Because he knew that as long as he could lead these water friends to find the Pluto Dragon King riding Latina, then the rumors about the Pluto Dragon riding Latina would be broken.

On the contrary, if he only justifies here alone, some water friends may listen, but most water friends will definitely not listen to his explanation.

Holding the Spirit Ball containing the Night Demon in his left hand, Su Yu’s eyes flashed with a trace of solemnity.

Taking a deep breath, Su Yu didn’t say much, just continued to explore the cave, and by the way, broadcast the situation in the cave that reversed the world to the water friends.

Aside from the poisonous mist that spreads in the air all the time, the scenery inside this cave is still quite beautiful.

The dark cave radiates a dark green glow, and from time to time various colorful gemstones shimmer there.

If it weren’t for Su Yu knowing that these gemstones contained a lot of toxins, which could be said to be the condensation of poisonous mist, then, no matter what, he would have taken a few gems out.

“This cave is so beautiful! If only there was no toxic fog!

“That’s right, if there is no poisonous fog, we can also go in and visit, it will definitely become a good attraction!”

“By the way, isn’t the anchor’s dream able to generate a shield to block these poisons? We can also use similar means to defend against these poisonous fogs!

“That’s right, it seems that those shields are the abilities that the super-powered elves have, and we can catch other super-powered elves!”

Su Yu watched the discussion of the water friends in the live broadcast room while walking, and after seeing this, he couldn’t help but shake his head and spoke.

“I know that people like the scenery and want to come in and observe the various scenery, but there is one thing I want to tell you.”

Speaking of this, Su Yu paused for a moment, and then spoke.

“That’s why my dream can use the protective shield to isolate these poisonous mist, in addition to the role of super energy ability, the most important thing is that the level of dream is relatively high, and the strength is strong enough to do this.”

“On the contrary, if you get a super elf that is not strong enough to do these things, it is likely that you will not last even a minute, and if you enter without permission, you may not be able to get out, and the final end can only be the same as that night devil.”

As soon as they heard that they would be dying like the night devil, covered in poisonous fog and dying, the water friends in the live broadcast room quickly shut up and stopped talking about these things.

Hearing that the system prompted him to get some points, Su Yu shook his head slightly, and did not pay much attention.

The points he needs now are quite large, and the things he needs to redeem are all those top things, but it is completely not enough to rely on one or two live broadcasts, at least for a month of continuous live broadcasts, or encounter some adventure in the middle.

For these, Su Yu is no longer too careful, his main idea now is to save the night demon spirit, and everything else can be left behind.

As for what the water friends said just now, in fact, he has a better way, that is, if anyone really wants to come to the cave of this inverted world to watch, he can rent out the dream to earn some commissions.

However, this idea just appeared in Su Yu’s mind, and it was abandoned by him, Su Yu is indeed relatively short of money, but he will definitely not use dreams to make money.

Of course, live streaming does not count, if Dream is left here for rent, then it will be a great blow to him and Dream.

0 ····· Ask for flowers… ·····

Especially for Dream, Dream has recognized him as the master very much, if Su Yu let him constantly enter the reversal world to make money, maybe Dream will not say anything in a short time, but for a long time, there will definitely be some problems.

An hour later.

On a slope covered with colorful crystals, Su Yu was slowly floating upwards.

At this time, a fine bead of sweat had oozed from Dream’s forehead, and it was obvious that Dream’s own physical strength had been consumed to a certain extent.

Although maintaining this protective shield does not consume much, if the shield is enlarged and strengthened, the physical consumption will increase.

…… …….. 0’s

dream at this time is this feeling, if it weren’t for his own strength is strong enough and his level is high enough, his physical strength would have been exhausted long ago.

“Dream, eat some energy cubes to replenish your strength!”

Saying this, Su Yu directly took out a high-level energy cube and placed it in his hand.

Dream did not hesitate, walked over, opened his mouth and took a small bite, and quickly ate it clean.

After waiting for the dream block, Dream shook his body, instantly feeling radiant, and even the surrounding pink shield became a little thicker.

Reaching out and touching Dream’s head, Su Yu said.

“Okay, okay! Let’s look for a while, if we really can’t find it, then we can only give up, although I also want to save the night devil, but this continues, it is really not a way!

