“Look at what you said, you already know, after biting on the head and evolving into the king hippopotamus, can the position of the shell be changed to other places?”

“It doesn’t seem to be unreasonable.”

While everyone was discussing, Su Yu had already picked up the dumb beast that was not very big.

Slowly came to the edge of the rock before.

After putting the dumb beast down, Su Yu slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

“Looking at this little guy, it’s not very big, but it actually seems to be quite heavy.”

“First of all, congratulations, the next step is to become the leader of this race, and secondly, the process of evolution may be a little painful, so you have to endure it.”

While speaking, Su Yu gently rubbed the little guy’s head, and then did not wait for him to continue to say anything more, and bit it over.

Seeing this, Su Yu quickly withdrew his hand.

Just now, if I didn’t know how fast to hide, I’m afraid that I would directly clamp his hand together, which is not a joke.

The big tongue shell that had just had no effect twice in a row, even if he wanted to parasitize on the body of an elf to maintain his next life, his heart was full of anger.

And the hard state on the dumb beast that was just fake made the big tongue shell very unhappy.

So now a bite down, at the same time there is a sound of skin and flesh rubbing.

The dumb beast didn’t have any special feelings just now, but after a few seconds, it suddenly began to run with its head in its hands.

It may not have hurt that much, but this is a mouthful of anger.

It’s strange if it doesn’t hurt.

In the process of running, a white light was released from the body of the dumb beast.

Not only did his grandfather shroud the piece of the king’s certificate on his chest together.

It’s just that the audience in the group is breathing every minute, and even Su Yu on the side is casting curious eyes.

He knew that he knew, but he had never seen it, and of course he had to take a closer look.

As usual, it only took a few seconds for the white evolutionary light to slowly recede.

And what appeared in front of everyone was a new elf that had never been seen before.

Sure enough, the size of the dumb beast began to become extremely large, even surpassing the ordinary dumb hippopotamus.

And there is also an extra layer on the head of the dumb beast, similar to the existence of a shell.

But on that layer of shells protruded several spikes, and in the middle was a red gemstone.

Not only that, the piece of the king’s blade that the Dumb Beast originally wore on its chest had disappeared.

Compared to the other clansmen, the Hippo King’s eyes were a little smarter.

Although it is not much better, you can also see the gap between them.

“Wow, I originally thought that the head of the shell belt would be particularly ugly, but this purified shell seems to be very beautiful.”

“Why do I think, especially this is like a jewel, and it is very precious, like a big hat.”

“Didn’t you notice the look in King Hippo’s eyes, which seemed to be a little wiser than before?”

“What you didn’t say, I really haven’t found it, I have to say, although it’s a little smarter, it’s not much better, this look can be seen.”

“I really want to see what the strength of the Hippo King is?”

“I can’t think of it, I want to see Lucario even more.”

“Children only make choices, if I can, I would like to watch the fight between Lucario and King Hippo.”

“Hahaha, I can hear your abacus from thousands of miles away.”

After seeing the appearance of the hippopotamus king in the live broadcast room, there were also exclamations.

At the same time, the audience’s hearts were also greatly satisfied.

Even Su Yu looked at the appearance of the Hippo King, and his face showed a hint of surprise.

This process is much more amazing than he imagined, although I don’t know why, but I can be regarded as seeing it with my own eyes.

The hippopotamus king slowly came to Su Yu, stretched out his arm and gently rubbed on Su Yu’s body.

This is thanking him.

Although the dumb beasts are all dumbfounded 663, their IQ is not low, but they are just too lazy to move.

Because they are too lazy, they also give up thinking directly, but it does not mean that they will not think.

This hippopotamus king knew very well that it was because of Su Yu that he was able to successfully evolve into a hippopotamus king and avoid the result of the entire race being trafficked.

So that’s how he chooses to be thankful.

“Well, since you have successfully evolved, then take your group to live well, and you will run far after encountering those poaching groups.”

“Then we’ll see you again.”

Su Yu said, waving his hand at the Hippo King and the group of dumb beasts.

So he walked into the distance with a dream, he did not have any idea of subduing a dumb beast.

After all, this guy is so stupid, if he keeps it at home like a pet, it would be great.

But Su Yu has been running away all year round, constantly broadcasting all kinds of new and interesting things about Jinling, so it is really not appropriate to subdue a dumb beast.

Use it to fight, this guy is too lazy, it may not have any effect, don’t use it to fight, it won’t have much effect with it.

So just don’t want it

Chapter 467 – Ghost Spirits! Is there a difference from a ghost? And

after such a toss, I was able to find some more elves to live broadcast, but now I can’t.

Because it was getting late outside, although there was no delay for too long, but on the way of walking, this delay was inevitable.

“See you soon, everyone, see you tomorrow.”

Su Yu was still the same as on the Internet, habitually waved his hand at the live broadcast room, and then just when he was about to close the live broadcast room, he suddenly saw a figure next to him flash.

So he also stopped for a while.

Everyone in the live broadcast room naturally noticed that scene happened.

“The anchor just seemed to have something floating behind you, isn’t it a new elf? Do you want to stream live for a while?

“Yes, it just so happens that none of us have seen it yet, if it is a new experience, then I can’t eat later.”

