“Everyone guessed right, these two guys are actually the evolutionary and final evolutionary types of Ghost, and their names are Ghost Stone and Geng Ghost.”

“In terms of personality, it is naturally similar to ghosts, four are very naughty, like to joke with people and make fun.”

“Of course, their bodies are also composed of gas gas, but they will no longer be directly blown away by strong winds.”

“At the same time, I also want to remind that not all ghost elves are composed of gas, but ghosts are composed of gas.”

“There are also many ghost-type elves, all with their own bodies, but most of them have the same trait, that is, immunity to physical attacks.”

“Just like the elves of the ground system are immune to electric attacks, it can be said that “six eight zero” is their own attribute, but it is not absolute.

“Moreover, what a water friend just said is actually wrong if he does not experience being able to change his own form.”

“This kind of elf does exist, but it is very rare, and there are not many types, and the dream around me is to be able to use the transformation skill to transform into the appearance of other elves.”

“At the same time, the transformation skill also allows them to learn the skills of other elves.”

While speaking, a ray of light bloomed on the dreamy body, and then it actually directly turned into the appearance of a ghost stone.

Sticking out a big tongue, Ghost Stone and the three of them also circled around the appearance of dreams with curiosity on their faces.

Then they actually danced happily, and Dream also felt that they grimaced, and then used a shadow ball and threw it directly into the depths of the forest.

Then it changed back to its original form.

“In addition to dreams, there is another elf in the world that can transform into the appearance of other elves, that is, it is a variety of monsters.”

“But it’s a pity that we haven’t encountered it yet, so I’ll explain it to you in detail after we encounter it.”

The fantastic performance made Su Yu nod with great satisfaction.

“Ah, are there really any elves that can turn into other elves? I really never knew that dreams could transform freely.

“The anchor should have said that.”

“When did you talk about it? How did I not know?

“When you explain Dream, didn’t you say that Dream, as the ancestor of the elf master, has countless genes in his body?”

“Then they can freely transform into elves and use their skills, so naturally there will be no problems.”

“It seems to be true to say that, but what kind of elf is the Variety Monster? I suddenly became a little curious.

“It’s a pity, I haven’t encountered it yet, and I can’t explain it in detail until I encounter it, and I hope that the anchor will encounter a variety of monsters at the next turn.”

“Well, I’m willing to exchange a hundred years of singleness upstairs for the wish in his mouth.”

“One hundred years! You’re so ruthless, you just want me to be single for the rest of my life.

“I’m sorry, I was seen through by you, and if that’s the case, I won’t pretend either.”

“Hahaha, laugh at me, the one upstairs you hope that the anchor will not meet the strange news at the next turn, otherwise you will be single for the rest of your life.”

“How is that possible? This is a place where ghost elves live, and the other elves have all left, how can they encounter a variety of monsters?

“Well, it turns out that you have already planned it, no wonder you are not panicked at all.”


The live broadcast room was very lively, and Su Yu also glanced at the living treasures in the live broadcast room from time to time.

After seeing that there was nothing of interest, he directly turned his gaze to the three of them.

“By the way, can you take me to the edge of that crack?”

Ghost Stone, they seemed to hesitate, and then shook their heads slightly.

Opening his mouth as if he was saying something, the dream also floated, and he came over and listened carefully.


“He said that although there was a smell in the crack that they liked very much, they were afraid to go in.”

“It is said that they feel that there is a very powerful force suppressing them inside, and if they go in, the outcome will definitely be very bad.”

Su Yu listened and his face showed a solemnity.

The one who can make them feel oppressed should also be a very powerful elf, so it must be very dangerous.

But this also stimulated Su Yu’s curiosity even more, if it was a long time ago, I am afraid that he would not choose to enter, because without this strength, there will be more dangers in the past0 …

But now he can be said to be completely unafraid, so many powerful elves around, what is there to be afraid of?

Even if he encounters a divine beast-level existence, he can fight a dozen.

“It’s okay, take us there, you don’t have to go in, just wait outside.”

While speaking, Su Yu handed the three elves an energy cube.

Under the temptation of food, Ghost Stone seems to be much more daring.

After a short hesitation, he also floated towards the forest.

Su Yu and Dream quickly followed, and walked deeper and deeper into the forest.

This side was gloomy, and the feeling became more and more intense, making Su Yu seem to suddenly think of something.

His brows furrowed slightly, but he wasn’t very sure, so he could only follow along.

It was dreamy, and once again held up that pink bubble, shrouding the two of them in it.

Obviously, he also felt very uncomfortable with the eerie feeling on this side.

If not, he wouldn’t have used his abilities to protect himself in it.

After coming here, they seem to become more active, and it can be seen that they really like this 3.5 place.

Otherwise, the curious Ghost Stone, of course, they would not have been able to leave elves and humans to come to such a deserted place.

If it weren’t for Su Yu and they happened to come here, maybe they wouldn’t know how long it would be before they would be able to see the others.

“Is the anchor going to explore that crack? How I felt as if it was dangerous.

“Don’t worry, since the anchor has done this, he must also have confidence.”

“And have you forgotten? The anchor’s elves are so powerful that they can easily resist even if they encounter danger.

“This is a fact, if you really want to laugh, I am afraid that the anchor is already invincible in this world.”

“You don’t say I didn’t expect it, but if you say that, I think it’s a bit like it.”

Chapter 471 – Reverse the World! Pluto dragon riding Latina (ask for customization)

Looking at the speeches of the water friends, Su Yu also had more confidence.

