
Chapter 750

“Hello everyone, I’m Wang Zhijun, the first team leader of Project Zero.”

“Hello everyone, I’m Dong Ming, member of the first team of Project Zero.”

“Hello everyone, I’m Wang Meng, member of the first team of Project Zero.”

In the taxi, Wang Zhijun turned on the signal jammer to isolate any possibility of prying eyes. The members of the first team of Project Zero began to introduce themselves one after another.

Wang Zhijun paid special attention to the fact that the girl named Fan Fengyan turned out to be a Muay Thai expert who had defeated two Muay Thai experts in a row in the ring, and was the main attacker of this time action.

Although Wang Zhijun knows that you can’t judge a person by appearance, but after careful estimation, this Fan Fengyan probably weighs less than 100 pounds. In modern fighting, the heavier the weight of the player, the greater the power that can be exerted, and the more dominant he is in the battle. People with such weight as Fan Fengyan are impossible to appear in the ring. But she did it, which shows that Fan Fengyan is a bit capable.

Dong Ming looks gloomy and should be a man full of scheming.

As for the other two team members, they are only teenagers and should be college students.

The biggest feature of everyone is that they are not like people who can perform tasks. Wang Zhijun couldn’t help worrying about the upcoming action, and whispered in his heart: “Now I just hope that the action steps arranged by Professor Li Mo will not go wrong. “

When Dong Ming accepted the task and became a member of the Zero Action Team, Shentu Zhixue handed him an action plan.

The action plan is very detailed, the action time, the action steps, and even the clothes and weather conditions when the action is taken into account. At that time, Dong Ming was very surprised when he saw this action plan, because this world is changing all the time, and people can never step into the river of yesterday. Did Professor Li Mo anticipate what would happen when he took action?

“Now I just hope that the loopholes of Mozi Technology in the plan are exactly as stated in the plan!”

Dong Ming sighed, hiding his doubts in the heart and focusing on drive.

Soon, the taxi came to the vicinity of Mozi Technology, and Dong Ming turned the car and drove towards Yuegui Park.

Today is the weekend.

In the square of the park, there are old people walking birds with cages, young men and women sitting on the benches, and little children flying kites, looking peaceful and full of life.

The taxi was parked on the side of the road, and the four of them were carrying backpacks, like tourists coming out to play, talking and laughing to the park.

“I’m Dong Ming. I heard that you are the boss of a clothing store. Next time I go to buy clothes, I will ask for a discount.”

“That’s for sure, I’ll tell you Well, I personally buy a large number of clothing from the clothing factory every year. The styles are novel and of good quality. If you need it, I will definitely keep it for you.”

“That’s it.”


“Beauty, I heard that you are a teacher? Which school do you teach in?”

“The twentieth elementary school, who teaches mathematics, why, do you have children who need to go to school? “

“What kind of children do you have? I’m alone, and my daughter-in-law doesn’t know where she is!”

“Oh, there are many little girls who have just graduated from our school, do you want to? Let me introduce you.”

“That’s good, when the time comes, I will definitely give you a big red envelope.”

As arranged by the action team according to the action plan , reciting the lines, along the bluestone pathway in the park, walked to the depths of the park.

At this time, on the pillars of the park square, five cameras aimed at the five people at the same time, and began to analyze the conversation content of the five people through the high-sensitivity microphone.

These information only took 0.001 seconds to transmit back to the main brain at the bottom of Mozi Technology.

The artificial intelligence Xiaohua routinely checked the identities of the five people, and soon the information of the five people appeared on a big screen, but it just flashed by, because Xiaohua did not find any abnormality. Immediately, the picture on the big screen continued to scroll, and the artificial intelligence Xiaohua made an instant analysis of what happened in the whole world.

Because when the identities of the five people were made up, the artificial intelligence Xiaohua had just been born, and it did not control the data of all human beings.

The five people walked into the dense woods and disappeared from the camera’s sight, but they did not show any abnormality like normal tourists until they came to a wall with a height of five meters.

The five people stopped, opened their backpacks, and took out the ropes used for climbing.

