
Chapter 722

There was a smell of gunpowder in the air at the scene, which was about to explode.

Wang Dachui realized that over time, the soldiers under his command might fear Uncle Huang’s former majesty and choose to rebel.

He waved his long knife and rushed up: “brothers, follow me and kill Uncle Huang, the whole cottage is ours, and I’m afraid we won’t find the hidden gold and silver jewelry. I’m in The promise here is that as long as you rush up with me, and when you find the treasure, I will give you an equal share!”

Those soldiers who were hesitant at first suddenly became excited, with so much money, they Enough to marry a few sweet wives and concubines.

The soldiers charged at Uncle Huang with long knives.

Uncle Huang is not a fool, he hurriedly retreated into the crowd, waved his hand: “Elite guards, come on!”

The elite soldiers behind him rushed up with their weapons quickly, Fight with the rebels.

The elite soldiers have been professionally trained and have high martial arts. They can kill ten rebels with one enemy, but more rebels come up, only after more than ten In minutes, the elite soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

Uncle Huang saw that the situation was not good, and looked back at Captain Yumaz Lala behind him: “Virtuous nephew, I’m the one who got you down today!”

Said, he Waving a long knife, he rushed up.

“Whoever kills Uncle Huang will be rewarded with a hundred gold!” Wang Dachui shouted loudly when he saw that Uncle Huang had reached a dead end.

The rebels heard the shouts, their eyes were red, and they rushed towards Uncle Huang with a wailing sound.

Uncle Huang was strong, slashing dozens of people in a row, but his fists were invincible.

Forget it, I have married 25 daughters-in-law in my life, and I have killed countless people. I am satisfied, but it is a pity that I contacted the Huang Family in Huangtucheng.

“Come on, kill me!”

Uncle Huang threw away the long knife, closed his eyes and waited to die, but after waiting for a long time, he didn’t feel any pain, the noise around him Instead, it fell silent.

“What’s the matter.”

He opened his eyes and saw that the rebels had been lying on the ground for some time.

“Why are they all dead?” Uncle Huang looked incredulous.

Seeing Uncle Huang’s dazed appearance, Captain Yumaz Lara walked out slowly, said with a smile: “Yes, they are already dead.”

Uncle Huang looked at his confident look, his heart jumped, and then he thought of the legend about the dive technique he had heard.

He took a deep breath and looked incredulous: “Virtuous nephew, you are a dive technique!”

“Yes, I, Husband, is a dive technique, and I am strong Very powerful dive technique!” Huang Mingzhu saw that it was Captain Yumaz Lara who initiated the dive technique.

She secretly sighed in the bottom of her heart. Captain Yumaz Lara’s diving technique is so powerful that Huang Mingzhu has never seen such an invisible dive technique.

Uncle Huang looked more respectful when he knew that Captain Yumaz Lara was a diver.

He looked at the sighed cottage that had almost been wiped out, turned his head, and pleaded, “Virtuous nephew, you have also seen that my cottage is over. I have met a lot of enemies, and if possible, I would like to follow you down the mountain and spend the rest of my life in peace.”

With such a powerful dive technique teacher, his future safety is guaranteed!

Faced with Uncle Huang’s request, Captain Yumaz Lara naturally couldn’t refuse, he said with a smile: “Uncle Shi, a while ago, thanks to you, my son and father-in-law and mother-in-law were safe and sound. .”

Hearing that Captain Yumaz Lala agreed, Uncle Huang hurriedly ordered his men to move out all the gold and silver treasures and give them to Yumaz Lala captain.

He wanted to trade these treasures for future peace.

As a diver, how could Captain Yumaz Lara take a fancy to the little property of Captain Yumaz Lara and refuse it with a smile.

However, when he saw Uncle Huang leading more than 20 wives and more than 100 children over, the smile immediately solidified on his face.

Captain Yumaz Lara sighed in his heart that there is a strange custom on Gay Star, that is, the more wives a man gets and the more children he has, the more status he will feel.

In the final analysis, this is a kind of experience of gene selfishness. In order to keep itself alive, the gene will make every effort to let the host find a daughter-in-law, give birth to a child, so as to continue the gene.

