
Chapter 734

On the second floor of the Divine Technique Research Institute of Mozi Technology, under the gaze of Li Mo, the red hair continued: “Swallow After taking the herbal medicine, I felt an incomparable stench, and I wanted to vomit it out, but in order to gain magical powers, I had to hold back.”

“After more than ten seconds, I suddenly found myself in a A strange space with many bright and twinkling little stars, and I swallowed a little star, and when I woke up again, I gained the ability to transform into a diamond Stoneman.”

Swallowing the herbs, You can get the dive technique! ! !

The news was like a thunderclap, and Li Mo and all the researchers couldn’t close their mouths.

Because in their opinion, the dive technique is a very magical power. Through the story of Pajelu, they know that to obtain the dive technique, they must pass through the black tower, or receive direct infusion from the Crusoe creature. .

Now, I am naturally shocked to hear that you can become a diver just by swallowing herbs.

Even Li Mo, who has always been prudent, could not help but stand up and walked up to the red hair with a sincere expression: “red hair, what kind of herbal medicine?”

Zhen, said with a bitter smile: “The herbs, I have destroyed them all.”

The herbs have been destroyed. I just saw a little hope, but this hope has collapsed like a bubble, which makes it difficult for Li Mo to accept .

“Why do you want to destroy herbs?” Li Mo couldn’t help asking.

The redhead explained with a wry smile: “Herbs can turn a normal person into a transcender, and I just want to be the last transcender in the world. No one but me can spy on the mystery of the dive technique.”

This remark with red hair made Li Mo nod frequently.

Yes, the transcender is the god in this world.

If a person becomes a god, he has the most powerful power in the world, all people must acknowledge allegiance at his feet, and absolutely do not want another god to appear in this world, this is It is determined by the inferiority of people’s selfishness.

“Then do you know the formula of herbs?” Li Mo’s heart sank to the bottom, and he still couldn’t help asking.

The red-haired expression was suddenly ugly. At that time, when he swallowed the herbal medicine, he only felt a stench in his mouth. Going down, how could it be possible to know the herbal formula.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know.”

Li Mo’s hopes were dashed, and now the only way is to try to decipher the mystery of the dive technique by testing the redhead’s body data .

He looked towards an old professor wearing a glass bottle bottom and hair grey-white: “Professor Zhou Lifang, the red-haired research group, I’ll leave it to you!”

Zhou Lifang This name is very feminine, and it is indeed a 100% pure gentleman. He is a history professor at Yanjing University. He has basically no achievements in history, but he has one of the biggest hobby, that is, he likes to study strange things. Familiar with folk unofficial history.

Professor Zhou Lifang once compiled a folk fantasy story with strength of oneself. This book records strange things that happened in history, for example, in the battle of Feishui, in AD 383 In the eighth year of Taiyuan, the Eastern Jin Dynasty sent Great General Wang Peng to Luojian. While marching to Yexi, Wang Peng’s army was attacked by a mysterious army. At that time, the army led by Great General Wang Peng numbered at least 20,000 people, while the Mysterious army numbered less than 1,000 people. Wang Peng thought that he could easily defeat the opponent. What didn’t expect was that the soldiers in the mysterious army took out a strange-looking weapon and aimed it at them, and then accompanied by a heavenly thunder, the weapon emitted brilliant fire, and there were people in Wang Peng’s army. He fell to the ground like an arrow. Seeing that the general situation was not good, Wang Peng immediately ordered the soldiers to lie down. Fortunately, at this time, he was leading the elite troops, and the soldiers were well-trained, which greatly reduced losses. Wang Peng, the Great General of the gods, couldn’t afford to suffer in vain. He observed the wind direction and found that he was in the upper wind and the other party was in the lower wind, so a plan was released. Great General Wang Peng ordered the soldiers to find dry wood, then set it on fire, and launched a fire attack on the enemy. Great General Wang Peng captured them very smoothly. These prisoners are all blond foreigners, under the banner of the Victorious Army. This surprised Great General Wang Peng.

