
Chapter 205 Internship, the kind with salary

For sophomore students of Yanda Chemical Academy , it seems a little different today.

Some people say that sophomore year is the most leisurely time of college life. I have passed the green period of freshman year, and I don’t need to face the pressure of studying and finding a job in the third and fourth year. Only the sophomore can best experience the beauty of university.

Hundreds of students at the Chemical Academy were waiting for the teacher’s arrival “leisurely”, but they saw a teacher who was in charge of the academic staff walking onto the podium with of materials.

The teacher didn’t say anything, he threw the of materials into the hands of the academic committee and motioned him to send it.

“…Yanjing Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory Internship Documents? What are you doing with this stuff for our sophomores?”

“Isn’t the senior year only for internships?”

“Fuck, there are still wages, and I am required to work 12 hours a week, which is enough for living expenses.”

Before the materials were sent out, the students of Chemical Academy It was discussed as if the pot had exploded.

Liu Lifeng is a little interested in the content of the materials on the materials. He comes from a small town, and he was able to sit in the classroom of this top university in China with diligence.

If he were asked to talk about the difference between education in a small city and a big city, Liu Lifeng would definitely think that students from small cities generally lack the ability to solve problems independently. This is what he compared with his classmates after a semester. the conclusion. For some experimental ideas, students from big cities can easily find design ideas, but he needs to think for a long time every time.

“Maybe this is the difference in quality education.” Liu Lifeng has been trying to exercise his problem-solving ability since then, but the results are not good.

“This is a good opportunity.” Seeing the material, his eyes lit up.

“teacher, is this reliable?”

“Yanjing Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory has never heard of it, where is it?”

“We are only big Second, what can you do, fooling people?”

Already curious students began to raise their hands to ask questions. The students in the ivory tower are full of curiosity about society, and at the same time, all kinds of chaos also make them deeply wary. There were many students who tried to work part-time outside the school, but in the end they could not get the agreed remuneration.

The teacher from the school office took the materials and replied: “Yanjing Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory is a newly established private laboratory.”

“New? Private?” Some classmates have already decided to give up. There are too many unreliable companies in the society. Many of them are selling dog meat with the name of an international company. In fact, the office is next to the public toilet.

“Everyone be quiet and listen to me.” The student teacher clapped his hands, signaling everyone to be quiet. “In order to cultivate research-oriented talents and respond to the national strategic layout of new energy, our institute has reached a cooperation agreement with Yanjing Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory. It is said that the Early-Stage investment of this laboratory has reached 100 million yuan.”

“Interested students, please come to me to sign up. There are no fixed tasks in the laboratory. You can choose the topics you are interested in for research. The working hours per week reach 12 hours, and you will receive a subsidy of 2,000 yuan per month.”

“One hundred million yuan, wow, who is so great generality!”

“There is no fixed task, and there is such a good thing?”

“Is it reliable? ?”

The students were dubious, such generous treatment was very much like the promotion of some leather bag companies.

“It must be reliable, it is our alumni who founded this laboratory.” Teacher teacher interrupted the following discussion.

“Alumni? Who is it?”

“Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory, is it Li Mo?”

Some students deduced from the name of the laboratory came up with a name.

“Who is Li Mo?”

“You don’t even know Li Mo, he is the head of the Mathematics Department of Yan University and he just won the Abel Prize.”

“Is the laboratory owned by Li Mo? teacher.”

The students in the classroom were excited, Li Mo can now be said to be a banner of Yanda University, and follow this boss , even if it’s just a start, it will add a lot to your resume in the future.

“You don’t have to guess, Yanjing Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory was founded by Li Mo, and he will personally lead the team to do projects, don’t let an opportunity slip by, you won’t come back if you lose it, you need it. Students who sign up can write their names now.” The teacher’s remarks ended the discussion.

“I signed up.”

“And me, help me write it first.”

A group of students flocked to the podium, “Don’t worry, one Come by one, this is just an application, and an interview.” The teacher teacher was surrounded by people.

Compared with the hesitation just now, almost all the students signed up enthusiastically after knowing that Li Mo would lead the project. The subsidy of 2,000 yuan doesn’t matter. As for the interview, the most important thing for Yan college students is self-confidence.

In a corner of the classroom, a girl bit her lip and stared at the students who signed up in the front row, her eyes were both longing and timid. She is the girl sponsored by the Li Mo Education Foundation. Thanks to the fixed funding, she no longer has to run around all day, and can spend more time on study. The name Li Mo, Zhang Xiaoli has always kept in mind, it was the Foundation he founded that helped Zhang Xiaoli in distress.

It would be great if I could get into the lab and work with Li Mo. She looked at the crowd in the front row with a frustrated expression, “There are so many people, how could it be my turn?”

“Zhang Xiaoli, aren’t you going to sign up?”

“It’s a rare opportunity to do experiments with the boss.” One of her few friends next to her poked her arm with their fingers.

“Xiaoxin, with so many people signing up, can I do it?” Zhang Xiaoli’s face was awkward.

Xiaoxin Shook the head helplessly, her good friend is the hardest person she has ever met, but because of the poor family situation since she was a child, she developed such an inferiority complex.

“Sure, your grades are the best in the school, and I’ll go write our names on it.” People with inferiority complexes need someone to push them back. Xiaoxin decided to do something for her friend, so she left her seat and squeezed to the front.

“Li Mo, I will repay your kindness to you.” At this moment, Zhang Xiaoli’s face showed a never-before-seen determination.

“Dafang, you have passed your Academician dissertation. What are your thoughts on the future?” Professor Wu sat in front of his office and looked at his Disciple lovingly. This child is worry-free, honest, and gets an Academician degree in standard time 5 years after graduation.

Zhou Dafang, who was sitting across from him, asked the teacher’s question and thought about the reply: “I plan to continue my studies. Several research institutes have sent offers, both domestic and foreign.”

“This time, I also want to ask the teacher for your opinion.”

Professor Wu’s life is full of peach and plums. If there are two students who concern him the most, then one is the one in front of him. Zhou Dafang, who looks stupid, is actually extremely intelligent. The most important thing is that his perseverance is the strongest among all the students.

The other one is the uneasy student, Li Mo, who has now become a “big guy”. He heard from a colleague in the hospital that he is now working on a laboratory.

Perhaps Professor Wu’s heart moved, he picked up the phone and said, “Wait first, I’ll ask someone for you, maybe he’s a good place to go.”

Zhou Dafang With a surprised look, although he has not won any international awards, he has slowly emerged in the academic world in recent years. Even some foreign colleges and universities invited him to give lectures, but he rejected them, because academic achievements were his only pursuit, so he did not like general research institutes.

(End of this chapter)

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