
Chapter 736

Before Li Mo stepped forward, Professor Wu Zhongliang couldn’t hold back his anxiety and said first: ” Professor Li Mo, our Red Hair Research Institute has already researched the herbal medicine for red hair at that time.”

His words aroused the dissatisfaction of the three brothers under the eyes, because in the process of developing the herbal medicine , Wang Ming’s laboratory and Wang Ming, who is suffering from a strange disease, have also done a lot of work.

Under-eye bag boss Wang Mingyi coldly said: “Professor Wu, you are so inauthentic, how can this be attributed to you alone?” With the mitochondrial data provided to you by Wang Ming, how could you possibly find out that the residual liquid of those herbs was originally hidden in the mitochondria of the cells.”

The third child with bags under the eyes was the youngest and most vigorous, and walked straight to Li Mo. patted his chest, said with a smile: “Boss, we have joined the laboratory since the establishment of Mozi Technology, and it has been more than ten years now. You should know us and won’t compete for credit for no reason.”

Li Mo hasn’t spoken yet, Xia Qing can’t help but frowned. She is also an old man who has been with Li Mo all the time. She naturally understands the three brothers under the eyes. From her point of view, the three brothers with eye bags have been conscientious and conscientious since joining the laboratory, without asking for credit. Even if he has made great contributions to the research and development of Moxing batteries, he did not rely on the credit to ask for additional things.

It seems that Professor Wu Zhongliang’s character is very questionable, and she can’t help but be angry.

Li Mo’s expression is very indifferent, because Professor Wu Zhongliang likes to compete for credit. He has known it for a long time, but he doesn’t think it’s wrong in this special period. Grabbing credit is not a bad quality. Compared with those bad behaviors of falsely reporting academic achievements and plagiarizing academic achievements, vying for credit can only show that this person is competitive.

Driven by this point of view, Li Mo faintly smiled: “Okay. Don’t argue any more, now the alien spaceship is close at hand, although according to the latest detection results, it has temporarily docked at Jupiter. In orbit, there is no next move, but it is like a sharp sword, hanging above our head, we must study the dive technique as soon as possible, so as to have the ability to fight against alien spaceship.”

“You are now taking credit for this. Have you ever thought about how the people would treat you if they found out? We, Mozi Technology, have been established for more than 20 years. Based on the principle of sharing technology with the public with one heart, gradually with the support of the common people, It has become the largest scientific research base in the world, and at the same time, on the basis of Mozi Technology, the Earth Defense Bureau was born. If at that time, our Mozi Technology researchers also competed for credit like you, everything would be messed up. “

Li Mo’s words, like a thousand daggers, were inserted into the hearts of Professor Wu Zhongliang and the three brothers with bags under their eyes, causing them to bow their heads in shame.

Yes, at that time, after Director Li Mo developed Moxing batteries, he sold them domestically at a loss, which led to a rapid development of the domestic industry. We are competing with each other because of a formula, which is really contrary to the guiding ideology of Mozi Technology.

Professor Wu Zhongliang, who was the first to admit his mistake: “Director Li Mo. I admit that in this matter, I did conceal important information. The research results of my brother’s research on bags under the eyes had a great impact on the discovery of herbal formulas. It works.”

The three brothers also said embarrassingly: “Actually, we also made mistakes, and the main academic achievements were made by Professor Wu Zhongliang.”

Seeing several people bowed their heads , Xia Qing’s admiration for Li Mo couldn’t help but be a little higher. Only such a man can integrate the entire Mozi technology and become the director of the Earth Defense Bureau.

“Okay, we’ll talk about the merits and rewards later. Let’s go to the laboratory to take a look at the herbal formula you mentioned.” Li Mo shook his collar and strode inside. go.

Professor Wu Zhongliang and the three brothers with bags under their eyes followed behind with their heads drooping.

Several people got on the elevator and came to the second floor. Before Li Mo left, he reached the door of the laboratory. Professor Wu Zhongliang hurriedly went up and opened the door.

