
Chapter 247 The real origin of oil?

“If there are petroleum-like substances on the Pajelu star, maybe we have already broken through the Level 5 civilization.” There is endless regret in the big-headed Pajeluian’s tone.

“According to the data obtained by the Pajelu Section Academy through the exploration of galaxies, there are countless planets with life in the universe, but there is only a 1 in 100,000 chance of oil in these planets.”

“When All Pajeluians were stunned when the expedition took a sample of oil from a budding planet.”

“Because oil is an energy source that is tailor-made for a Level 1 civilization. , it can be directly used as energy after simple refining, and can also be made into various chemicals, and more importantly, it can be directly used only by the technology of Level 1 civilization, which is very important for civilizations with low technology levels.”

“For example, in order to use nuclear energy and gravitational energy on a large scale, the level of technology must reach the level of Level 2 civilization.” agreed. The advanced by leaps and bounds of human technology also occurred after the invention of the internal combustion engine in modern times, which can effectively utilize oil. From the perspective of energy, the current civilization of human beings is indeed based on the utilization of oil. Although with the development of science and technology, human beings have the ability to control nuclear energy, but if we want to use nuclear energy as the main energy source, with the current human The level of technology is still far from it.

“When Pajeluian entered the Level 1 civilization, our energy choices were limited to stellar energy and bioenergy. These two energy sources, due to their high cost and instability, also led to Pajeluian’s Level 1 civilization. It became a long phase,” Pajeluian continued.

“This magical energy substance attracted the attention of the Pajelu Academy. In order to decipher the source of the oil, we deliberately chose several planets as the experimental site. As a result, we used various methods to successfully generate oil. .”

“At this time, a large meteorite wandering on the edge of the galaxy caught Pajeluian’s attention, because according to the force analysis of the meteorite, it was impossible to appear in the area where it was found. “

“Everything in the universe has its own orbit, but sometimes in the vast universe, some objects with abnormal orbits also appear.”

“These objects with abnormal orbits are often hidden There are some secrets.”

“So Pajeluian paid special attention to this kind of object and set up an analysis and tracking department. Because the secrets of these objects usually bring some unexpected surprises.”

“You may ask, why didn’t Pajeluian directly probe the interior of this meteorite?” Having said so much, the big-headed Pajeluian may feel that it is boring to speak alone, and he began to ask himself.

“When a civilization begins to step into space and embark on a journey to explore the universe, he should understand a truth, that is, there is a supreme law in this universe, and this law permeates the entire universe, the universe All life and matter are bound by it.”

The highest law in the universe? Li Mo’s spirit was shocked.

The big-brained Pajeluian slowed down and said, “This law is the law of cause and effect!”

“The law of cause and effect is above all laws.”

“There is a cause and there is an effect. Everything is connected by an invisible thin line. When you rashly detect an unidentified meteorite, there is a high probability that some terrifying existence has already been eyed.”

“There is a saying among us Pajeluians that when you find a tiny crystal of energy in space, the best thing to do is turn the nose and run as far as possible. Because when you try to get close to it , it’s not far from death.”

Energy Crystal? The big head Pajeluian mentioned energy crystals. Thinking of the two large energy crystals in the backpack, Li Mo moved in his heart. It sounded that energy crystals are also a precious existence in Level 4 civilization, otherwise they would not be written into proverbs.

The big-headed Pajeluian didn’t know what Li Mo was thinking, but he still told slowly:

“So, the safest way is to hide yourself, observe from a distance, and wait for someone. The right opportunity. In the universe, if you want to live a long time, you must have enough patience.”

“This time is the same, the Pajeluian exploration spaceship is far behind the meteorite, Fortunately, it only took a few hundred years this time. Hundreds of years later, the orbit of this large meteorite intersected with the orbit of a young planet, and the meteorite slammed into the galaxy. Shock wave cover. Our Pajeluian successfully detected the interior of a large meteorite.”

“Do you know what’s inside the meteorite?”

Li Mo was a little confused about his sudden question. Without thinking, he replied: “Oil?”

