However, Su Yu did not pay attention to those barrages at this time, but took the elves and slowly walked towards the place where the sound was made before.

When Su Yu opened a bush, he saw an elf lying here covered in wounds and looking gray.

“This is… Caludio? ”

To be honest, because this elf is full of dust, Su Yu really almost didn’t recognize its identity.

It was a foal-like elf with a cream-colored body and a particularly large-looking head.

It also has a red mane and a dark blue plate-like structure that sticks out like eyelashes, a cream-colored, blade-like unicorn under the protruding structure, a sky-blue fluff on the back of the head and neck, and a large fluffy tail that is also sky blue.

It’s just that its unicorn at this time has been broken.

【I’ll go! Was there really a strange sound before? 【

What’s going on with this elf?】 How did it hurt so badly? [

Yes, even the horns on my head are broken, this is the first time I’ve seen such a situation.] 】

【Could it be that it encountered an elf whose strength far exceeded its own? That’s why it was beaten like this?

[Indeed, this is the only way to explain why it is so miserable.] Originally

, many people thought that Su Yu was changing the topic, but when they saw Su Yu and actually found an elf in the grass, they immediately became confused.

Immediately, they also noticed the extremely bad situation in Caludio.

They had also seen elves covered in wounds, but like Caludio, they were really seeing them for the first time.

Especially when they saw that Caludio’s horns were actually broken, they felt even more frightened.

Fortunately, this is a horn, if it were another part of the body, wouldn’t this elf be mixed?

0 ····· Ask for flowers… ·····

Of course, it’s no better now….

“Strange, what is this scene full of visual sense?”

For some reason, Su Yu always felt that he seemed to have seen this picture in front of him, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.

After shaking his head, he decided not to think about these questions, but reached out to Caludio, wanting to examine the injuries on his body.

But just when Su Yu’s hand touched Caludio, it suddenly opened its eyes and stood up.

Of course, this is not the main thing, the most important thing is that it kicked towards Su Yu.

…….. 0

‘ is coming, Chief Rem is coming!

And along with this series of its movements, there is also its telepathy that sounds like a bear child.

If this kick of Caludio really kicked Su Yu, it would undoubtedly be extremely dangerous.

After all, it is also a phantom beast, even if it does not use skills, its strength is not something that ordinary people can bear.


‘The cat doesn’t allow you to hurt Su Yu! But

fortunately, at this moment, Caludio’s body was wrapped in a burst of blue light, and its body was directly fixed there.

“Whew~ thanks, dream.”

“If it weren’t for you, I would really be in danger, I’m afraid I would be lying in bed today, and I wouldn’t be able to go anywhere.”

Seeing this, Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and immediately expressed his gratitude to Mengxian.


Hmph~Cats are the most powerful~You can always trust cats~

‘ After hearing Su Yu’s words, it was originally slightly unhappy because of Caludio’s behavior, and suddenly raised its little head proudly.

“You guy, do you know how dangerous the action just now was?”

After Su Yu reached out and touched the dreamy little head, he turned his head to look at Caludio, and in order to take precautions, he also took a slight step back and left the direct attack range of Caludio

Chapter 426: Caludio and the Holy Swordsman (Customized)

Although he also knew that it was completely a subconscious act of Caludio just now, he was not angry.

But even so, the bear children who should be educated still have to be educated.

Because he had already remembered what was going on with that full of instant sensations just now.

Isn’t that what the bear kid Kailudio looks like after he failed to challenge Chief Rem and escaped?

Looking at it like this, this bear child must also go to challenge Chief Reim, right?

Otherwise, even if its strength is indeed a little worse, other holy swordsmen will protect it.

Only when encountering force majeure like Chief Rem will the current situation appear.

And what made Su Yu feel very speechless was that before he could say anything, Caludio closed his eyes and passed out again.

If “620”

hadn’t been supported by dreamy mental power, it would have fallen to the ground again.

Obviously, the reason why it was able to stand up just now was completely because it was holding on there.

But after knowing such a conclusion, Su Yu also became more speechless, what a hatred we have, do you want to force me to come to me?

“The horn on its head was recently broken, and if nothing else, it should have been done by Chief Reim.”

However, speechless, Su Yu had to treat it after seeing that Kelidio was so badly injured, but there was nothing Su Yu could do about the broken horn on its head.

Other injuries can be treated with injury medicine, but like this, similar to the rebirth of a severed limb, he has no way.

Although if you let Dream Fantasy make a move, it should be treatable, but Su Yu didn’t want to do it, but wanted to make it memorable.

After all, he knew that Chief Rem generally would not leave his lair, and the reason why this Caludio would be injured like this by Chief Rem must be because it died and took the initiative to provoke Chief Reim.

Moreover, I don’t know if it was too badly injured before, or it was unwilling to face reality.

Obviously, Su Yudu had finished treating the injuries on its body, but it still showed no signs of awakening.

After Su Yu reached out and poked Caludio’s body to make sure that it had indeed not woken up, he opened his mouth to introduce it to the water friends.

“I think you should all be very curious about this elf, so I’ll briefly introduce it to you.”

“This elf is named Caludeo by me, and it is a water and fighting elf.”

“What’s more interesting is that Caludio is a member of the Holy Swordsman, and the other Holy Swordsmen are divine beasts.”

“It’s just that because this Caludio should still be the successor of the holy swordsman, not the real holy swordsman, it is not a divine beast.”

“Caludio will run on the surface of rivers, lakes and seas, galloping all over the world, and often appear on the beautiful water’s edge.”