“It’s not impossible to eat late, it’s not that you can’t hold a bowl and eat while watching the live broadcast.”

“I don’t think it’s fair to the anchor, so I decided to eat and watch while holding my rice bowl because I’m hungry.”

“You boy, listening to Jun Yi’s words, it is like Zhuang Zhou’s purification, and what he says seems to be nonsense.”

“Back then, Master Luo wanted to withdraw from the literary world, but I strongly refused, and now I suggest that Master Luo return to the literary world, and there is currently one vote.”

Being so teased by the audience, Su Yu suddenly became curious.

Although it was already dark, he was honestly not very hungry.

The system automatically buys the energy cubes needed for the dream, and then gives them to him, and then walks in that direction as well.

The black shadow just now was obviously floating into the depths of the forest.

“Let’s go, Dream, let’s go and see while we eat, if it’s any new elf, then maybe it’s going to be fun tonight.”

Although it was almost dark outside, Su Yu was not worried at all.

His live broadcast equipment is provided by the system, and it has a night light function, even if it is a dark cave, there is no light inside, and everyone in the live broadcast room can clearly see the situation in the cave.

System production, must be a boutique!

And just listening to Su Yu’s words, the audience who were ready to exit the live broadcast room also stayed to continue watching.

“Let’s go, Dream over here, that guy went deep into the forest.”

While saying that, Su Yu also walked towards the forest, the real direction.

In fact, Su Yu already had a little guess in his heart.

He had just clearly seen that the guy was floating past him, and it was floating away, not a little black guy jumping over.

So there is a high probability that that guy is either a superpower system or a ghost system.

Of course, the dragon system also has some possibilities, but the speed of the black shadow just now was too fast, and even Su Yu couldn’t see it clearly.

As they went deeper into the forest, the surrounding foliage gradually became thicker, and the surrounding environment became much more gloomy.

“Do you feel that the light in the live broadcast room seems to have become a lot darker?”

“That’s for sure, the surrounding leaves are so dense, even if it’s noon outside, I’m afraid there isn’t much sunlight inside, let alone when the sun is setting and there is no light.”

“Ah, then can we still see the next live broadcast clearly?”

“Look at what is clear now? The host’s device is obviously equipped with infrared settings, even at night, we can see clearly, but whether the anchor can see clearly, then I don’t know.

“I have to say that the anchor is really well prepared, and the equipment is very advanced, so give a good review.”

“Of course, after all, not every elf appears during the day, and there are more ghostly elves who are not live.”

“You said that the black shadow just floated over, could it be a ghost-type elf, after all, normal elves should not pass like this.”

“There is such a possibility, but how to do it is not good in the end, anyway, let’s follow the anchor to see it.”

While looking at the contents of the barrage, Su Yu also approached the depths of this forest.

At this time, he already felt that this place was a little gloomy, and it seemed that he felt a little cold behind it.

“Now that the sun is just setting, it is absolutely impossible to be so dark in the forest.”

“And as soon as I walked into this place, my back began to get cold.”

“Then there is a high probability that there will be a ghost-type elf here, so everyone must be prepared and don’t be scared.”

“The so-called ghost-line elves, although their attributes are ghosts, they are not real ghosts.”

“It can be said that there have always been various different elves, and of course there are gas-like existences.”

Listening to Su Yu’s words, the live broadcast room was also stunned for a while.

“What the hell? Are there still gas forms among the elves? So what is the difference between such an elf and a ghost?

“So it doesn’t seem to make a difference, but it should be acceptable to have a gas form.”

“After all, among elves, we have seen that water is made of water, rocks, flames, and even leaves can also become elves, and it is not unacceptable to have one more gas now.”

“Maybe it’s more difficult to accept for others, but I can fully believe Jin Ling’s words.”

“How do I feel that the elves of the ghost system are really the same as the ghosts, as a gas can penetrate the wall and can suddenly appear and disappear, after I go to sleep and have (Wang Wang Hao) nightmares.”

“Hahaha, your guts won’t be so small, it’s just a ghost-type elf and not a real ghost, it can startle you, ah…” While

everyone was chatting, a water friend typed half of the type, and suddenly disappeared.

This can be a surprise to everyone.

Within a few minutes, the water friend returned again.

“It scared me to death, and I won’t say bad things about ghost elves in the future, just now a dark face appeared beside me, which startled me, fortunately he left later.”

“Hahahaha, it’s retribution, I can’t say anything more anyway.”

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was immediately joyful, which also made everyone confirm the fact that ghost elves were really no different from ghosts.

And Su Yu looked at the situation in the live broadcast room, naturally he couldn’t help it, and continued to walk towards the depths of the forest

Chapter 468 – Ghost Spirit Ghost!

It’s just that none of the water friends in the live broadcast room have been able to find the black fog that followed Su Yu far away.

Su Yu searched around for a moment, and after not finding anything abnormal, he continued to walk towards the depths of the forest.

To him, although this kind of place seems terrifying, it is actually only because of the ghost elves.

“Don’t be afraid, in fact, the elves of the ghost system are still very easy to get along with, but they will often be funny.”

“Ghost elves often like to turn their hiding places into places that suit them.”

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