Something is wrong with this Eevee! (please customize)

While Su Yu said these words, a doubt also arose in his heart.

Could it be that Dragonite flies in the same way?

After all, Dragonite’s wings are too small. If you really rely on its pair of wings to fly… Tsk, let alone how fast you want to fly, even whether you can fly is a problem. ?

But regarding this point, let alone Pokédex, there is no relevant information even in the system.

This made Su Yu really curious.

Although he wanted to ask Dragonite, Su Yu felt a headache when he thought of their language barrier.

No, we must find a telepathic Pokémon as soon as possible…

“Damn! Didn’t expect that Pokémon to be a dragon-type Pokémon?”

“It’s sour, it’s sour, I’ve only tamed one Wurmple now, I didn’t expect the host to tame the second dragon-type Pokémon soon.”

“Huh? How do you know that the anchor wants to tame this Pokémon? And are you sure it’s so easy to tame?”

“Didn’t you see that the anchor even took out those Pokéblocks? This must be subdued!”

“That’s right, and you don’t see how good the relationship between Dragonair and Dragonite is, and looking at Dragonair’s attitude towards the anchor, it is obviously not too difficult to subdue it.”

“When I thought that 287 had only tamed a Caterpie, I burst into tears.”

“I said you are enough! Anyway, you have already subdued Pokémon, I have walked around outside, and I haven’t even seen a single Pokémon!”

“No, I didn’t see Pokémon after walking around in the wild, what kind of luck are you doing?”

“Who said I was in the wild? I just walked around the city to see if there are Pokémon in the city. After all, the wild is too dangerous, and I am worried that something will happen.”

“Tsk, you are so cowardly, what kind of trainer are you?”

Although water friends have long speculated about the attributes of Dragonair, they were still very surprised when they learned that Dragonair is really a dragon-type Pokémon.

And when they saw Dragonair’s attitude towards Su Yu, they became even more sour.

Don’t think about it, Su Yu obviously intends to tame this Dragonair, and this Dragonair is also relatively close to Su Yu, so it must not be able to escape.

This made them envious for a while.

Although many people have gone to the wild now, there are still a small number of people who can truly subdue Pokémon with one hand.

After all, they are not like Su Yu, who dare to go anywhere, and they only dare to try their luck in places where Pokémon are rarely seen.

After thinking of this, Su Yu also suddenly realized a problem.

Perhaps the growth rate of the audience in his live broadcast room is not as fast as expected, and the proportion of popular science points has not been improved much, which is also related to this.

After all, those water friends who have already gone to the wild naturally don’t have much time to pay attention to his live broadcast.

Even some people will still hang out in his live broadcast room, but because they have nothing to do with watching the live broadcast, there will not be many popular science points.

However, Su Yu didn’t get too entangled in this issue. Seeing that it was getting late, he started to make dinner.

In order to get Dragonair to join as soon as possible, Su Yu was not stingy, and decided to eat luxurious curry tonight, striving for one step.

The only thing he was more worried about was whether the aroma of this luxurious curry would attract Gyarados?

Hey, resign to fate, if Gyarados is attracted, then he will bleed a little.

After all, he belongs to Dragonite and Dragonair, and he also got a lot of earth berries. He has really made a lot of money, so there is no need to be stingy with the ingredients…

But it turns out that Su Yu was right in thinking that the scent of luxurious curry did attract Gyarados.

So in order to deal with those few Gyarados, he specially made an extra pot of curry to feed them (afdf) full.



On the other side, Dragonite and Dragonair are indeed sisters. Not only are they both foodies, but they have a lot of appetite. Among all Su Yu’s Pokémon, they eat the most.

That’s right, under the offensive of luxurious curry and an upgraded version of exclusive Pokéblocks, when Dragonair heard Su Yu ask if he would like to travel with them, he agreed without any hesitation at all.

The only thing that makes Su Yu a little confused is that, for some reason, suddenly aEevee came out and joined the predators.

And in terms of appearance alone, this Eevee is almost exactly the same as its Eevee.


After noticing Su Yu’s gaze, the Eevee immediately barked softly at her, and gently rubbed against him with its small head.

But for some reason, Su Yu always felt that something was wrong with this Eevee.

“Forget it, I must have thought too much.”

After Su Yu stared at that Eevee for a while, he didn’t find anything wrong with it.

So he didn’t think about it anymore, but just let it go, isn’t it just a piece of Pokémon food?

no big deal~

The only thing that depressed Su Yu was that because the two Eevee were so similar, he could hardly tell them apart.

The only difference between them is the feel.

It’s strange to say, and I don’t know what this Eevee eats to grow up.

Obviously, his Eevee’s fur has become smoother and smoother under its feeding, and its feel has become better and better, but when he strokes it, it doesn’t feel as good as this Eevee.

Su Yu was surprised that a wild Pokémon looked better than a Pokémon with a trainer.

But he didn’t think too much about it, he just thought it was because he had just tamed this Eevee, so compared to when it was wild, the change wasn’t too big.

Because Su Yu was obsessed with touching the Eevee, he didn’t notice that the Eevee he was petting looked at the obviously different Pokéblocks that his Eevee was eating, showing a thoughtful look. ..

As time went by, the surrounding sky became darker and darker.


But what Su Yu didn’t expect was that a very faint light appeared not far in front of them.

Even, if it wasn’t because the sky was getting darker, he wouldn’t have seen this ray of light at all.

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