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Chapter 438: Caludio’s Enlightenment!

Of course, in a sense, it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that Chief Rem is a battle maniac.

Although Chief Rem is different from ordinary battle freaks and does not pursue endless battles, it takes every battle seriously and has a beginning and an end.

And like Caludio, it is undoubtedly on the muzzle, not only wanting to deceive Chief Reim, but also wanting to escape in the middle of the battle

“Caludio! Make up your mind!

After Su Yu saw that Caludio’s response was delayed, he turned his head to look at it, and then he noticed that Caludio’s limbs were still trembling, so he immediately opened his mouth and shouted at it.

‘I see! When

Caludio heard this, he was stunned at first, and then as if he had made up his mind, he rushed towards the huge ice gate, and then jumped directly into the ice gate.

‘That’s right, if I don’t even have this bit of courage, then why become a holy swordsman!’ Now I will definitely not run away from it anymore! I want to become a holy swordsman!

The moment Caludio crossed the gate, a layer of blue light appeared on its body, and then its body changed a lot.

The original unicorn became long and thick, and it seemed to be a one-horned one by one, like a sharp blade used by a swordsman. The previous two dark blue plate-like structures were also replaced by two triangular structures, in addition to Caludio’s red mane, there were several more colorful feathers, which made it look majestic and upright.

“Have you finally come to an awakening? It seems that my efforts were not in vain.

Su Yu couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief after seeing this change in Caludio’s form.

If he had worked hard for so long and Caludio still had no way to awaken, then he would have completely lost his mind.

Although he had also wanted to give Caludio more time before, the problem was that Sheikh Rem had now become his elf, and naturally it was impossible to stay here forever.

So for Su Yu, the matter between Caludio and Chief Rem is best solved today.

Otherwise, if it continues to drag on, things will be more troublesome.

At this time, Su Yu also suddenly understood a little why Chief Rem hurriedly started fighting with Caludio, I am afraid that it also had the same idea.

Of course, there is another reason, even if Caludio has awakened and its combat power is very small, it still does not think that Caludio can defeat it….

“Caludio, this is evolution?”

“It should be a change of form, right?”

“You say, after Caludio’s form changes, will he really be able to defeat Chief Reim?”

“It shouldn’t be possible, right? After all, the difference in strength between Caludio and Chief Rem is too big.

“That’s not necessarily, don’t forget, Chief Rem has just been defeated by Dream, and now it is definitely not in its heyday, and even, the gap between combat power and peak state should be not small.”

“Hiss~ listening to you guys, can Caludio really defeat Chief Reim?”

“It can only be said that there is a certain possibility, specifically, it depends on how much the strength of Caludio’s strength has increased, and how much of the strength of Chief Rem is left.”

After seeing the changes in Caludio, the water friends immediately felt bright.

Although they don’t know how strong the current Caludio is, it is handsome!

Strength can be slowly increased, but this handsome is not handsome, but it depends on innate.

Of course, although they don’t know how strong Kyludio is now, some of them still think that Caludio may have a chance to defeat Chief Reim.

After all, even if they didn’t know how bad Chief Reim’s state was at this time, they also knew that Chief Rem was not in his heyday.

However, Caludio’s strength has been enhanced, not necessarily without the possibility of defeating Chief Reim…

‘Chief Reim, I’m coming!

After feeling the improvement of his strength, Caludio also became more and more confident.

This is actually thanks to Dream, not only beating Chief Reim, but also not letting Caludio see the terrifying strength of Chief Reim.

Otherwise, if Caludio saw the true strength of Chief Reim, it would definitely not have the confidence it has now, even if Chief Rem would not have used too strong strength when facing it.

Although Chief Reim’s strength is far above that of Caludio, when fighting against Caludio, the strength it uses is only the strength it expects Caludio to have.

If the enlightened Caludio fully mastered his own power and learned the holy sword, he would be able to compete with such a chieftain Reim.

After all, Caludio’s foundation is not bad, it just couldn’t fully exert its strength before.

Thinking of this, Su Yu no longer worried about the safety of Caludio, but set his eyes on those holy swordsmen who were frozen in ice.

Su Yu didn’t have much before, but after careful observation, he accidentally found that perhaps because Chief Rem just hoped that the holy swordsmen would not come to hinder it, he had no intention of killing them, so in fact, these ice crystals were not as strong as imagined.

Even without Su Yu’s arrival, in a short period of one week and as long as half a month, Gopaluon, Derakion, and Biligion could break free on their own.

Of course, this may itself be a test for Caludio.

If the original Caludio had not left his companions and fled directly, but had come to rescue the holy swordsmen and then fled, perhaps Chief Rem would have been dissatisfied with it, but at least he would not have chased and killed it.

But alas, one wrong step, Caludio went the wrong way from the beginning. County

“”Fast dragon, little fast dragon, use the jet flame together!”

After making sure that those ice crystals were not as firm as he thought at the beginning, Su Yu also immediately began to act.

However, because he did not have the relationship of fire spirits, it would take a little effort to melt these ice crystals.


When the ice crystals were melted to the point that only the last thin layer remained, the two fast dragons stopped, and then saw that the remaining ice crystals suddenly shattered, leaving only three elves in place

Chapter 439 – Gopaluon! These

three elves are naturally none other than those three holy swordsmen.

Thank you so much for not only helping Caludio, but also saving us.” Although

these three holy swordsmen had been frozen before, they still knew what was happening in the outside world.

Therefore, after the three holy swordsmen thanked Su Yu, their eyes were fixed on the battle below, not wanting to miss any details,

‘Abominable! I actually lost…

‘You are indeed a good sword. Although

Caludio has done his best, and Chief Rem is not in his peak form.