“Leader Wang, you said, is it really okay for us to just go in like this? I heard that Mozi Technology’s protection is very strict, and this high wall is covered with high-voltage power grids.”

“Don’t worry, according to the action plan, the power grid above is not powered.”

“How about we try it?”

“Of course Yes!”

Wang Zhijun took out an instrument from his backpack, and a section of the instrument was connected to a wire.

Wang Zhijun threw the wire to the high wall, and the wire landed exactly on the barbed wire on the high wall.

“Look, according to the instrument display, there is no electricity on it!”

Looking at the data displayed on the instrument, the five people were amazed.

“Is the action plan made ten years ago?”

“Yes, I just graduated from school at that time, I remember it clearly.”

“Ten years ago, before the Mozi Technology Headquarters was established, Professor Li Mo had already designed an action plan, and according to the action plan, he designed a wall without high-voltage electricity. This kind of planning is too terrifying.

“Yeah, it’s very rare if a person can plan things in two months. Professor Li Mo can even plan things in ten years. It’s really impossible. Don’t be amazed!”

“Okay, don’t sigh, the time is coming, according to the planned steps, wait a minute, the guards in the fence will change shifts, we have ten minutes to wear Pass this area.”

Wang Zhijun stared at his watch, and when the minute hand pointed to twenty, he threw the climbing rope onto the high wall without any hesitation.


The hook on the rope fastened tightly to the barbed wire of the high wall.

“Dong Ming, you go first, then the girl”

Wang Zhijun said, handing the rope to Dong Ming, patted Dong Ming’s shoulder: “brother, wait a minute, You go up to the wall, first see if there is really no one as planned, and then make a decision.”

Dong Ming held the rope in one hand, patted his chest in the other, said with a smile: “Don’t worry. , I have often gone to the CS battle base to do simulation training over the years. The entire planning process has been rehearsed countless times, and even with my eyes closed, I can complete the task.”

Dong Ming exerted his right arm, Tighten the rope, then step on the wall with one foot, the whole person is suspended in the air, and then climb up step by step.

Seeing Dong Ming’s skillful appearance, Wang Zhijun believed what he said, because normal people can’t do this kind of action.

Soon, Dong Ming climbed to the top of the wall. He lowered his head and glanced down. There was no one down there. The guards who were supposed to be on both sides had long since disappeared.

Dong Ming turned his head and waved his hand: “Come up, there’s no one below.”

After speaking, he bent his legs slightly, then jumped off the wall and made a sound. A muffled sound.

“Lesbian, it’s your turn!”

Wang Zhijun handed the rope to the young woman. The young woman shrugged her nose in dissatisfaction and twitched his lips: “Big Brother Wang, I use my first name, Zhou Nan, not a lesbian. Do you know what this title means?”

Lesbian Of course, Wang Zhijun understood the meaning of .

But is this Zhou Nan having a problem with the seeds in his head? I don’t know if he is taking action now? Still struggling with this issue?

Wang Zhijun glared at her: “Zhou Nan, quickly pull the rope and climb up, leaving us less than ten minutes to sneak into Mozi Technology, you are wasting time like this, maybe we are here. The next action will fail. You should know better than me what the failure of the action means!”

Zhou Nan’s expression suddenly froze when he heard this anger. When Shen Tu Zhixue handed her the task, he made the situation very clear, saying that their action was related to the future of mankind. If the action failed, mankind would likely be destroyed. At the same time, the members of these action teams will also be killed on the spot by the unmanned sentinel for disturbing the defense system of Mozi Technology.

There are two security forces in the periphery of the main brain of artificial intelligence. One is the security team. They are responsible for the peripheral security and are led by Shentu Zhixue. For intruders, they generally take measures such as arrest and detention. Another type of security force is the robot cops directly controlled by the artificial intelligence Xiaohua. They are all made of metal skeletons and equipped with laser weapons. Once the intruders are found, they will shoot ruthless.

