up from a petri dish.

Seeing this scene, little Lori Bai Ze was also a little worried, she was afraid that Mewtwo would directly strike at herself like those violent elves, in that case, she without any elves might be directly torn to pieces.

But it is clear that Mewtwo’s abilities are beyond her imagination, not only powerful, but also telepathic, and even able to speak.

It is also because Mewtwo has telepathy and feels that the little loli Bai Ze in front of him will not cause him any harm, so he stays here, and then has a certain conversation with Bai Ze.

During the conversation, Bai Ze was surprised to find that Mewtwo’s mind was like a child, but it was more inclined to fight.

After all, in the hour that Mewtwo had just woken up, he had asked her no less than ten times what powerful elves were in this world, and he wanted to have a hearty battle with the other party.

Originally, the first thing that little Loli Bai Ze thought of was the Pluto dragon riding Latina and the other two divine beasts he saw in the live broadcast room, but he thought a little and did not tell the other party the news.

Pluto dragon riding Latina aside, the battle scene of the other two divine beasts can directly destroy the entire world, he can hardly imagine what the other party is like if Mewtwo fights with the two of them0 …

So he plans to hide it as long as he can, at least first to have a sense of belonging to the Rockets.

Otherwise, she spent months guarding Mewtwo here, wouldn’t that be in vain?

However, Bai Ze also relied on his strong persuasion ability to convince Mewtwo to say.

At this point, Mewtwo has become her elf to some extent, but he doesn’t listen to her much, but it’s enough.

At least Mewtwo will protect his life and won’t let others hurt him, even if Mewtwo really won’t help him fight against others.

But no matter how it is also a divine beast-level bodyguard, little loli Bai Ze’s heart has blossomed.

At this time, she looked at Su Yu in the live broadcast room with a hint of smile in her eyes.

“After you come, let you see how powerful Mewtwo is, I believe that a top divine beast-level elf is not something you can fight against, right?”

Bai Ze said with a smile, he had already begun to fantasize about his future self, a beautiful picture of dreams on the left and Mewtwo on the right.

At this time, Su Yu was still walking on the plain, and he didn’t know that he had been remembered by Little Lori Bai Ze.

Of course, if he knew, he would not back down.

Because just now he let Dream 3.5 Phantom search Ziling’s mind for news about the Mega evolution stone.

Then he was quite pleasantly surprised to find that none of the people on Team Rocket had discovered the specific abilities of the Mega Evolution Stone.

Coupled with the fact that Mewtwo is still in the petri dish, it is impossible that he will suddenly wake up in such a short time.

And even if Mewtwo wakes up, he will not directly listen to Team Rocket’s words, so his chances of victory are still very large.

And even if Mewtwo really wakes up, it is impossible for the other party to know about the role of the mega evolution stone in a short time.

As long as Mewtwo doesn’t evolve into an X or Y form, then Su Yu won’t have much to worry about.

Anyway, as long as there is a dream, he is already invincible, it’s a big deal to draw and lose both, anyway, he still has the powerful Lucario as the backhand

Chapter 515 – Caught in the Trap!

“Is this really the base of that rocket team? Why doesn’t it look high?

“yes! This is a very ordinary broken house!

“Although this house can be built on this kind of plain, it is quite expensive at first glance, but it has little to do with the secret organization, right?”

“Who knows? Maybe the Rockets have a unique idea, built in such a place, no one will know that this is a secret base, so it is safer?

“If it were me, I wouldn’t be in this kind of place even if I had a little more maturity.”

“Forget it, or wait for the anchor to rush in and see how it goes?”

Looking at the words of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu didn’t say much.

At this time, he stood behind a stone with Lucario, Dream, and two captives of Ziling and Black Armor.

Not far in front of them, there was a large mansion, but this mansion looked a little dilapidated, as if no one had been here for a long time.

“Is this here, next you take me down, otherwise 05, I will directly let Dream Dream seal the entrance of the entire base, and everyone will die inside!”

Su Yu looked at the black armor on the side and muttered.

As for why he didn’t do it for Ziling on the side, it was because Su Yu felt that Ziling was more loyal.