But what makes people feel helpless is that Caludio still lost in the end, but Chief Rem also recognized it and did not continue to embarrass it, but turned and walked deeper.

Although Chief Rem is already Su Yu’s elf, it is different from other elves after all, and there is a large number of subordinates.

And also geometric snowflakes, this special elf.

Therefore, it will not leave here immediately with Su Yu, but will only follow after dealing with the geometric snowflake and their affairs.

In fact, it doesn’t take much time for the 620 to solve the geometric snowflake problem.

After all, for Chief Reim, even if it is permanently changed the environment of a region, it is not so difficult to do it, especially this place, which is its lair.

The reason why it needs to spend time constantly is mainly to recover its own injuries and the energy in the body.

Although Su Yu also wanted to treat it with wound medicine, Chief Rem did not accept it.

This is not only because of Sheikh Reim’s pride, but also because the wound medicine may not be able to have an effect on it.

After all, Chief Rem is a very special elf, even among the ice elves, it is the lowest part of the body temperature, and even, because of its low body temperature, even part of its own energy will be frozen.

And to thaw this part of the energy, you must need the energy of Czechorom or Lehiram, which is another reason why it wants to absorb the energy in their bodies so much.

And the chief Reim, whose body temperature is so low, I am afraid that the wound medicine will be frozen before it touches it.

As for other treatments, they were also rejected by Chief Reim.

This also made Su Yu realize that Chief Reim’s personality problem was really big.

Perhaps because of the “betrayal” of Czechoslovakia Roma and Lehiram, it does not trust anyone and elves and is unwilling to accept help from them.

Although Su Yu wanted to change this problem of Chief Reim, it was by no means possible in a short period of time.

Let it have more contact with other elves, and preferably the elves related to it, of course, definitely not Czechoslovakia and Lehiram.

Their appearance in this matter is counterproductive.

But who else has anything to do with it besides Czechoslovakia and Lehiram?

Wait, it seems to be true….

At the beginning, Su Yu didn’t have a clue, but when the figure of a certain little guy flashed in his mind, his face suddenly showed a thoughtful look.

But what made Su Yu feel a little tricky was that it was not just that kind of elf, but the specific one.

It’s just that he doesn’t know if that little guy came to Blue Star or not.

And even if it came, where is it now?

As soon as he thought of these problems, Su Yu felt a headache.

Su Yudang shook his head and decided not to think about it, but turned his head to look at the three holy swordsmen.

Now that everything else is done here (AFDF), he can introduce the three elves as well.

“This elf, whose body is mostly blue and looks like a sheep, was named Gopaluon by me, and is an elf of the steel and fighting system.”

“Gopaluon is a legendary elf whose mission is to protect the elves, who not only has a calm nature, but also has a body and mind of steel, and is born with a leadership style.”

“And it’s not just it, the holy swordsmen it formed together with Derakion and Bilicion are also working towards this goal.”

“It usually only needs to glare, and even the rough elves will become docile and subservient in front of it.”

“And it was it, along with Derakion and Biligion, who taught Caludio how to fight.”

Su Yu actually concealed something when he introduced Gopaluon, for no other reason, because Gopaluon whose mission is to protect the elves is precisely humans.

In the Pokémon world, it is a little better, but on the blue star, the contradiction between humans and elves is not small, so the next time people see Gopaluon, it may appear on the battlefield between humans and elves.

Of course, other holy swordsmen will also act with it.

At the same time, Su Yu also had a question in his heart, and it seemed that the birth time of Gopaluon was much later than that of other divine beasts and phantom beasts.

The earliest legend of their three holy swordsmen came from a fire in the Snowflake Wetlands.

And that fire was not from a natural disaster, but from the war of ancient humans in the Pokémon world.

In other words, it is very likely that they were born elves after the large-scale appearance of humans.

And they who take the protection of elves and the fight against humans as their belief, Su Yu does not think that they will be born before the emergence of humans, after all, there are no humans, why fight with humans?

Of course, the divine beasts born after the emergence of human beings are not just holy swordsmen.

The three holy beasts that were first burned to death by the fire created by humans and then resurrected by the Phoenix King were actually the same.

This made Su Yu have to wonder if there was a similar existence among those second-level gods?

If you think about it, it seems that there really is, such as the three holy mushrooms.

Although they were also created by Arceus, they were much later than the Dialuca, Palukia, and Latina.

The most obvious point is that it is clearly recorded in their data that their birth brought intelligence, emotion, and willpower to human beings…

Chapter 440: The Duties of a Holy Swordsman! ”

So the Holy Swordsman exists to protect the elves?”

“It seems that this is a noble elf.”

“Indeed, although the guardian elves sound very powerful, it is very likely that it will be thankless to do that kind of thing.”

“I think it’s okay, after all, they are three divine beasts, how can it not ~ it may be bad.”

“That’s not necessarily, aren’t they miserable by Caludio this time-?”

“Reasonably, a situation like Caludio’s is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

“What does this Gopaluon say… I don’t know about other aspects, but what I know for sure is that it is not actually suitable for being a teacher, otherwise Caludio would not have caused such a big mess.

“Indeed, a bear child like Caludio looks uneducated.”

“Can’t you say that, is Caludio a normal bear child? It’s normal that the average elf can’t teach it well, right? After

hearing Su Yu’s introduction to Gopaluon, the water friends were very surprised.

Although they had heard of the Holy Swordsman before, they really didn’t know much about the Holy Swordsman.

But from Gopaluon’s body, they can also be regarded as the tip of the iceberg of the holy swordsman.

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