“As long as it’s not the boss of Osaka, I don’t believe that the elf has only crossed into this world in such a short time, someone can reach the level of the boss of Osaka, and how ruthless a little loli can be, it must be a hand!”

Su Yu’s heart already showed a trace of fantasy, he wanted to conquer that little loli.

“By the way, can you know what kind of elf that little loli has, or what their hole cards are?”

Hearing Su Yu’s question, Dream thought for a moment, and then answered.


“It seems that the other party does not have any backhand, but in the memory of the black armor, there is a green petri dish next to the little loli Bai Ze, and there is a sleeping elf inside, I don’t know what kind of elf!”

“Oh, what does it look like?”

Hearing this, Dream’s face suddenly showed an embarrassed look and spoke.


“It seems to look like me!”

Su Yu’s pupils were fierce.

“Could it be Mewtwo, even Mewtwo came over, this Bai Ze little loli won’t be a proper protagonist template, right?”

Su Yu said in surprise.

He originally thought that a few high-level elves on Team Rocket’s side were already very good, but he didn’t expect that the other party was likely to even have Mewtwo.

You must know that Mewtwo is a divine beast-level existence, which is completely different from ordinary elves.

If the other party really has Mewdream, he may not be able to beat the other party with these hole cards in his hand.

But thinking that in the world of the elves, Mewtwo itself is not very much bird rocket, and there is no reason to cross into this world, Mewtwo listened to that little loli Bai Ze very much.

“Mewtwo, what is that?”

“Is it also an elf?”

“Could it be a fantastic evolutionary type?”

“Wouldn’t you? I thought that Dream was already the top form, could it still evolve? Looking

at the words of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu took a deep breath, and then opened his mouth to explain.

“As far as I know, Mewtwo is not an evolutionary type of dream, and dreams only have this form, the so-called Mewtwo, which is an artificial elf.”

“Really fake? Can humans still make elves?

“That should be strong! After all, it is called Mewtwo, at least it is also a transcendent existence!

“That’s it, that’s it, it feels like a very good elf!”

And Su Yu paused slightly, glanced at the words of the friends in the live broadcast room, and then replied.

“Indeed, Mewtwo is a genie created by the leader of the rocket team, Daipan Boss, who is made from dreamy cells and DNA as a template, and his own strength is quite strong, which has surpassed ordinary divine beasts!”

0 ····· Ask for flowers… ·····

When he said this, Su Yu’s words sighed slightly, and when he learned that the other party was likely to have Mewtwo, he didn’t want to go over.

But he can’t not go now, after all, he has already said it before, and if he doesn’t go now, it’s a little too much of a slap in the face.

“Humans can even make elves, and they can also create an elf beyond dreams and reach the level of divine beasts, I suddenly have confidence in our scientists!”

“That’s right, if humans can really make elves, then even if elves invade our world, we can take back the dominant position!”

……. …. …

“That’s right, then we will be able to have an elf in our hands, but we will be happy!”

“I don’t think you’re right, although humans were once the overlords of the earth, when the elves came to this world, they definitely became different.”

“What do you say? Talk about it in detail upstairs! ”

If nothing else, it is those divine beasts, that is definitely not an existence that ordinary people can fight against, you know, the bald eagle sent an aircraft carrier there, and it was defeated by the elves in the water, which is enough to prove that human technology is still not enough in front of the elves.”

Looking at the words of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu suddenly felt a silent aura spreading in the live broadcast room, and he said directly without any hesitation.

“This water friend is right, although in front of the top body, the current technology of human beings is still not enough, but the divine beasts do not have much feeling for humans, they will not suddenly come out to find trouble, so everyone does not have to worry.”

“And as for ordinary elves, you don’t have to care too much, although those elves are still powerful, but in the face of our technology, it is still worse, elves are just a powerful animal with special powers, the most powerful thing for us humans is the mind, when scientists develop something similar to the elf ball, we can definitely coexist peacefully with the elves.”

After saying this, Su Yu saw that the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was back with .

Chapter 509 – Forward, Team Rocket!

“I snatched it, I snatched it, Charizard is mine!”

“Damn, I didn’t grab anything, you guys are too fast!”

“What about Ice Eevee? Who is my ice Ibrahimovic in?

“Haha, in my place, from now on, I also have my own elf, and Bing Eevee looks so beautiful!” I really want to hold it in my arms and play with it now.

“Breath is cold, only five elves is really too few, can the anchor prepare a little more, I see at least a hundred elves around?”

Looking at the words of the water friend in the live broadcast room, Su Yu sighed slightly and said.

“I know that everyone is very excited to want elves, first of all, we want to congratulate those lucky water friends who grabbed the lucky bag, I will deliver the elves to you within one day, and I will send a poké ball.”

“As for giving all the elves around the “seven four three” as lucky bags to everyone, I also think about this, but we have to consider the actual situation, first of all, I don’t have so many Poké balls, and if you mail the elves directly without the protection of the Poké Balls, then it is definitely not possible.

“In addition, elves also have their own ethnic groups, and some elves themselves live in groups, and it is not okay to change the living environment for each other, but elves like Bing Eevee and Charizard have no problem.”

After hearing Su Yu’s words, the voices of the water friends in the live broadcast room did not drop at all, and they still strongly asked Su Yu to get some more lucky bags.

Seeing this scene, Su Yu sighed slightly and did not get used to them.

But in the end, he spoke.

“Please rest assured, I will prepare elf lucky bags for everyone every live broadcast in the future, but at most three a day, not too much, after all, if you want to have your own elves, it is better to cultivate them yourself.”

After saying this, Su Yu did not speak again, but looked at Dream and Lucario on the side, nodded, and spoke.

