Dragonite’s Merry Debt! (please customize)

So, if it is really the Scyther that Li Yang met before and witnessed Dragonite’s attack, then it is not surprising that it will come here and challenge Dragonite.

As for why the attitude gap before and after it is still so large?

This is actually not surprising, Li Yang’s strength is not seen here at all, and it has no interest in the weak, as long as the opponent is not too suitable, Scyther will generally not attack.

But Dragonite is different. As the target it wants to challenge, it naturally showed its full strength from the beginning.

And I’m afraid it also knows that if it doesn’t show its full strength from the beginning, it simply doesn’t have the capital to fight Dragonite.


Scyther, who had been refusing to cooperate with Su Yu’s inquiry before, was taken aback for a moment after hearing what he said, and then immediately nodded at it, affirming his guess.

“It’s really like this?”

“If you want to fight, you can actually do it, but you have to be a little more honest. I will let the steel armored crow be your opponent later.”

Su Yu, who had only guessed about Scyther’s behavior at first, was somewhat speechless after seeing Scyther nodding so happily.

After all, even if nothing else is mentioned, the distance from here to the foot of Longyin Mountain is definitely not close.

It is really not an ordinary attachment that the other party can find there all the way.

Although Su Yu doesn’t like an overly aggressive Pokémon like Scyther, he won’t refuse an opponent like it who comes to his door.

Coincidentally, he also wanted to see how much the blue crow’s strength had improved after Evolution spoke to the steel armored crow.


After hearing Su Yu’s words, Scyther, who originally looked like Huohai had ADHD, suddenly became quiet.

Seeing this, Su Yu immediately signaled the steel armored crow to let go of it first.


Although he felt a little hesitant about Su Yu’s words, Steel Armored Crow let go of Scyther and let it regain its freedom.

However, during this period, its eyes have been staring at the other party, making sure that the other party will not make any small moves.

However, the Steel Armored Crow was obviously overthinking. Although Scyther was extremely belligerent, she was still very simple and valued her promises.

Now that it has promised Su Yu not to make trouble, it will definitely not make any other unnecessary actions for a while.

So after it stood up from the ground, it just distanced itself from the Steel Armored Crow while staring at it with fighting intent.

After seeing this series of actions by Scyther, Su Yu nodded secretly before speaking slowly.

“Now that you’re ready, I’ll do it now.”

“Steel Armored Crow, rush up and use Pluck to attack!”


Immediately after Su Yu’s voice fell, the steel armored crow flapped its wings and rushed towards Scyther. At the same time, its beak was quickly covered with a layer of sky blue energy, making it look even more It’s not easy to mess with.


Facing the steel-clad crow’s attack, Scyther didn’t even have the slightest idea of ​​dodging. Immediately, she swung the sickles on both arms, cut out translucent air blades, and charged straight at the steel-clad crow.

Just when everyone thought that the attacks of the two sides were about to collide, the Steel Armored Crow suddenly adjusted its body shape, avoiding most of the attacks from Scyther.

It was just two sporadic air blades that slashed on its wings, but faced with this level of attack, the steel armored crow didn’t take it seriously at all, but still rushed towards Scyther unabated.

Even, in order to prevent Scyther from dodging its attack, it flapped its wings, which increased its speed a bit.

Under normal circumstances, Scyther could indeed escape the attack of the steel armored crow.

However, perhaps because of being frightened by the steel armored crow’s fierce fighting style, Scyther was not able to react immediately.

So by the time it wanted to dodge, it was already too late.

It had time to protect the double sickle in front of itself, but it was knocked out by the steel armored crow.

And it didn’t stop until it broke several big trees one after another.

“Steel Armored Crow, useSteel Wing continues to attack! ”

Although Su Yu was unable to determine the situation of the two Pokémon for a while because of the smoke and dust, he still let the Steel Armored Crow attack without hesitation.

This is not only because he believes that there is nothing wrong with the steel armored crow, but also because he knows that Scyther is not the kind of Pokémon that is too fragile, and it is impossible to lose the ability to fight so quickly.


And the development of the matter did not exceed his expectations. Hearing the news, the steel armored crow immediately launched an attack.


However, when its wings covered with silver energy flapped towards Scyther, Scyther’s sickle covered with green energy also slashed towards it.

After the attacks of the two sides collided, there was a sound of gold and iron clashing immediately.

However, the two sides only stalemate for a moment, and Scyther’s sickle was suppressed by the steel crow.

With the sudden force of the steel armored crow, Scyther’s sickle was directly opened to the side.

And just when its middle door was wide open, the other wing of the steel armored crow exerted force accordingly, and it was blown away directly…

“I thought how powerful this Scyther was, but it doesn’t look like much?”

“It depends on who you are comparing with. When another anchor faced this Scyther before, didn’t he have no power to fight back?”

“Indeed, the power gap between Pokémon is too great.”

“Who said it wasn’t? I was still wondering why the anchor usually only needs one or two or two or three Pokémon to fight a large group of Pokémon. It turns out that the strength gap between Pokémon is really so big.”

“Steel Armored Crow is just Evolution. If it continues to grow, it will only widen the gap with those bottom-level Pokémon.”

“It’s not just Scyther, this steel armored crow is also fierce.”

“You said, will there be a Pokémon that defeats hundreds of Pokémon in the future?”.

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