
Chapter 222 Carbon with a purity of 99.9999%

“Di Di Di Di” The green light on the outside of the Molecular Analyzer flashed a few times.

“Master, the composition of the green substance in the waste battery has been analyzed.” Xiaohua has obtained the information from the analyzer.

“Please tell me!” Li Mo’s eyes stayed on the wreckage of the abandoned alien battery on the experimental bench, and he was full of expectations for the results obtained by this “disposable” chemical analyzer.

“According to the analysis report, the main components of the battery are high-purity carbon and a small amount of lithium ions.” Xiaohua replied.

Carbon and lithium ions? Li Mo startled, this answer is far beyond his imagination.

Because carbon itself is not electrically conductive, the electrons inside its nucleus are also very inactive.

According to the principle of the battery, the first condition for making the elements of the battery is to have active ions. Just like the reason why lithium can become the first choice for various batteries is that it has a high charge density and a stable helium-type double electron layer, which makes it easy for lithium to polarize other molecules or ions, but it is not easy to be polarized by itself. Lithium is the most mobile metal of the known elements due to the most negative electrode potential.

Carbon is the first element of Group IVA in the periodic table, and it is located between the halogen elements with the strongest non-Metal Attribute and the alkali metals with the strongest Metal Attribute. Its valence electron layer structure is 2s22p2, it is neither easy to lose electrons nor gain electrons in chemical reactions, and it is difficult to form ionic bonds.

How can it be the raw material for making batteries?

Li Mo deeply suspects that this analyzer has an error, but according to past experience, there is no functional error in the products produced by the learning auxiliary system.

“Are you sure that the material used as the cell in the battery is carbon?” he asked suspiciously.

“It is very certain, and the purity of this carbon has reached the limit of 99.9999% purity, and the remaining 0.00001% is lithium.” Xiaohua replied.

“But carbon is not suitable for batteries at all?” Li Mo asked, unconsciously, he had already regarded Xiaohua as a learned partner.

“There is a famous philosophical saying in human beings called, existence is reasonable.”

“Since the interior of this alien battery uses high-purity carbon as the main material, there must be their reasons. , what we have to do is to figure out the principle.” Xiaohua’s words are full of philosophy.

Li Mo suddenly got an idea, he patted his head sharply.

The attribute of a substance is not only related to its element characteristics, but more importantly, it is affected by its structure. Just like the artificial Peak, the computing chip CPU, its composition is only high-purity silicon, just like the sand in the desert, but after being etched by a lithography machine, it can complete billions of floating-point operations per second .

Just because they’re chemically similar, doesn’t mean their internal structure is the same.

Carbon is one of the most widely distributed elements on Earth. It can constitute an essential amino acid for human life, and it can also constitute a diamond that is constantly circulating.

So is there a special structure of carbon that makes it capable of storing electric current?

The answer is quite possible!

“Master, I don’t think it’s safe behavior to pat your head like this. According to statistics, 135 people around the world have concussions caused by patting the head like this every year.” the sound of.

135 people suffered concussions due to pats on the head?

Li Mo thinks it’s funny, are there such unfortunate people in the world?

But he’s not stupid enough to question an AI in terms of data.

“Thank you, Xiaohua.” Although he knew that Xiaohua was just an artificial intelligence, such kind concern still warmed Li Mo’s heart.

At this time, Li Mo thought of a new question, and he asked: “I need a Microscope now that can see the internal structure of atoms. Do you have any recommendations?”

Since alien batteries contain carbon and lithium, it is now necessary to understand their internal structure so that the differences can be effectively analyzed.

“There is no Microscope in the world that can really see the internal structure of atoms.” Xiaohua replied.

There is no such Microscope?

Li Mo frowned, asked suspiciously: “But I once saw in a journal that foreign scientists used an electronic Microscope to see the inside of atoms of metal elements?”

Xiaohua replied: “Master, your description is that you can see clearly. Only the optical Microscope can receive light. At the atomic size, the light will be refracted and diffracted, so the internal structure of the atom cannot be clearly seen.”

“In order to solve this problem, humans invented the electronic Microscope. Except for scanning the tunnel Microscope, no accelerator is used. Many images are obtained by accelerating electron beams or other particles. The difference lies in the level of applied energy and display accuracy. Then calculate Simulation, to regenerate the internal image of the atom.”

“Also, in the laboratory downstairs, there is a field emission scanning electron microscope that is currently in the world’s leading position, which can do various solid-state sample surface morphologies. The secondary electron image, reflected electron image observation and image processing of the appearance.”

“Using it, although the internal structure of carbon atoms cannot be directly observed, it can verify your various conjectures.”


Xiaohua may have sensed the owner’s doubts, and explained everything in detail. Li Mo felt ashamed, because he had the wrong idea about Microscope, and was educated by an artificial intelligence today.

Since the internal structure of atoms cannot be directly observed, various composition models can only be designed according to the number of atoms and electrons of carbon.

Li Mo thought about it for a while and found that the element carbon is actually a very magical element.

The carbon atom can form a covalent bond with the other four carbon atoms through the sp3 hybrid orbital to form a regular tetrahedron, which becomes a typical atomic crystal. This kind of crystal is diamond stone. Because the C-C bond in the crystal is very strong, all valence electrons participate in the formation of covalent bonds, and there are no free electrons in the crystal, so diamond stone not only has high hardness, high melting point, but also does not conduct electricity.

When carbon atoms form covalent single bonds with sp2 hybrid orbitals and adjacent three carbon atoms to form a hexagonal plane network structure, these network structures are connected to form a lamellar structure, it is also Forms the softest ore in nature, graphite.

The same element, due to different internal structures, creates two substances with completely different attributes.

So what kind of structure does the carbon in the battery exist in?

He was looking forward to this question.

All that needs to be done now is to describe all the internal structures of carbon atoms with mathematical models.

(End of this chapter)

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