“Next, let’s go to Team Rocket according to the route in Black Armor’s mind, and we must deal with Team Rocket as soon as possible, otherwise, it is likely to trigger a war between humans and elves!”

Hearing Su Yu’s words, Dream and Lucario nodded.

As for the huge Kabi beast who knew how to eat and sleep, Su Yu took out the Spirit Ball and put him away.

And the same is true of the night demon spirit on the side, after all, the night demon spirit is a cyclops form, first of all, its own appearance is a little terrifying.

In addition, its movement speed is not particularly fast, not to mention that most of the ghost elves like the dark link, this kind of direct exposure to the sun, although it is not harmful to the night devil, he is also uncomfortable.

As for the black armor that was controlled in the distance, Su Yu did not have any hesitation, directly pulled off his trouser belt and tied him up.

Then Lucario carried it on his shoulder and rushed forward.

As for these elves everywhere, just wait for them to wake up on their own, anyway, they themselves live here.

Maybe they were manipulated by the Rockets, but now there’s no problem.

When Su Yu left for two hours, the elves everywhere woke up slowly.

They looked at the unfamiliar surroundings and were a little wary, then found their companions, quickly left, and lived in the forest.

They themselves lived in this forest before they were caught by Team Rocket, after all, Team Rocket will not give up near and far.

They usually send teams to capture them in the forest, and unless there are some special elves, they will cross a long distance to bring them back.

As for the Pluto Dragoon Latina, it was entirely because the crack in the link reversal world was in this location, so they would want to go over and capture the Pluto Dragoon Latina pile.

After all, compared to ordinary elves, a divine beast-level elf like Pluto Dragoon Ladina is a heaven-destroying existence.

As long as they can completely control the Pluto dragon riding Latina, Team Rocket can even directly rule this world.

Because no human can resist the power of the Hades Dragoon Latina.

Unless there are divine beasts of the same level, such as Diaruga and Parukia and so on.

Time flies by.

When the sky gradually turned dark, Su Yu finally walked out of this jungle and came to a plain.

Su Yu looked at the entire Norda Plain, wanting to find some elf figures on this plain 0 …

After all, elves have been invading this world for a long time, and in general, there are elves in basically all places.

Especially in these wilds, wild elves are piled up one by one, similar to the animals of the past.

As for the city, except for the elf invasion at the beginning, some people are overwhelmed, and then they are all eliminated or driven out of the city.

After all, at that time, there was no Su Yu to explain to them, and people thought that elves were monster-like things, and did not think that they could be kept as pets.

However, now everyone has gradually recognized the existence of elves, because many people have found that elves are essentially just animals.

They may have great powers, they may have strange abilities, but as long as they have a good relationship with them, they can coexist peacefully.

Not to mention that most elves can be domesticated, and they can even bring elves to live with them at home.

For example, so far, although many people in this world do not have Poké Balls, there are also some people who have successfully subdued Elves with their unique personal charm.

Of course, this number is not much, at least Su Yu did not find such water friends in his live broadcast room.

Otherwise, according to the show-off nature of human beings, they will definitely come out to show off.

And Su 3.5 Yu also knows a good news, that is, because of his live broadcast, now in some organizations defending the country, they will also specially domesticate suitable elves into similar police dogs.

This made Su Yu feel that sooner or later the elves would one day coexist peacefully with humans.

However, this time is not short, and it takes a long time of popularization and publicity to be able to do it.

And if you want humans and elves to truly become one, and truly and peacefully coexist, something similar to a fairy ball must be made.

The Spirit Balls and Fairies that Su Yu sent out through the lucky bag also had such a meaning.

Although it is inconvenient for him to come forward and give the Pokeball to the scientist, it is not a good way to give it to the scientist through such a method, at least it can speed up the pace of peaceful coexistence between humans and elves

Chapter 510 – Crisis Coming!

When Su Yu looked at the grassland, the water friends in the live broadcast room looked at him through the display screen.

However, there are no elves in this large steppe, not even elves, but even the most ordinary animals.

This scene surprised Su Yu.

“What’s going on? Is this grassland poisonous?

“I also feel that this grassland is poisonous, otherwise, how could the current situation occur?”

“It stands to reason that the density of elves in this world is still good, such a large grassland, it is impossible to have no elves, under normal circumstances, there must not be several ethnic groups?”

“That’s right, there are antelopes, lions, etc. in ordinary animals, there is nothing in this grassland, it’s too fake, right?”

When Su Yu looked at the famous words in the live broadcast room curiously, he saw it at a glance, too fake, three words.

This made Su Yu’s pupils shrink slightly, and he seemed to understand something.

The plain in front of him didn’t seem to be like this, it should have been transformed the day after tomorrow or simply fake.

After thinking of this, Su Yu looked at the black armor that was resisted on Lucario’s shoulder on the side.

The black armor at 05 was lying quietly on Lucario’s shoulder, and he didn’t do anything special.

However, when Su Yu’s gaze looked at him, his body trembled violently, and then he turned his head directly.

“Sure enough, it seems that Team Rocket is not just catching elves!”

Su Yu muttered, but the black armor of the rocket team on the side pretended not to hear.

In this regard, Su Yu only sighed slightly and did not say anything more.

He knew he only needed to destroy Team Rockets as fast as he could, and as for what they had done before, it was impossible to change.

As long as they don’t let them do anything later that is not conducive to the peaceful coexistence of humans and elves.

“Let’s go!”

When the words fell, Su Yu walked into this plain with Dream and Lucario.

They strolled forward, following the memories that dreams had queried from inside the black armor’s head.

A moment later, looking at the identical plain around him, Su Yu’s eyes showed a trace of irritation.

“What’s going on? Feel like this plain is endless? ”

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