
Chapter 245 A special meeting

At 8:00 in the morning, Wang Shufu with dark circles appeared at the Ministry of Science and Technology. As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the venue, he felt a completely different atmosphere than usual. First of all, when entering the venue this time, he had to hand over the electronic equipment he carried with him. It must be known that they are all company bosses with “everyday management”, and ordinary meetings require at most mobile phones. Mute on. Secondly, only one person was allowed to participate in the meeting, and his personal assistant was also friendly “invited” to the lounge next to him.

Stepping into the venue, I found Wei VV from Longwall Auto next door, Zhu Hua from Changan Automobile, and Boss Zengliu from the Dening era, a domestic new energy battery tycoon, also came. The entire Conference Hall is filled with leading figures in the domestic auto industry.

“Wait? Are they all domestic car companies?” Wang Shufu, who has always been deep plans and distant thoughts, found that all the leaders of domestic car companies, joint ventures and foreign car companies attended the meeting. No one came.

“What’s the situation?”

He found a back seat and sat down quietly.

“Pharaoh next door, what’s the situation today?” didn’t expect After he sat down, Wei VV also looked over. For Wei VV, Wang Shufu has always been a headache. This person dares to fight and dare to do it. He just led Longwall Motors to occupy a place in the SUV field in the encirclement of joint venture cars.

Wang Shufu shook the head, he never expressed his opinion easily on unknown situations.

When all the bosses were suspicious, two people walked up to the podium. They all knew the middle-aged man in front. He was the Minister of Science and Technology, but the man in the back was wearing Most of the car companies Boss don’t know the old man in the tunic suit.

But except for Wang Shufu, when he saw the old man appear on the podium, his heart startled.

Wang Shufu is a documentary hobbyist. In his early years, in order to motivate his employees, he specially collected some documentaries reflecting the great achievements of the old generation of researchers at the founding of Early-Stage under difficult conditions. . Among them, the name of the old man often appears in documentaries. He led the older generation of scientists to make great contributions to the development of China under difficult circumstances.

At this moment, Wang Shufu realized that today’s meeting was not simple.

Not only him, but also other car company Boss present here, also felt the extraordinary identity of the old man from the minister’s respectful attitude.

“Thank you all for participating in today’s meeting under the pressure of time.”

“Before the meeting, I would like to state that this meeting is a top-secret meeting. , any participant is strictly prohibited from divulging the content of the meeting in any way.”

“If anyone finds it unacceptable, they can leave early!” After speaking, the minister glanced around with sharp eyes, and there was no one. means to leave. All present are business elites who have been in business for a long time. In their perception, danger often represents opportunity, and a confidential type of information often brings rich reports.

“Then the meeting starts now, Xiao Liu, please distribute the materials.”

A staff member began to distribute the materials, and the Sect Masters of the car companies who had already received the materials sent out a message. Exclamation.

“Moxing battery?”

“2000 km?”


“Why is there any wind? I didn’t even hear it.”

This made Wang Shufu unable to hold back a bit, “What is recorded in the material that makes those old foxes so uncontrollable.”

In In anticipation, the materials were finally sent to him.

A series of eye-popping figures appeared in the material. If it wasn’t endorsed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, he would have thought it was a science fiction novel.

That’s right, this material was adapted from the plan that Li Mo sent to Chang’an Avenue, and it was a comrade from the Ministry of Science and Technology. .

“Does this kind of battery really exist in the world?”

Wang Shufu has been able to go step by step to today and build a big car kingdom, in addition to relying on his own efforts , and more importantly, he has a vision that transcends ordinary people.

Even if this Moxing battery has half the performance described in the material, it is enough to change the current pattern of new energy vehicles. He had already made up his mind, must hold this kind of battery in his hand.

He looked up, and the eyes of the participating car companies Sect Master also showed excited eyes, they must have the same thoughts.

“This kind of super battery was successfully developed by Yanda Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory. The purpose of this meeting today is to integrate domestic resources and apply Moxing battery to the field of new energy vehicles as soon as possible. “

“With the blessing of this super battery, our Chinese cars will be able to occupy a place in the international market in the future.”

The minister finally said this time purpose of the meeting.

Discuss spiritedly from the audience, rashly adopting a new technology often means huge risks, especially new products like Moxing battery that have never been “actually proven”. It is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive process for a technological product to go from invention to mature commercial use.

Perhaps, we should wait a little longer and let others try it out first. Some car companies have already started to retreat.

The Minister of Science and Technology seemed to have heard the discussion in the audience, and went on to say: “For the use of Moxing batteries, the state will adopt the method of overall planning and independent negotiation. In the first three years, enterprises will negotiate and purchase by themselves. After 3 years, the share of Moxing battery will be planned according to the purchase share.”