Because of the language barrier, these foreigners have been drawn seriously ill and died in the next few days, and this matter will be over, and the weapons that can shoot fire are also in a short period of time. A month later, they turned into fly ash, making it impossible for those who tried to study them.

Everything has disappeared strangely. Great General Wang Peng can only record this incident in his family letter. What he doesn’t know is that in AD 1864 after 1480, there was really a battalion. The mysterious army with the banner of ever-victory has disappeared. The army was organized by foreigner Gordon.

These two strange things that spanned thousands of years were discovered by Professor Zhou Lifang by consulting ancient books and on-the-spot visits.

I have to admire his professionalism.

The divine technique is an unknown thing, and it is difficult to successfully understand it with normal thinking and logic. So Li Mo specially invited Professor Zhou Lifang to be the leader of the red-haired research group. Professor Zhou Lifang is now nearly eighty years old. Due to her hard work in academic research, her entire body has basically collapsed, and she needs someone to help her when she walks. However, when I heard that there is a dive technique on the world that goes against science, The whole person suddenly became excited, and said that even if he fought this old life, he must study the dive technique.

Naturally, Li Mo would not let him die, so he ordered the Medical College Research Center of Mozi Science and Technology to conduct a comprehensive examination of Professor Zhou Lifang’s body, and by implanting nano-organisms, he paid attention to his strength. Using medicine and other methods, Professor Zhou Lifang’s body has been fully adjusted.

Under the careful treatment of Mozi Science and Technology Medical Research Center, within half a month, the wrinkles on Professor Zhou Lifang’s face have disappeared, and she can walk without crutches. She seems to be more than ten years younger. Years old, while marveling at this incredible change, Professor Zhou Lifang also decided to study the diving technique and repay Mozi Technology.

As a result, he carefully selected more than 20 professors, all of whom are elites in various disciplines, and two are folklore researchers, and formulated a rigorous research plan.

When Li Mo took Xia Qing to leave the laboratory, Professor Zhou Lifang officially began to study red hair.

Of course, considering that the red hair itself has a great degree of danger, X, as a thug, is still standing by, ready to deal with the danger that will come at any time.

Professor Zhou Lifang helped the frame of the mirror, holding of materials, and walked to the redhead: “Experimental subject No. 01, please answer your name, age, weight, height.”

“The name is red hair, the weight is 180 pounds, the height is 1.92 meters, and the age.” The red hair’s thin and yellow face, the eyelids raised upwards, trying to recall how old he was, but he couldn’t think of it at all.

In Adili Village, there is no calendar, the days are like flowing water, flowing from the fingertips bit by bit, no one knows their exact date of birth.


Professor Zhou Lifang could only shake his head helplessly when he saw his confused expression, and whispered: “This skip, anyway, we can calculate your age based on your skeleton age. Actual age.”

You can also use the skeleton to test the age. The redhead has also been exposed to modern life since he left Adili Village. He knows that modern technology is very developed, but didn’t expect such technology. On the way to Yanjing, he looked at the high-rise buildings and the endless cars on the streets. He really felt that he had been buried in the dilapidated village of Adili for half his life, and he really missed countless wonderful lives.

After asking the redhead, Professor Zhou Lifang handed the inquiry record to the redhead, and then handed a pen: “Sign your name here!”

This is the latest regulation from Director Li Mo.

A while ago, after the Moonfall disaster, Earth was in chaos, and the black domain established by Shen Tuzhixue had to make heavy efforts to set off a clean storm throughout the world. In the storm, as long as there is suspicion and no exact evidence is needed, they can be taken back to the black prison and interrogated slowly. Although the people of the world can understand this kind of behavior, Director Li Mo knows that this kind of practice is only a temporary practice. , sooner or later will bring big trouble. Even accidentally, it will cause a new storm.

So after the situation subsided a little, he immediately ordered a large number of legal experts to formulate perfect rules and regulations, which can not only quickly catch the suspects, but also guarantee the basic rights of the suspects. This news has been announced, and it has attracted polarized discussions among people all over the world. A small number of people think this is a good way to prevent innocent people from being caught in black jails. Some people think that it is too much for those who confuse people. be merciful. But after a comprehensive consideration, Director Li Mo decided to implement the new system, because the Earth Defense Bureau has too much power.