In the Redhead Research Institute, the apprehensive redhead saw a group of people walk in. He was sitting on the sofa watching a variety show, and suddenly stood up in fright.

He hesitated and turned off the TV reluctantly.

After entering the Red Hair Research Institute, he has already prepared a knife for man, and I was prepared for the fish to be dissected. Who knows that the research team led by Professor Wu Zhongliang did not cut it with a scalpel. His stomach is just probed on him with various instruments every day, and he is asked to take various small pills. Although the taste of those pills is very foul, he wants to turn the river into the sea when he eats them. , I don’t know how much better this kind of treatment is. What excites him even more is that the institute has specially equipped him with a 100-inch LCD TV, with all kinds of programs on it. In Adili Village, it is strictly forbidden for the villagers to own this entertainment device. Once it is discovered, it will be destroyed.

The redhead has been in contact with the civilized world and yearns for the splendid culture of human beings. He purchased a 55-inch LCD TV from the outside through special channels, and considering that Adili Village does not have For electricity, he also specially purchased a diesel generator. In order to prevent these devices from being discovered, Hongfa deliberately hid these devices in the underground warehouse. There are confidants guarding the outside. Compared with ordinary villagers, it is a restricted area and absolutely safe. .

Who knows, when he sneaked into the underground warehouse late at night, started the Generator, turned on the TV, but a stunned thing happened. There is no signal received on the TV.

The redhead rolled his eyes and realized that the TVs today do not have external antennas.

There is no other way, the redhead can only suppress the anxiety in his heart and wait for the opportunity to go out. Soon the opportunity came. The village will send a batch of medicine ingredients to a large medicine ingredient dealer in the town. Originally, this task only required ordinary villagers to complete, without red hair, but red hair still grabbed the task.

The task is very simple, just send the medicine ingredient taking advantage of the night to the warehouse of the medicine ingredient dealer, and then wait for the settlement. It only took less than half an hour for the red hair to complete the task. It stands to reason that he should take advantage of the night at this moment and turn around and return to Adili Village, but the red hair did not do so.

Redhead asked those ordinary villagers to go back to the village first, claiming that he had a small business to do while staying in the town. Although the villagers knew this was against the rules, they nodded and agreed, because in their opinion, the redhead must have a private meeting with some woman in the city. In the past, they came to the city with the village chief’s son. This has also happened to work. No way, who made the red hair the son of the village chief.

The redhead watched the villagers leave, then took out a night suit from his bag, put it on efficiently, and sneaked into a large supermarket along the pitch darkness. , were not interested, but went directly to the small electrical appliance area, searched there for a long time, and found a TV satellite signal receiver.

Armed with the signal receiver, the redhead returned to Adili Village without the slightest hesitation, all before the early hours of the morning, when the village chief would Waking up from a deep sleep, he, the future village chief, must serve.

After a busy day’s work, tired red hair, but in good spirits, he ran to the warehouse with the signal receiver, installed the receiver, and turned on the TV expectantly .

But to his surprise, the TV still had no signal. At this time, the red hair was blown away. He wanted to kick the TV to pieces, but after thinking about it, he immediately understood that as the future mayor of the village, he once heard a secret from the village elder father, that That is, there is a hidden Formation in the Adili village, which can shield any external electromagnetic signals.

The location of the hidden Formation, only the real village chief will know.

The redhead could only reluctantly hook the head and give up the plan to watch TV.

didn’t expect, after he became a test product, this idea could be realized, so these days, the redhead squatted in front of the TV series, watching all kinds of TV shows, even No animations were spared.

Professor Wu Zhongliang knew about the red-haired hobby through the monitoring installed in the laboratory for a long time. He turned his head and said embarrassingly to Li Mo: “The red-haired experiment is very qualified. It is because of his strong cooperation that we can figure out the principle of herbal medicine so quickly.”

Just now, he had already known through Li Mo’s attitude that Li Mo is not a person who likes others to compete for credit.

“Very well, once we are sure that the herbs are really effective, we can let the redhead join the Earth Defense Bureau as a full-time employee,” said Li Mo lightly.