Anyway, he had entered the other world of the rift before, and there was no problem in entering it again.

As he continued to advance, Su Yu finally saw a huge crack ten meters long standing in the forest, and the center of the crack was pitch black, which seemed to connect an extremely strange space.

Ghost Stone, they felt the cold aura coming from inside the crack, extremely excited, quite active, it seemed that they liked this place very much.

There was a hint of disgust in the dreamy eyes, and the pink bubbles became thicker.

Su Yu turned his head to look at the ghost stones on the side.

“You guys stay here, and then let me and Dream go in and see what’s going on inside.”

When they heard this, their figures kept flickering, seemingly agreeing with Su Yu’s statement, and they were still telling something.


“They say that the terrifying aura inside is quite powerful, but if they can solve the terrifying aura of 05 inside, they also hope to be able to live in it, which will make them more comfortable and help their evolution!”

Listening to this, Su Yu’s face showed a dignified look and nodded.

“I know, I’ll go first and see what kind of powerful elves are inside, and if I can, tell him about your demands, maybe he is also willing to share the space inside with you!”

Ghost Stone had a big smile on their faces, looking a little eerie, but Su Yu felt quite cute.

“Is the anchor really going to enter that crack, and the courage is too big?”

“The anchor often makes this attempt, and it is estimated that there is something terrifying in it, but with so many powerful elves on the anchor’s side, he will definitely not be afraid of the things inside!”

“Rush! We want to see Lucario’s latest battles, and hopefully the streamer can use Lucario!

“Come on, anchor, don’t be afraid, we pray for you!”

Su Yu looked at the conversation in the live broadcast room, and couldn’t help but smile, and the pace of progress became more firm.

“Next, I will take you to explore the space inside the crack, and then you may encounter various ghostly elves, I will explain them to you one by one.”

After speaking, Su Yu took a deep breath and passed directly through the huge black crack with dreams.

In an instant, Su Yu felt that the cold aura on his body became more serious, and he even shivered and tightened the clothes on his body.

When the feeling of spatial isolation disappeared, Su Yu’s vision gradually recovered, and only then could he see the situation inside the crack.

It is a huge cave, which looks to be thousands of meters high, and there are various rugged caves in the middle, which is extremely complex.

In these caves, there are a large number of black poisonous clouds floating there.

Let Su Yu’s brows furrow, subconsciously cover his mouth and nose, although he does not know what the composition of those poisonous clouds is, but at a glance it is a highly toxic substance, maybe he will burp if he inhales a little.

“It seems that this time we came to a cave-like place, but I don’t know what kind of cave and what special elves are.”

“Let’s explore it next, I don’t know what kind of thing those poisonous clouds are!”

Saying this, Su Yu walked forward with a dream, and saw that he took out a red and silver spirit ball in his left hand.

Be prepared to release Lucario to help him whenever there is a situation.

The water friends in the live broadcast room also stared at the screen with a curious face, and they were strangely quiet at this moment.

They were also curious about what the alien space was like behind these cracks.

After all, before the arrival of the elves, they didn’t know that there was such a thing as alien space, and they all seemed extremely excited and curious.

Su Yu moved forward with a dream for a moment, but felt a hint of surprise, because they didn’t find any elves.

Even if there is a dream to use superpowers to explore this cave, no traces of elves have been found, as if there are no elves in this alien space.

And this is obviously impossible, this world has been invaded by elves, it can be said that there are a large number of elves in any place that does not make sense.

You know, the bald eagle side has already fought with many elves, and even suffered heavy casualties.

This is enough to prove that the influence of elves on this world is still quite large.

Walking beside Dream, Su Yu looked up at the black poisonous cloud above the sky, frowning and thinking.

A moment later, his pupils shrank sharply, and he subconsciously spoke.

“Is this a world reversed?”

As we all know, the inverted world exists relative to the real world, and the real world is the complete opposite world, which is the shadow of the real world.

After determining this concept, Su Yu began to introduce.

“According to my observations, this cave we are in should be a shadow of the real world, inverting the world.”

“And the inverted world is to support the existence of the real world, to some extent, the pollution of the real world will be distributed into the inverted world, so as to maintain the balance of the real world, and the manifestation of pollutants in the inverted world is those toxic black clouds in the sky!”

Su Yu pointed to the black clouds in the sky and introduced the water friends in the 680 live broadcast room.

“There is even a reverse world, I didn’t expect such an interesting place!”

“The anchor is worthy of being a bold and careful outdoor anchor, and he can even find a place like the reverse world, why can’t you see any elves here?”

“That’s right, if there is some kind of reverse world here, then there should also be a corresponding elf, I feel that it is a ghost or poisonous elf!”

“I feel that the upstairs is right, in this strange and gloomy world, only the ghost system can exist, but the black cloud above the sky is a poisonous substance, and it is likely to give birth to poisonous elves!”

Watching the speeches of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Su Yu shook his head slightly.

“Everyone’s speculation is very reasonable, but I’m sorry, there is no life breath in the entire reversal world, whether it is a poison or a ghost elf, it will be fatally injured in it.”

Speaking of this, Su Yu’s voice continued.

“And in this flipped world, the only elf that can survive is the Pluto Dragoon Latina!”

“Legend has it that the Pluto Dragoon Latina is an elf created by the creation god Arceus to control the reverse world, perhaps we can catch a glimpse of riding Latina here!”

Chapter 472 – Super Divine Beast Level! The groan of the inverted world (please customize)

“The elves created by the Creation God should be at the level of divine beasts!”

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