The redhead scratched his head embarrassedly at the inquiry record. He could only recognize words, but couldn’t write: “This. That”

Professor Zhou Lifang saw his embarrassment, said with a smile: “Just draw a circle on it. This is a common practice for those illiterate people in ancient China.”

His tone was gentle, so that the red hair was not affected in the slightest. Feeling discriminated against, the redhead glanced at him gratefully, and then drew his name crookedly on it.

Professor Zhou Lifang took the inquiry record, put it in the filing cabinet, and saved the file by serial number.

Then walked to the red hair again, said with a smile: “Now use your skills, let’s observe.”

The professors next to them also stood at the same time They got up and looked towards the red hair with expectant eyes. At the beginning, Professor Zhou Lifang told them that they would set up a scientific research center to study magical abilities, but they didn’t believe it. Because in the history of Earth, there have been too many people who claimed to have superpowers, some can bend spoons with their eyes, some can see the numbers behind them through paper, and some can even disappear out of thin air. These people have aroused great attention in the society, and major news media have also reported at length, but in the end, without exception, it was confirmed that they were just lying for the sake of fame. However, Professor Zhou Lifang took out the special authorization order from Director Li Mo, which had to make them change their minds just now. Director Li Mo is a two-time Nobel Prize winner who discovered Moxing and created pure mathematics. He is the greatest scientist in the history of Earth. Such a great character actually claims that there is extraordinary ability in the world, so maybe it exists.

The redhead stood up in the eyes of everyone, he felt like an experiment being watched, but he knew that this was the best treatment he could get.

The redhead closed his eyes, meditated in his heart, activated his extraordinary abilities, and drilled Stoneman!

The professors next to them saw a flash of colorful light on the red hair, and then a crystal clear and near-transparent diamond Stoneman appeared before them.

Professors are dumbfounded.

And X is indifferent, because of this situation, she has seen it before. X stared at the redhead’s neck, couldn’t help but touched the hilt of the sword with his hand, and licked his lips with his little tongue, trying to see if his sword was sharp. But after hesitating for a while, he finally gave up, because the red hair is the key research object of Director Li Mo. If his head is cut off, Director Li Mo will definitely be angry.

After the redhead turned into Stoneman, the various sensations of his body became more acute. He noticed that X’s eyes were staring at his neck with a baleful aura, and he was shocked and couldn’t help it Touching his neck, when his eyes left, the redhead was relieved, thinking, with this girl, I must obediently and honestly.

Professor Zhou Lifang took out a hammer from the experimental bench and struck the red hair twice, making a “dangdang” sound.

“Well, it looks very solid, but I don’t know how the Mohs hardness is?”

At this time, the professors next to him also came together and used gloves with gloves. Hands, stroked the red-haired body, and clicked one’s tongue in wonder as I touched.

“Good guy, with flesh and blood, it turns into a diamond Stoneman in the blink of an eye. It’s too bizarre!”

“This should be a real diamond, it is estimated that it will be cut off. It can be sold for a lot of money.”

Cut it off.

Hearing this idea, the redhead couldn’t help but take a step back and said with a sad face: “After I turned into a drill Stoneman, these A diamond is my body, once a piece is cut off, it will definitely hurt.”

All the professors were stunned by his words, and they looked at each other for a long time, then shook their heads with a wry smile. This guy is too humorless.

How could such a precious research object be cut into diamonds and then sold? Compared with diamonds, the secret of the diving technique hidden in his body is more precious.

“Don’t worry, redhead, we, Mozi Technology, are the most famous scientific research unit in the world. Although you are an experimental product, you are also a living human being, and we will never let you hurt. “

Professor Zhou Lifang saw that the red hair had become shiver coldly, so she had to stand up and take the initiative to be comforted.

The redhead was immediately relieved hearing this, because Mozi Technology’s reputation is all over the world, that’s nothing to say.

As a result, Professor Zhou Lifang was very involved in the research team, and used CT, high-energy electromagnetic radiators, and high-energy lasers, and other equipment to conduct a comprehensive study of red hair.

(End of this chapter)

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