
Chapter 230 The least “scientific” machine

12-carbon hollow sphere?

Li Mo stared at the data model on the paper. Can such a structure that obviously violates the laws of physics really exist at normal temperature and pressure?

Like the periodic table, it arranges the elements according to the number of positive charges in the nucleus. It is speculated that as long as there are infinite positive charges in the nucleus, infinite new elements can be arranged, but so far, scientists have only discovered 118 elements that can exist, because with the increase of positive charges in the nucleus, the elements themselves will become unstable, and even some elements only exist in the collider for milliseconds.

The arrangement structure of matter is also similar. Although carbon has an advantage over other atoms in the number of bonds, at least 24 single bonds are required to form a 12-carbon hollow sphere.

Chemists have reached a consensus that the single bond of an element is at most 6. Once the number of single bonds exceeds this number, the electrons in the nucleus will collapse under the action of repulsion, resulting in the instability of the material.

But now the fact is in front of us, the main material in this alien waste battery is this hollow sphere of 12 carbon atoms.

To exist is to be reasonable, this is a famous philosophical saying. It means that no matter how absurd a thing or thing sounds, as long as it is real, it has a reason to exist.

All Li Mo has to do is find out why it exists.

Now he feels like a blind man touching an elephant, who can only peek at a corner of things but cannot see the whole picture.

“Lithium ions?” Li Mo thought of the existence of a small amount of lithium ions in the dark green substance at the time of the test. Originally, he thought that the lithium ions here were used as storage currents, but now it seems that he was wrong.

So he had a new idea and decided to add the lithium ion data back to the data model.

Li Mo took out a can of “Energy Coffee” from his backpack and drank it. After drinking it many times, he still couldn’t like the taste.


“Decline all visits!”

Wechat notified Xia Qing.

Time passed little by little

Sunrise and sunset

Time came to the fifth day, Li Mo looked at the straw paper piled on the table, his face A smile appeared. He finally finished the new data model.

In the model, the hollow sphere of 12 carbon atoms and lithium ions are perfectly fused together to form a new structure. This is fusion at the atomic scale.

It can be seen from the data that the lithium ion binds the carbon atom with its own single bond, and its electrons balance the repulsion of the carbon atom electron, and the nucleus of the carbon atom and the adjacent lithium ion A magical electric field appears between atomic nuclei. Such microscopic-scale electric fields are unbreakable, which is why the new substances they are made of are so stable.

This is perfectly true mathematically, without the slightest logical error.


Li Mo clapped the table and stood up.

The world is so amazing that two special atomic structures can be fused at the atomic level under natural conditions. In nature, an atom has long been transformed into another atom by decay, and even humans can change the attribute of the nucleus by means of decay, fission, fusion, and artificial strikes.

But the changed atoms are completely transformed into new atoms.

Lithium-carbon 12 hollow spheres are different. It is a fusion of two different atoms. In essence, its interior still contains two elements, carbon and lithium. The attributes of carbon atoms and lithium atoms are not Nothing has been changed.

and so on, are there other atomic structures in nature that can be fused with each other at the atomic scale? What magical effect will they have?

Li Mo got more and more excited, maybe he opened a new door for the world unintentionally. The difference between humans and animals is described in textbooks as “people can use tools.” This sentence outlines the essence of the development of human civilization on a macro level, and all tools are composed of matter, and matter is composed of various atoms. . The attribute of the atom determines the purpose of the tool.

But it is extremely difficult to change atomic attributes. In the history of ancient science, there are many records of turning a stone into gold and alchemy. They are all attempts by the ancients to change the attribute of matter. But because the atomic structure is very stable, it is difficult to be destroyed under normal temperature and pressure, so their attempts have failed without exception.

The atomic fusion theory miraculously changes the attribute of matter without changing the atomic attribute, which greatly reduces the difficulty.

But lowering the difficulty does not mean that there is no difficulty. Li Mo is now facing a new problem, how to make this lithium carbon 12 hollow sphere.

All the theories on paper are just empty talk if they can’t be proved in practice, just like the Universal Great Explosion and chord theory which are popular all over the world, although they have been developed for several decades, the theoretical foundation has been very solid. . However, it is frequently questioned by the world because it is impossible to find actual evidence to support it.

It is always a long process for any theory to go from paper to reality, but now the 365-day deadline for the task has passed halfway. Li Mo has run out of time.

It was then that he thought of the LHC Hadron Collider, which was used to find microscopic particles.

If science is elegant, it can skillfully use all kinds of cosmic laws to serve human beings, and in science it pays attention to using the weak to defeat the strong and to control the force with ingenuity, then the hadron collider is a The most unscientific machine, its principle is actually very simple, that is, by continuously accelerating the particles, making them have super high energy, and then making this high-energy particle strike the target particle, scientists can find out according to the product after the strikes. Unknown particle.

Simply put, just like a soldier holding a gun and firing a shot at the target, when the bullet strikes the target, it will destroy the original structure of the target, we can use this moment to observe the target ‘s internal structure.

This kind of “violent” machine is actually a helpless way for human beings to explore microscopic particles. Because the scale of microscopic particles is too small, it is difficult for human beings to directly observe with the help of current scientific instruments.

When high-energy particles collide, they will change the original attributes of the particles. This feature makes Li Mo think that the collider may be used to synthesize lithium carbon 12 hollow spheres. Maybe this magical substance was created after lithium ions collided with carbon atoms?

Of course, he did not have a complete grasp of this concept, but isn’t science progressing through constant attempts?

Now we need a collider, Li Mo scratched his head, the collider is not as simple as other scientific equipment, it is the most massive machine ever built by human beings.

Take the largest European Large Hadron Collider in the world as an example. It is jointly funded and constructed by universities and laboratories belonging to more than 2,000 physicists from 34 countries. The 27-kilometer circular acceleration tunnel lasted 14 years.

The funds required for each experiment are calculated in units of 100 million. It is said that the experimental plan has been arranged for decades.

The European Large Hadron Collider certainly wouldn’t do an experiment for an untested theory.

Of course, the collider he needs doesn’t need that high acceleration, because the lithium carbon 12 hollow sphere does not fundamentally change the atom’s attribute, but is tightly bound together.

Through calculations, he came up with a data that lithium ions and carbon atoms only need 0.2GeV of energy to complete this combination.

(End of this chapter)

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