Wang Shufu eyes shined, “In the first 3 years of self-negotiated procurement?” “Forcibly apportioned”, then this means that the comrades of the Ministry of Science and Technology have absolute confidence in this battery.

After 3 years, re-division according to the share of purchases in these 3 years, which is also a disguised encouragement for companies that dare to “eat crabs”. After all, in the high-tech field, it is not uncommon to be caught in the hand because of eating crabs.

In the shopping mall, there is no absolute insurance, and any old-fashioned enterprise will eventually be eliminated by the society.

Thinking of this, Wang Shufu made a secret decision in the heart.

“How is it? Pharaoh, let’s do it?” Wei VV next to him grinned, rolled up his sleeves, and came over.


“Professor Li Mo, this is the plot we specially selected for Moxing Technology.” An engineer wearing a white hat pointed to a barren mountain and said.

Li Mo looked around, there were no villages in several dozen li around, and he was satisfied. Although the production process of Moxing battery does not emit pollutants, it cannot guarantee 100% safety due to the use of high-energy equipment in the production process.

“The construction cycle of the factory is one month, and then it will be a different scene,” the chief engineer continued.

“One month? Can the quality of the project be guaranteed?” Although Li Mo knew that Huaguo was known as an infrastructure maniac in the world, and the construction speed of the project was fast, he had to build a modern building within a month. Factory, it sounds a little weird.

“Professor Li please rest assured that in order to quickly build the factory, the superiors have specially selected ten teams that have built key national projects.”

“We must be within the specified time. Complete the task with quality and quantity.”

The chief engineer replied confidently.

“Boss, the boss of BYD company wants to meet you.” Just as Li Mo was standing in the wilderness, imagining the future, assistant Xia Qing came over and said.

“Biadie?” Li Mo realized that the plan should have worked.

“Ask him to the reception room of the laboratory.”

“And you too.”

After these days of observation, Xia Xia Although Qing’s IQ is not as good as her brother’s and her EQ is not as good as Zhang Yazi’s, she has an unyielding drive in her body. This kind of end is too important for a company that is just starting out.

Yan Da Yanjing Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory

Wang Shufu saw two security personnel wearing Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory uniforms standing in the corridor through the glass window. , it can be inferred from the standing posture that they must have had good military training.

Thinking of the many security checks they had just entered the laboratory, the old man stood on the platform for them, which shows that the background of this laboratory is profound.

“Chairman Wang, it’s been a long wait.” Li Mo stepped into the reception room and immediately stretched out his hands.

This youngster is the founder of the lab? Abel Prize winner? too young!

Wang Shufu also immediately stretched out his hands, clasping them tightly together.

“Heroes come out from the Youth!”

“didn’t expect Professor Li, who has repeatedly won glory for China in the world, to be so young.” Wang Shufu couldn’t help it sighed.

Li Mo smiled slightly, “Overpraised, Wang Dong started from scratch, founded the BYD Motor Company, and even exported domestic cars to foreign countries.”

“It also won me a lot. The admiration.”

One old and one young patted each other’s “rainbow farts” like this, and chatted, Wang Shufu didn’t mention the purpose of his visit, Li Mo didn’t mention Moxing battery, they Like an old friend whom you haven’t seen in years.

At this moment, Xia Qing’s cell phone rang again, she glanced at it, and hung up gently. “Boss, it’s the phone number of Longwall Company.”

At this time, Wang Shufu couldn’t take it anymore, although the Minister of Science and Technology proposed to make overall planning for the use of Moxing batteries. But there is still a fundamental difference between eating meat and drinking soup, which is why he personally visited the Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory.

In a negotiation, if any party takes the lead in revealing his true purpose, he will be on the weaker side, so he didn’t mention Moxing Battery just now, but didn’t expect this Even the seemingly young leader pretended not to know.

Now the old rival, Longwall Company, is also following suit, trying to get in touch with Mozi Technology in advance.

“This Wei VV, he is everywhere!” Wang Shufu cursed in his heart, he couldn’t wait any longer.

“I heard that the Mozi Technology Laboratory has developed a super battery?” he asked tentatively.

Finally came, Li Mo smiled slightly, “I have fully handed over the business operation of Moxing Battery to Moxing Technology Company.”

“Ms. Xia Qing is exactly Moxing. General Manager of Star Technology Company.”

“It’s up to you to discuss this matter.”

After Li Mo finished speaking, he gave up his position to Xia Qing and left the Conference Hall .

(End of this chapter)

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