“.” Pajeluian, the big head on the high platform.

“It’s the oil, maybe it should be called the raw material of oil. After the impact, the meteorites all split up and in pieces sank into the planet’s crust. After hundreds of thousands, the new born on this planet Intelligent creatures, I was pleasantly surprised to discover a mysterious substance that can burn.” The big-headed Pajeluian’s tone was full of envy.

“So you say that the oil was brought by meteorites?” Li Mo was not satisfied with this answer, “but why is there oil in meteorites?”

“It’s not existence, it’s full of oil, please pay attention to the difference.” Pajeluian, the big head, corrected his words.

“The meteorite impossible naturally produces oil, so why is this large meteorite with an abnormal trajectory filled with oil?”

“The exploration of the unknown universe is the advancement of all civilizations. The driving force.”

“After using hundreds of quantum computers, after several decades of simulation analysis, we Pajeluian finally discovered the trajectory of the oil meteorite.”

“According to the trajectory. According to calculations, it originated from the Otter Nebula, which is 100,000 light-years away from the Pajelu galaxy. Due to the distance, conventional detection methods have been ineffective.”

“In this case, after the Academy of Sciences The elders voted, Pajeluian used big eyes.”

Big eyes? It seems that this is a relatively expensive detection instrument, otherwise it would not need to be voted, Li Mo thought.

“The big eye retraced the entire trajectory of the oil planet, and a straight line appeared in the big eye. This oil planet was actually created out of thin air in the Otter Nebula, and then took a straight line as an orbit and hit it directly. Of the newborn planet.”

“Big Eyes blinked as the Academy tried to go back to the moment when the oil planet was created out of thin air.”

“Although it ultimately failed to Seeing the production process of oil meteorites, the power that can stop big eyes is not comparable to Pajelu of Level 4 civilization. Due to the law of causality, we know that there is a super civilization behind oil meteorites, and that super civilization also realizes Its work, has been noticed by other creatures in the universe.”

“Academy had to give up tracking.”

“Remember our Pajeluian exchange from a super civilization Has it come to this learning assistance system?”

Li Mo was about to answer, but the big-headed Pajeluian went on.

Well, it’s self-questioning again!

“That super civilization is a strange existence in the universe. They reached the peak of Level 8 civilization tens of millions of years ago, but for some unknown reason, they converted the carbon-based body into a Bizarre form.”

“Under the special form, they lost the pursuit of reproduction, space, energy and even technology, and became a civilization that would not pose a threat.”

“Of course, there will be no civilizations that don’t have long eyes to harass them, because they still have the strength of the peak of Level 8 civilization.”

“This super civilization has lost all normal civilization needs, and instead Collect the essence of the universe.”

“Do you remember what the essence of the universe is?” asked Pajeluian, the big head, suddenly.

Li Mo thought for a moment and replied: “Is it information?”

“Congratulations, you answered correctly, the essence of the universe is information.” The big head Pajeluian was very similar at this time. a qualified teacher.

“Everything in the universe can be expressed by information, Earth is a kind of information, human beings are a kind of information, even your thoughts are a kind of information.”

“Of course, This super civilization doesn’t collect information like humans. The stories they collect, the real stories.”

“Any race can trade their stories for what they need.”

Is there such a “wonderful” race? Wouldn’t it be possible to use the story of human beings for an interstellar spaceship? Li Mo’s eyes sparkled. He thought he had figured out a good way to “get rich” quickly.

“This kind of real story is not the kind of story written in the storybooks on your Earth. They must be composed of real experiences that civilization encounters in its development. The richer the experience of civilization, the more The more substance.” Perhaps realizing that Li Mo was thinking wildly, Pajeluian, the big head, reminded him.

“In this way, this supercivilization became a neutral story civilization and one of the few beacons in the Dark Forest.”

“In their library, collect many of the mysteries of the universe.”

“Pajeluian paid enough to get answers to a number of questions.”

“The origin of oil meteorites is among these questions.”

(end of this chapter)

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