He originally had doubts about the red hair. This person who has lived in a wild village since he was a child will not adapt to modern life, will make a lot of trouble in the laboratory, and will not cooperate with the research work.

But now, he looks like a good baby. Such a person, once trained and instilled in him the belief in human civilization, may become a help in the fight against alien spaceships in the future. The alien spaceship is powerful and Earth is very weak, so this requires Li Mo to unite all possible forces to fight together.

The red-haired was delighted to hear that he could become the official profession of the Earth Defense Bureau, because he now knew that the Earth Defense Bureau was the defender of the whole world. Although the village Elder had instilled in him several decades that they were the descendants of their ancestors and would follow their ancestors to do the major event in the future, the red hair never believed that, in his opinion, human beings have a splendid culture, and they should become this ruler of the world.

The redhead made a “pu tong” and knelt down in front of Li Mo: “Director Li Mo, your great kindness and virtue, my redhead will not forget it for the rest of my life, don’t worry, I will definitely do it for you. Human beings will do their part in defeating alien spaceships.”

Professor Wu Zhongliang next to him saw this scene and felt infinitely emotional. It was Director Li Mo who had the ability. Let this rebellious boy bow his head and become a minister.

The three brothers with bags under the eyes are also deeply concerned. They also felt the same way when they followed Li Mo to establish the Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory more than ten years ago. Li Mo has an ability that others cannot refuse.

Xia Qing pursed her lips. In her opinion, Li Mo was exuding faint rays of light, just like a god in legend.

Naturally, Li Mo didn’t know what these people were thinking, so he stepped forward with his red hair and said with a smile: “Don’t be so excited, I help you because you have room for transformation. Coming from a wild village, you have been educated as a descendant of your ancestors since childhood. In fact, after our test, the genetic genes in your body have nothing to do with your ancestors. You are 100% Earth people. So your destiny is also related to all Humans are bound together, and at the same time they are sheltered by our Earth Defense Bureau.”

The redhead choked with gratitude.

Li Mo patted his shoulders lightly and said with a smile: “Don’t be like this, you rest next to me first, we still have important things to do.”

Red With a heavy nod, he walked into the next room and continued to watch the TV show.

Professor Wu Zhongliang also put away the emotion in his heart, tapped lightly on an iron cabinet beside the wall, and a palm print appeared on the surface of the originally smooth cabinet. This cabinet is a kind of secret cabinet made of special alloy. It is not only sturdy enough to withstand the impact of a nuclear bomb explosion, but also has ultra-high thermal insulation performance. internal files. This High Rank device is usually used to store top secret documents.

Professor Wu Zhongliang put his palm in the palm print, and a camera protruded above the cabinet. The camera emitted two red lasers and scanned Wu Zhongliang up and down. With the sound of “didi”, The box popped open silently, filled with various materials.

Professor Wu Zhongliang stretched out his hand and took out a red shell material, and walked to Li Mo with red light across the whole face: “Director, this is our Red Hair Research Institute and Wang Ming Research Institute, The herbal formula that was jointly researched.”

Li Mo took it and looked down. The herbal formula is not complicated, but an isotope of an element appears in it, and in Li Mo’s memory, this isotope does not exist stably in nature. Then if the formula is correct, it means that this isotope can coexist only under the action of herbal medicines.

Li Mo raised his head and looked towards Professor Wu Zhongliang with doubtful eyes.

Professor Wu Zhongliang’s expression froze, and he patted his chest quickly to explain: “Director, this recipe is absolutely impossible. This is the result of our repeated experiments over a hundred times.”

The three brothers with bags under the eyes also said in unison: “Don’t worry, Boss, every time we do these experiments, we are all staring at the side. It is absolutely impossible to make mistakes.”

Li Mo slowly Nodding, for science, as long as it is a repeatable experimental result, it means that the result is not wrong.

The only question now is how to make this isotope and make it coexist with these herbs.

Thinking of this, Li Mo suddenly had a strange idea in his head, which can use Chinese medicine from Huaxia!

(End of this chapter)

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