: The Name of the White Devil! (please customize)

“Many of these solutions have certain possibilities, but unfortunately, the corresponding Pokémon are not so easy to conquer, and some are even difficult to find.”

Academician Liu naturally saw the brains of those water friends in Su Yu’s live broadcast room.

And for some of the solutions, he also thinks that he can try them, but the problem is that it is not so easy to have a suitable Pokémon.

Because of the relationship between those Rhyhorns that were subdued under Su Yu’s Helping Hand before, in the past few days, he has not let those soldiers lead the team to subdue Pokémon in the night forest.

Not to mention anything else, at least make sure that most fighters have a Pokémon, right?

Even Caterpie will do.

Although it was indeed a little weak at the beginning, after two evolutions, Ying “Two Eight Seven” should be able to possess a certain combat power.

Of course, when assisting other people to master Pokémon, they themselves are constantly conquering Pokémon.

And now that the potential of different Pokémon is not yet clear, they are all open to comers, no matter what Pokémon they encounter, they will subdue it.

However, his precious granddaughter Liu Jing is an exception. She only tames those Pokémon that look cute, so she has only tamed Pachirisu, a blue mouse, and a pink chubby Pokémon so far.

But to Academician Liu’s surprise, although the Pokémon that Liu Jing subdued is the least among the trainers in the same batch, her strength seems to be the strongest.

Because the Pachirisu, which looks very cute, is really good at hitting.

Unless it is a ground-type Pokémon that is restrained by attributes, the Pokémon subdued by others are not its opponents at all. You can often see it in a series of threes and fours in a series.

And its most glorious record so far is a series of six, and after that, it is unknown who started the head first, but Pachirisu gradually gained the nickname of a white devil…

In addition to Diglett, Su Yu also met many other Pokémon that he had never seen outside.

For example, those Pokémon that hang upside down on the top of the tunnel in front of them are dark blue and look like bats.

“This Pokémon is named Zubat by me, and it is a Pokémon with poison and flying elements.”

“Zubat has no eyes, or rather, its eyes have completely degenerated. It relies on the Supersonic emitted from its mouth to fly around in the dark.”

“Zubat’s habits are similar to bats. They usually stay in these darker places during the day and often gather together. However, it is worth noting that Zubat may also be found on the ceilings of some older buildings.”


“However, the reason why Zubat are not active during the day is not simply that they hate the sun, but because their skin is easily sunburned after being exposed to the sun.”

When Su Yu saw those Zubats, he didn’t bother them.

Instead, he just stood in the distance, briefly introduced Zubat to the water friends, and then continued to walk towards the front of the tunnel.


However, they haven’t had time to go far, In the originally quiet tunnel, there was a loud noise suddenly.

Immediately, they saw a Pokémon that looked like a mole coming out of the nearby rock wall.

Most of the body of this Pokémon is black, but there are also very obvious navy blue diagonal stripes on the body.

In addition, its face and two sharp and extremely large front claws are white.

Although judging from the expression of this Pokémon, it seems to be very harmless to humans and animals, but its pair of huge claws tell everyone all the time that it is not as harmless to humans and animals as it looks on the outside .

“I didn’t expect to see Drilbur here…huh? What’s the sound?”

Just when Su Yu wanted to get closer to take a closer look, he suddenly heard a sound that seemed to be flapping wings from behind them.

After he subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound, he saw the Zubats they had seen just now flying towards here in a menacing manner.

It seems that because Rest was woken up, they are now trying to find the culprit and vent their waking up 0…..

Su Yu was worried that they would be implicated innocently, but the group of Zubats flew directly over their heads and rushed towards the Drilbur.

“Huh? Are these Zubats so sensible?”

At first Su Yu thought it was a little strange that these Zubats were so reasonable.

But soon, he thought of the real reason.

First of all, it wasn’t the first time that Drilbur did something like this, so just by hearing the sound, those Zubats knew who did the good thing.

Secondly, they have Dragonite here. Even if they don’t know Dragonite, they should know that Dragonite is not easy to mess with. After all, its body shape is here, and a big Pokémon is usually not weak, so it will It didn’t seem strange to ignore them and go straight to Drilbur.

Of course, it is also possible that both situations exist at the same time, and this possibility is not small.


Facing the menacing Zubat, Drilbur did not panic at all.

A huge rock condensed directly between the claws, and threw it towards the Zubats.

As for Drilbur’s attack, although the Zubats avoided it immediately.

However, due to the rush of time in 3.5, two Zubats were hit directly by the huge rock and fell directly from the sky.

The Zubats, who had looked very aggressive at first, suddenly faltered.

After they brought the two Smack Down companions together, they left here without looking back.

Perhaps it was because this was not the first time that Drilbur had experienced such a thing, so after repelling Zubat it seemed very calm, and it found a relatively flat place in the tunnel and prepared to rest.

“Tsk, those Zubats are too sincere, right? I thought we could really fight.”

Su Yuna was stroking Eevee’s hand in his arms, but after seeing such a situation, he couldn’t help but pause.

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