Sighing slightly, Su Yu didn’t say much, in fact, with his dreamy current state, it was not enough to fight a long-term battle.

If Su Yu really found the Pluto Dragon Rider Latina when the dream consumed a lot of physical strength, and the Pluto Dragon Rider Latina did not feel too good about them, he directly launched a surprise attack.

Maybe the dreams may not be able to block it, sighed slightly, and after another half an hour, Su Yu knew that they could not move forward now.

With a slight sigh, he wanted to leave, and at this moment, he suddenly heard a slightly heavy breathing sound in the distance

Chapter 475 – Gluttonous Pluto!

“There’s something out there!”

Su Yu shouted in slight surprise, and then subconsciously covered his mouth to prevent waking up the thing.

“So what are you? Did the anchor really meet the Pluto Dragoon Latina?

“The anchor is amazing! I didn’t expect to really let him find it!

“The anchor hurry over and take a look, let’s get a glimpse of riding Latina!”

“That’s right, that’s right, we all want to see what the Pluto dragon ride Latina looks like, whether it is the same existence as the legendary divine beast, and the appearance of the divine beast with clouds on its body!”

Looking at the urging of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu took a deep breath and nodded to the dream on the side.

And Dream clenched his small fists, ready for high-intensity battles at any time.

Su Yu clenched his hand on the Spirit Ball containing Lucario in “Six Eight Zero” and slowly walked towards the direction where the voice came from.

Su Yu’s speed was not fast, because he knew that even if the Hades dragon rider Latina was likely to fall into a deep sleep at this time, if he walked too fast, he would probably wake up the other party.

Getting up gas is not only exclusive to humans, many creatures have similar feelings.

And if you wake up a human who has the gas to get up, you may be scolded or even beaten, but if you wake up the riding Latina who has the gas to get up, then it will be fun.

Dream, who has super perception, was the first to feel the terrifying breath of life of the Pluto Dragoon Latina within his own sensory range.


“It’s right there, the life force field is quite powerful, it has surpassed me, it is likely to be Pluto!”

Hearing the dreamy words, Su Yu took a deep breath, and then directly crossed the last small stone.

In his line of sight, a huge divine beast that looked like a centipede, but had a dragon form on its body, appeared in his eyes.

“Is this Hades riding Latina? It looks so strange!

“How do I feel he’s more of a monster?” And not like some kind of divine beast?

“Silly upstairs, right? The elf himself is a monster, he looks like a monster, isn’t it normal?

“That’s right, although some elves are very cute and in line with our aesthetics, many elves do not conform to our aesthetics, such as the three ghost-type elves that the anchor met before, but they really scared me to death.”

“The anchor hurry up and wake him up, otherwise how can you save the night devil?”

“That’s right, but the anchor be careful, we don’t want to see the anchor directly killed by the Pluto dragon rider Latina who has the gas to get up!”

Su Yu took a deep breath, he naturally knew that he couldn’t be too arrogant, only to see that he was still 50 meters away from the Pluto dragon rider Latina, hesitated, and finally took out something and threw it directly towards the Pluto dragon rider Latina.

I saw that the fist-sized thing cut through a beautiful parabola and fell to the side of the Hades Dragoon Latina.

“The anchor made a move, could it be that he threw out a poké ball? He wants to subdue the Pluto Dragoon Latina!

“How is that possible? How could the anchor be so stupid, without the consent of the elves, the biggest possibility of throwing the poké ball at him would still anger the other party!

“Upstairs is right, what the anchor threw was not a poké ball, it seemed to be an energy cube?”

“Energy cube, does the anchor want to use the method of feeding the puppy? Let the riding Latina also become a puppy under his energy cube!

“This method may be useful for ordinary animals, but it shouldn’t be of much use to elves with their own consciousness, right?”

“I feel the same!”

What is Su Yu throwing, as he is familiar with the habits of elves, naturally he will not throw a poké ball.

You must know that this is the real world, not the game, although you can use a variety of poké balls to subdue the mythical beasts in the game.

But in reality, basically most of the divine beasts cannot be recovered by the Spirit Ball, and if someone really dares to do so, the biggest possibility is to be directly torn to pieces by the angry divine beasts.