“It glides on the surface of the water by spraying water from its hooves, fighting with its good hoof skills. It has learned a lot of combat skills from other holy swordsmen and is still cultivating.

“It is said that when it survives a difficult battle, the horns on its forehead can be exercised, thus stimulating its true strength.”

“When the power that sleeps deep in the body wraps the horns on its forehead, forming a sword that can tear everything, it will also become more agile, and when he runs, ordinary people can only see its afterimage.”

“And the reason why it hurts so badly should be related to Chief Reim, because if you want to become a true holy swordsman, you must challenge Chief Reim.”

“However, this Caludio not only failed to challenge Chief Reim, but it is also likely to escape, otherwise, it should not be its own.”

When Su Yu introduced Caludio, he was actually a little entangled.

No way, some of the information of Caludio and the other holy swordsmen really sounds too middle-of-the-art.

Like Caludio’s sword that can tear everything apart… Just listen to it, don’t take it seriously.

And the other elves who are also holy swordsmen are not much better, such as Derakion, which claims that its strength will not be lost to anyone.

The other holy swordsman, Biligion, is known as the first in speed.

Needless to say, although it blows strongly, it is indeed the strongest elf among the holy swordsmen.0 …

And as for Bilicion … The speed of several holy swordsmen is not much different, let alone the world’s first, it may not be the bottom of the speed among holy swordsmen.

And the last Gopaluon, it claims to be calm and composed, but if this were the case, several of their holy swordsmen would not have been directly frozen by Chief Reim.

After all, it wasn’t clear to Caludio what character Chief Rem was, and it wasn’t clear yet?

After thinking of the Holy Swordsman’s slotted information, he really didn’t know what to say for a while

: “Holy Swordsman? This organization is very powerful when it hears it, and there are actually several divine beasts!

“Yes, you have to challenge Chief Rem to become a holy swordsman, the strength of those holy swordsmen should be very unusual, right?”

“I don’t know where the other holy swordsmen ran, how did they let this injured elf run around?”

“Where are the other holy swordsmen? Isn’t that obvious? Since Caludio became a deserter and managed to escape from Chief Reim, the other holy swordsmen were either fighting Chief Rem or were already less fierce.

“This, this can’t be, right?”

“How is it impossible, since Caludio has become a deserter, 3.5 means that its strength is definitely inferior to Chief Reim, and the gap in strength between the two sides is still very large, but in this case, it successfully escaped, it must be because someone sacrificed his life to help him.”

“But it shouldn’t be, if the Holy Swordsman shouldn’t be challenging Chief Reim, how can there be such a big gap in strength?”

“Don’t you forget, Caludio is only the successor of the Holy Swordsman, not a real Saint Swordsman, and it is difficult to say how much gap its strength is from the Holy Swordsman.”

“I feel that the situation of Caludio is very similar to that of a bear child, because it doesn’t know the height of the sky like the bear child, maybe it feels that its strength is enough, and then it runs to challenge Chief Rem with a hot brain, and then collapses directly under the huge strength gap.”

Chapter 427 – Completely Unqualified Caludio!

“Indeed, under normal circumstances, this should not be the case.”

After hearing Su Yu’s introduction to Caludio and the Holy Swordsman, the water friends immediately became interested.

After all, since the rest of the holy swordsman is a divine beast, and only Caludio, the future successor, is not a divine beast, does that mean that elves can also grow into divine beasts? At least have similar strength?

At the same time, they were also very curious about the whereabouts of the other holy swordsmen, and they quickly guessed the approximate possibility of this.

After all, just being able to escape here from the deserter of Caludio is already very telling.

This also makes the water friends also have a certain guess about the character of Caludio.

And made Caludio a strong contender for the title of the most bear child, after all, it has pit many mythical beasts at one time, I am afraid it is indeed unique,

‘Where am I?’

And while Su Yu was still thinking about it, Kyludeo, who had fully recovered from his injuries, finally woke up slowly.

“You’re right now where you tried to kick me before.”

“Can you tell me 05, what happened to you? Did you fight with Chief Reim? After

Su Yu saw Caludio wake up, he immediately spoke angrily.

Until now, he was still depressed because of what happened before.

‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to

…”I did fight with Chief Reim, and I took the initiative to challenge it…’

Kyludio, who originally seemed to have no spirit, suddenly lowered his head after hearing Su Yu’s words.

At this time, Caludio’s mood is also very complicated, even if it is guilty and regretful, if it did not run to challenge Chief Rem without knowing the sky, the next thing would not have happened.

It still remembers the scene when the other holy swordsmen were frozen by Chief Reim.

“Why are you doing this? Is it to become a holy swordsman? Although

he had already speculated about the truth of the matter, in order to take precautions, Su Yu still wanted to get the exact answer from Caludio.

That’s right, because if you want to become a holy swordsman, you must fight Chief Reim.

When he mentioned this, Caludio’s mood seemed very low, it seemed that he really wanted to become a holy swordsman, otherwise, he would not have seen how much strength he had, and ran to challenge Chief Reim.

However, Su Yu always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, by the way, it was that!

“But have you learned the Holy Sword?”

“If I’m not mistaken, under normal circumstances, you should need to learn the holy sword before you challenge Chief Reim, right?”

The reason why holy swordsmen are called holy swordsmen has a lot to do with the skill that they all know holy swords.

Therefore, this is also the first threshold to become a holy swordsman, and as for challenging Chief Reim, that is the final level.

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