Of course, the equipment of the robot police is limited to the interior of Mozi Technology. Not long ago, the artificial intelligence Xiaohua suddenly issued a proposal at the global conference, wanting to promote the robot war police to the whole world, and let the robot war police replace the human armed forces to maintain order. This can not only greatly reduce the loss of human armed forces, but also save a lot of energy. Robocops only need to be fully charged every once in a while, they can sleep in the World of Ice and Snow at minus ten degrees, or walk in the high temperature of two hundred degrees Celsius.

Those who support the artificial intelligence welcomed the proposal, in their view, it is a symbol of the progress of human civilization, and with the existence of the Robocops, there will be no longer in human civilization. Evil exists. Under the strong advocacy of these fans, more than half of the human beings soon agreed with the plan to arrange the Robocops. However, Professor Li Mo published more than ten articles in a row, telling that once the Robocops replaced human armed forces, they became the maintainers of order. Afterwards, the hazards will arise. The publication of these articles caused a lot of controversy. Those who originally agreed with the Robocop plan changed their minds after thinking. Artificial intelligence Xiaohua analyzed the human world’s opposition to this plan through big data, and felt that if this discussion continued, it would likely endanger the development of artificial intelligence, so she voluntarily withdrew the plan. This is the end of the matter.

At that time, Zhou Nan was also an active opponent of the RoboCop plan, and naturally knew the formidable power of RoboCop.

Zhou Nan kept his mouth tightly closed, not talking, he pulled the rope, rubbed it twice, and then climbed up the wall.

Wang Zhijun was stunned, didn’t expect a thin girl to be so neat.

“Next, high school student, it’s your turn!”

The high school student dawdled for a while with embarrassment, whispered: “Leader Wang, I’m afraid I won’t be able to climb up. .”

Wang Zhijun was surprised and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, you just take care of it, I’ll support you later!”

“Okay, then thank you Wang big brother!”

Wang Zhijun supported the high school students against the wall, then stomped his feet and climbed up with the rope. Seeing that the high school student was still riding on the wall, he looked down in fear.

“High school student, why don’t you go down?”

“Leader Wang, I don’t dare!”

“What, you don’t dare? Other girl You’re all in Lightweight Art, you’re a man, you’re a bit of a waste.”


“Then let me help you!”

“Really Thank you, Team Leader Wang!”

“No thanks”

Team Leader Wang stood on the wall and kicked the high school students off the wall.

With a sound of “pu tong”, the high school student was in pain from the fall, but his mouth was tightly closed, and he did not dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing the patrolling next to him.

Wang Zhijun jumped off the wall and walked up to the high school students, saying with a smile: “Boy, are you okay?”

“It’s okay. It’s okay” the high school students mouth, stand up.

The head of the wall was no more than five meters from the ground, and falling down wouldn’t be enough to cause damage, he was just timid.

“It’s okay, let’s go!”

Wang Zhijun saw that Zhou Nan and Dong Ming were waiting for them in front. Knowing that the time was running out, he quickly ordered.

“Good! Good!”

The high school students saw Wang Zhijun stooping and walking forward, and quickly followed suit, hunched over and followed silently .

It’s business hours, and there’s almost no one on the road. The only difficulty is how to bypass the video surveillance system and not be noticed by the artificial intelligence flower.

Mozi Technology’s walls, street lamps, and even large trees are equipped with monitors, which can be directly connected to the main brain.

“See that camera, it’ll turn in ten seconds.”

“Be careful, there’s another camera in the front, we need to go around to the back.”

“emmmm, this is the tenth camera. According to the information, it has infrared night vision capability, so everyone wears reflective clothing.”

Because the action plan has long been in mind After thousands of drills, they knew the layout and attributes of the cameras in the park very well. Several people bypassed the administrative center and the experimental center without any risk, and appeared in front of a white building.

white There is no nameplate on the building, and under the sunlight, it reflects a bleak white light. This is the main base of AI Xiaohua.

Wang Zhijun frowned circled around the white building. Of course, he was not wandering aimlessly, but measuring the distance with his feet.

“Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters.”

“This is it!”

Wang Zhijun stopped, his face showing surprise With a look of expression, he reached out and knocked on the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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