What Su Yu threw was naturally an energy cube.

“The energy cube itself is the food created for the elves, and although the Pluto dragon rider Latina is a divine beast, he is also an elf, and it is estimated that he will also like these energy cubes!”

Su Yu thought so in his heart, and did not rush over.

Looking at the energy cube that was less than a meter away from the Pluto Dragoon Latina, Su Yu and the water friends in the live broadcast room watched quietly and took a deep breath 0 …

They are all waiting for the next development.

Then, under Su Yu’s gaze, I saw that the nose of the Hades dragon rider Latina, who was sleeping on the ground, twitched slightly.

Obviously, the other party smelled the smell of the energy cube, and then, I saw the eyes of the Hades dragon rider Latina suddenly opened.

Those terrifying eyes stared at the energy cube less than a meter away from him.

“Eat, eat!”

Su Yu prayed silently in his heart, and at this time he had actually seen the longing in the heart of the Hades Dragoon Ladina.

“This energy cube is indeed an exclusive food developed for the elves, and all the elves can’t resist his taste, of course, as long as some energy cubes with special flavors are excluded!”

Su Yu whispered, feeling a little emotion, in the world of elves, there are actually only two most important props developed by humans, the first is that the elf ball can subdue the elves for their own use, and the second is the energy cube, which can better feed the elves.

Otherwise, for some elves who like to eat meat, and some elves who are quite large, the food they consume every day is a huge number.

There are also those ghost elves who have no real entity, and the food they want to eat is something special, and the food of ordinary people cannot provide them with enough energy at all.

3.5 The energy cube can solve this thing perfectly.

“Eat it, the Pluto Dragoon Latina really ate that energy cube!”

“Congratulations to the anchor, he tamed a divine beast with one energy cube!”

“Stupid upstairs, right? Could it be that an elf with advanced intelligence would submit to humans because of a block of energy? That’s a good start at best!

Su Yu took a deep breath, he naturally knew that this was just a good start.

To be honest, until now, he had no idea of subduing the Pluto Dragoon Latina, because he knew that this probability was basically zero.

“Okay, guys, now I’m going to get up close and personal with the Dragoon Latina, please bless me!”

Chapter 476 – The Pluto Dragon Who Suddenly Moved! Saying

this, Su Yu signaled the dream on the side to walk forward.

And the dreamy little body trembled slightly, and then, his eyes became tough, and he took a bite of the energy cube that Su Yusai had just given him, feeling the recovery of energy in his body.

Directly took Su Yu and walked towards the front.

The Pluto Dragoon Ratina, who was savoring the delicious energy cube, suddenly saw two small figures appear in his line of sight, and his eyes immediately showed a vigilant look.


A terrifying roar sounded from the mouth of the Pluto Dragoon Latina.

Dream heard these roars, first stunned, and then translated.


“Did he say the energy cube just now? He still wants to eat! Hearing

this, Su Yu was stunned, he thought that with such a huge size, the Hades dragon rider Latina as a divine beast should have his own force.

At least they have a strong sense of territory, and when they see the two of them come in, they are likely to have angry expressions, and maybe 05 will directly attack them regardless of good or bad.

But he never expected that the first reaction of the Hades Dragoon Latina when he saw them was not to drive them away, nor to ask them about their purpose, but to ask him for another energy cube.

In this regard, Su Yu didn’t know what to say, but he knew that the most important thing now was to hear the Hades Dragon Rider and serve well, which was not only used to save the night demon spirit, but also to protect her own life.

Without any hesitation, Su Yu directly took out five fist-sized high-grade energy cubes from his pocket and threw them towards the Pluto Dragon Rider Latina.

Looking at the glittering energy cubes in mid-air, a trace of greed flashed in the eyes of the Pluto dragon rider Latina, and in an instant, he directly hung all the energy cubes in his mouth.

Gulping down the energy cube in one bite, the Pluto Dragoon Ratina revealed a delicious expression of enjoyment.


Hearing the roar of the Pluto dragon riding Latina, Su Yu couldn’t understand it, and could only subconsciously look at the dream on the side.


“He said we can get out now!”

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