
Chapter 233 Everything is ready

Li Mo watched the experimental plan formulated after a week The group said, “Go back and rest first, and I’ll check again.”

After a week of hard work, the trio of bags under the eyes were already exhausted, so they didn’t refuse. They dragged their tired legs and left the experiment. room.

Li Mo regained his energy and scrutinized it carefully. Any mistakes in the experiment process may lead to the failure of the experiment. If it’s a general experiment, there may be a chance of remediation, but the collider is only used once.

As time passed, Li Mo finally re-examined the experimental procedure. He glanced at the clock. It was 3:00 am.

The biggest advantage of having your own laboratory is that you can set up a room for rest in advance. Li Mo stretched out of the office and decided to go to the lounge to rest for a while, when he found that the laboratory was still dimly lit.

“Who else hasn’t left?”

Li Mo lightly stepped and pushed the door lightly to enter. A desk lamp was lit in the corner of the laboratory, and a thin silhouette was lying on the table concentrating on calculating the data, so that she didn’t realize that Li Mo had quietly stood in front of her.

It’s Zhang Xiaoli, who sometimes faces joy, sometimes brows slightly wrinkle, completely immersed in calculations.

Li Mo made a soft “cough”.

Zhang Xiaoli was woken up. Seeing Li Mo standing in front of her, she panicked and a ballpoint pen fell to the ground.

Li Mo bent down to pick up the ballpoint pen and put it on the table lightly, “It’s too late, go back and rest.”

Zhang Xiaoli said shyly: “And so I haven’t finished calculating the data.”

Looking at her slightly stubborn expression, Li Mo shook the head, he didn’t want a second Jingjing to appear in the laboratory.

“Go back and continue tomorrow!”

“Now the roommates have rested, going back will disturb them.” She said sorry.

Li Mo then remembered that he had neglected Zhang Xiaoli’s identity as a student. It was so late, the dormitory Aunt should have already closed the door of the dormitory.

He thought about it for a while and said, “Well, there is a lounge in the laboratory with full beds.”

“You can rest here for the time being tonight.”

Zhang Xiaoli’s eyes showed a hint of hope, but also a little timid.

“That’s it, you come with me.” Li Mo knows that for this sensitive girl, sometimes coercion is the best way.

Zhang Xiaoli carefully cleaned up the drafts on the desktop before getting up.

“This is where I usually rest, and the quilt has just been changed. You can sleep here tonight.” Li Mo opened a room at the end of the corridor.

Zhang Xiaoli walked in hesitantly and turned around again.

“Go to sleep, it will be dawn later, and you will continue to work tomorrow.” Li Mo ordered again.

He gently closed the door, returned to the laboratory, opened the data that Zhang Xiaoli had not completed just now, and started to calculate.

In the lounge

Zhang Xiaoli carefully placed the clothes she took off on her feet, turned off the lamp, and buried her head in the quilt, taking a deep breath.

“This is the smell of Li Mo!” There was a fragrant smell coming from the quilt, and she was intoxicated and gradually fell into sleep.


Li Mo, who was revising the experimental plan with his three brothers with bags under his eyes, picked up his mobile phone, glanced at the number on it, and went back to the laboratory.

The door was closed, and the call was connected.

“Old Wang, what are your orders?” Li Mo said into the phone.

“I don’t dare to do what I tell you, now you can only tell me this old fogey.” From the phone, it sounded that Wang Lao was in a good mood.

“The Yanjing Electron Positron Collider Center has passed the experimental application, and the time is set in 2 days.”

Hearing that the experimental application has been passed, Li Mo is overjoyed , and quickly said: “Thank you, Mr. Wang, do we need to send someone to coordinate in advance in our laboratory?”

He knew that a scientific research unit like the Yanjing Electron Positron Collider Center must have strict confidentiality regulations. Strictly, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the experiment was completed smoothly. It is very necessary to send a person to communicate with the other party in advance.

On the phone, Mr. Wang said with relief: “It seems that you have grown up again.”

“Well, you can let Brother Hai go. The unit is very familiar.”

Put down the phone, Li Mo immediately held a plenary meeting

At the meeting, he announced the news of the experiment in two days, and the experimenters in the laboratory immediately With a relieved expression. They have perfected the experimental plan more than a dozen times and are just waiting for news of the collider. Although Boss solemnly vowed to have access to the collider, they didn’t fully believe it.

“Zhang Xiaoli, Liu Hao, Liu Xuanchen, the three of you will check all the data again, and you must ensure that all the data are accurate.”

“Brother Hai, please bring me with you. Let’s go to the collider center with Liu Mingrui to communicate with the staff there.”

“We need to ensure that there will be no man-made accidents during the experiment.” After the meeting, Li Mo stopped Hai Ge and the bag boss.

The face of the bag boss showed a bit of surprise, while Brother Hai showed a fully understood expression.

“Ming Rui, the purpose of your trip is to investigate the actual situation of the collider center on the spot, and to understand any matters that need attention.”

“Communication with the center , I’ll leave it to Brother Hai.” Li Mo assigned the two tasks in detail.

Liu Mingrui is nodded, he is just an experimental dog. If he was asked to communicate with the collider center, he certainly couldn’t do it. But for machines, he’s good. Although the collider is large, it is still a machine, and it is much easier to deal with than people.

At this time, in country M on the other side of the ocean, the headquarters of Gust Fund

A middle age person with blonde hair and aquiline nose is answering the phone.

Apparently the content on the phone attracted him, so much so that a tall, scantily clad beautiful secretary pushed open the door and walked in, with high heels “tuk” “tuk” on the floor, he Didn’t notice either.

“Boss, this is the report submitted by the analysis department.” The secretary brushed his hair.

I realized that there was someone next to me, middle age person complexion changed, and hung up immediately.

“What did you hear?”

The beautiful secretary was puzzled by his question, and asked in confusion, “I didn’t hear anything, what’s wrong Boss?”

The middle age person’s face softened a lot, and he secretly looked up at the camera installed in the corner of the ceiling.

“Boss, when can we go on vacation?”

“It’s all a bunch of nerds here, it’s so boring.”

The beautiful secretary handed it over report, coquettishly.

The middle age person took the document and put it on the table gently, “Dear, I still have to work, I’ll wait until I’m done for a while.”

“Really, I’m new I haven’t had a chance to wear the swimsuit I bought?” The beautiful secretary pouted and coquettishly said, “The air here is too dry, you see my skin is much rougher.” Take off the corner.

The middle age person has a greedy look in the eyes, “Baby, when I finish this task, I will buy a sailboat to accompany you to the sea.”

“We travel around the world. Okay?”

Hearing the promise of the middle age person, the beautiful secretary showed a charming smile, “We can go to Hawaii by sailboat.”

“By the way, Boss , did you speak Hawaiian on the phone just now?”

“Why can’t I understand?”

The middle age person’s smile was stiff on his face, and he said after a moment. : “Baby, go do your work first, I’ll call you after get off work.”

The beautiful secretary heard this, twisted the model steps and left the office.

The middle age person looked at her wonderful back, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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