Sure enough, after hearing Su Yu’s words, the black armor directly glanced at him coldly and said loudly.

“Don’t think about it, I won’t identify fingerprints to open the door for you!”

Hearing this, Su Yu’s eyebrows raised slightly, and then looked at the dream on the side from the middle.

This time, he didn’t say anything, and Dream nodded slightly.


I saw a pink light on the dreamy body, and the next moment, the black armor’s body also lit up with pink light.

Under the wrapping of Nian Li, the black armor was directly thrown by Dream to the door of that house, and then rushed all the way inside, instantly rushing to the most central position of the mansion.

Seeing that he did not encounter any danger along the way, Su Yu nodded slightly, and quickly followed with Mengxian and the others.

At this time, Su Yu had also discovered the shortcomings of the dream memory search, that is, he could only search for one general thing, and it was difficult to search for other things.

In particular, some details often fall behind.

Otherwise, there would be no need for Su Yu to take the two people of Black Armor and Ziling to find the entrance to the base of Team Rocket.

However, this also made him slightly relieved, if Dream Fantasy could really do this, he would also feel a little scared.

Because although Dream is a first-level god, his main characteristics still change into the appearance of other elves, in addition, his other characteristics are no different from ordinary super energy systems except for the relatively high race value.

If Dreams can read all the memories in the human mind, then other super-powered elves can be trained to do the same.

In addition, there is the most powerful existence of the super-powered elves, Mewtwo, and what the other party can do may be even more terrifying.

And now, the dream can’t do it, which means that other elves can’t do it either, so Su Yu is relieved.

“This mansion looks really broken!”

“It’s not like someone lives at all, can Team Rockets really do this?”

“I feel that the leader of Team Rocket must be a middle-aged man with the qualifications of a hero, and only such an existence can control an evil organization.”

“That’s right, or it’s the temperament of the godfather of the mafia, anyway, it’s completely different from ordinary people.”

“That’s all shown in film and television dramas, as if ordinary bosses are very ordinary looks, because in this way they can escape the pursuit of others when they are still weak, otherwise, they would probably have hung up long ago!”

Su Yu did not pay attention to the words of the water friends in the live broadcast room.

He just glanced around, then took a deep breath, directly grabbed the left hand of the black armor, and touched a button on the ground.

It was a gray, stone-identical button, and if you didn’t look closely, you would think it was a stone.

And not everyone can activate the passage to the Rockets’ underground base by touching this button, because fingerprint recognition can be performed on this button.

In the reluctant eyes of the black armor, he could only do this in the end.

With a roar of machinery, a two-meter-high trapdoor appeared next to the large stone not far away.

Su Yu’s eyebrows raised slightly, and a look of joy appeared in his eyes.

“Dream, Lucario, let’s go!”

After Su Yu’s words, they walked directly towards the entrance with dreams.

And the moment Su Yu just came to the entrance, a large number of iron bars suddenly appeared at the entrance, instantly condensing into a huge iron cage to trap him firmly.

Seeing this scene, Su Yu’s pupils shrank sharply.

“Haha, the anchor actually fell into a trap, it’s too stupid, right?”

“Upstairs is still laughing, this kind of trap is no joke, if Dream and Lucario can’t save the anchor, then the anchor is likely to die here!”

“Actually, I don’t care about this, I just want to know who will inherit his property after the anchor dies, or I will do it, in fact, I am also confident that 743 will do a good job in the live broadcast industry!”

“Stupid upstairs, right? Does the anchor have any relationship with you, even if he really hangs, his property must also have a company to inherit, how can there be you?

“What? Didn’t the streamer conduct the live broadcast by himself? Does he still have a company?

“Who knows? If he can do this, there should be a team behind him, and it can’t really be just himself!

At this time, Su Yu did not have time to read the words of these water friends in the live broadcast room, and he glanced at Dream with some anxiety.

And Dream and Lucario did not have any hesitation, and directly used their abilities to save Su Yu.

And at this moment, a large number of elves suddenly appeared in the distant room.

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