With the improvement of civilization level, human beings will get rid of the shackles of genes to a certain extent under the arm of scientific knowledge.

However, the big talk has been released. Uncle Huang still has so much gold and silver jewelry, which is enough for him to support so many young wives and children.

Captain Yumaz Lara didn’t care.

Captain Yumaz Lara and Huang Mingzhu led Uncle Huang back to the Huang Family in Huangtu City.

In the following period of time, he was practicing Spirit Refinement Technique every day, and he knew that only by becoming a Level 9 divine technique teacher as soon as possible could he achieve his goal.

After 20 years of cultivation, Captain Yumaz Lara finally broke through the Level 9 divine technique, and with the help of the pyramid creature, became the most powerful dive technique on Gay.

In the cultivation black tower.

The pyramid creature looked at Captain Yumaz Lara, who had become a Level 9 diver, said with a smile: “Now, you have become a Level 9 diver, it’s time to realize the year Promise it.”

For years, it has been sleeping, but it has not forgotten its death plan.

He knew that if he wanted to be annihilated from this world, he had to let Captain Yumaz Lara do it.

Captain Yumaz Lara had already made up his mind how to make the pyramid creatures wishful thinking, he said with a sneer: “Our agreement back then was that you would be my escort, but after so many years, You went into a deep sleep without authorization, and you have done your duty as a guard.”

The pyramid creature was speechless for a while, and then flew into a rage out of humiliation: “You are believing or not, I can kill you now, and then Destroy the entire planet Gay.”

Captain Yumaz Lara is as strong as a rock, how could he be threatened, if he was afraid of death, he would have hid in a small place and became a rich man .

Captain Yumaz Lara said with a sneer: “Fine, you can kill me now, but in this world, maybe no one will ever kill you.”

The pyramid creature thought that with its own abilities, it could completely control Captain Yumaz Lara, but didn’t expect that in the end, this guy was out of control.

Any creature will not give up its life easily, and so did Captain Yumaz Lara, who saw that the Pyramid creature was slow to speak and knew it had been intimidated by him. All you have to do now is continue to confuse it.

Captain Yumaz Lara said with a smile: “Now we can reach a new agreement, if the agreement is completed, I will definitely fulfill your wish.”

“New Agreement?” The pyramid creature felt like he was going to be fooled again, but he had nowhere to go now and could only be at the mercy of Captain Yumaz Lara.

Captain Yumaz Lara threw out a plan that had been planned for more than 20 years: “You and I will break into the secret space, as long as we remove all the Cresut creatures in the secret space. Kill. When the time comes I will fulfill your wishes.”

The pyramid creature pondered for a moment and came to an incredible conclusion: “You kid, are you going to be the only god in this Star Domain?”

He has carefully measured that Captain Yumaz Lara is already a Level 9 Divine Technician, and the people who can kill him on Planet Gay can be counted on one’s fingers, among them are Crusoe creatures.

“Yes, I once said that I want to be the only god in the world, and those creatures in the Crusus world must be on the list of eradication. And, even if I do it now, they will look for opportunities. Escape from the secret space, when the time comes the whole of Gay will be in dire straits.” Captain Yumaz Lara made no secret of his purpose.

“You are so vicious, if I remember correctly, your dive technique is from Crusus Creatures, and now you are gracious!” Pyramid Creatures sighed.

He has been wandering in the universe all the year round and has seen countless civilizations. No matter which civilization he is in, grantful and seeking to repay the kindness is a virtue that is advocated. But like Captain Yumaz Lara, after success, few turned around and shot at the teacher.

Captain Yumaz Lara said with a sneer: “No way, when I escaped from Pajelu Star, I had already abandoned all etiquette and morality, I know that only cruel and vicious can I get There’s a silver lining, but don’t worry, when the Crusus creatures die, my only opponent on Gay becomes you, when the time comes even if you don’t want to die, I’ll find ways to kill you, make sure myself It is an invincible existence in this universe.”

The pyramid creatures have to admit that what Captain Yumaz Lara said is indeed the truth. People like him are extremely insecure in their hearts, and can only put all their Only by killing all opponents can you sleep peacefully.

However, all this has nothing to do with the pyramid creature. His purpose is to make Captain Yumaz Lara kill him.

“Very well, I can promise you!”

As night fell, the entire Huang Family mansion was immersed in darkness.

The residence of Huang Mingzhu and Captain Yumaz Lala, Huang Mingzhu took the clean underwear from the maid, put it on for Captain Yumaz Lala, and said: “Husband, Boer has been making trouble recently. When we are free, we will find an opportunity to go together.”

Their son is in his twenties, young and young, because of the doting of the two, Live a carefree day every day.

Huang Mingzhu once wanted her son to enter the black tower and become a diver, but was directly rejected by Captain Yumaz Lara.

He knows the truth about the black tower and the truth about the diver. He knows that the diver is just a plaything for the creatures of Crusoe, just like a slave.

Naturally, he refused to allow his son to become a slave, so he refused this request.

However, he did not let his son play tricks, but sent him to the Divine Technique Research Institute in Guana, and asked him to learn science and technology from the gods.

God · Great Mechanic has become a Level 6 divine technique master, and has established a route that can combine technology and dive technique, allowing Guys to study technology through dive technique, thereby enhancing the overall strength of civilization .

To tell the truth,

Captain Yumaz Lara admires God Mechanic very much, and by doing so, he can fundamentally change the backward face of Gay, so as to make The Gay civilization has become an advanced civilization. Captain Yumaz Lara not only does not stop this practice, but encourages it greatly, because in Captain Yumaz Lala’s mind, Gay will be his own territory in the future, as long as he can To become a real god, all the people of Star Gay will become his subjects, and even if the diving technique and technology develops again, they cannot fight against the real god, not at all.

So, watching his son grow up day by day, Captain Yumaz Lara sent his son to the Divine Technique Institute to receive training in Divine Technique and technology. My son became a diver.

Captain Yumaz Lara naturally refused Huang Mingzhu’s request: “No, I have a major event to do recently, you and your son need to hide in the security fortress I set up. ”

After returning to the Huang Family mansion, Captain Yumaz Lara built a safe fort 20 kilometers away from the Huang Family mansion after absorbing the experience of the last time the Huang Family mansion was attacked by the gods. The safety fortress is located 100 meters below the ground and is manufactured with Pajelu technology, which can not only defend against the explosion of the atomic bomb, but also resist the attack of the Level 9 divine technique. Of course, the location of the safety bunker is so secretive that it cannot be seen from the ground at all, even if a Level 9 divine technique uses the dive technique to detect it, it cannot be discovered.

The safety bunker covers an area of more than 2,000 square meters. It is equipped with ventilation equipment, entertainment equipment, lounges, and a large warehouse, where various grains and meat are stored. There is also a water tank of more than 1,000 cubic meters, equipped with material recycling equipment, and the safe bunker is enough for everyone in the Huang Family to live in it for thousands of years.

Huang Mingzhu knew that the safety bunker was for refuge, and when she heard Captain Yumaz Lara say this, her heart suddenly rose.

“Husband, what are you going to do?”

These 20 years have been her happiest 20 years. With Husband and her son accompanying every day, Huang Mingzhu has always I hope days like this last forever. But she knew that it was impossible, Captain Yumaz Lara was not a stable person, and one day in the future, he would definitely do a major event.

Huang Mingzhu knew that this day would come sooner or later, but didn’t expect it would come so early.

Captain Yumaz Lara explained with a smile: “The action at this time is very important. Once I succeed, my family will never be hurt again.”


No harm will be done to Huang Mingzhu, take a taste, and immediately understand that Captain Yumaz Lara is going to become a god!

She knew that Captain Yumaz Lara had been planning the major event of becoming a god all these years, but didn’t expect this day to come so soon.

In Huang Mingzhu’s impression, the gods exist in Innate. It is impossible for mortals to become gods, but his Husband is ready to become gods. This is really incredible.

However, for Captain Yumaz Lara, she can only express her support.

So Huang Mingzhu explained to the servant and called his son back from outside, and then the whole family began to move to the safe bunker.

Only two people know how to enter the safe bunker, Captain Yumaz Lara and Huang Mingzhu.

After three or four days, the Huang Family moved to the safe bunker, and Captain Yumaz Lara rode on his horse and ran towards Guana.

(End of this chapter)

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