
Chapter 203 There is a problem with the gambling agreement

Living in an ivory tower for a long time makes Li Mo feel that he is somewhat different from the rapidly developing society out of touch.

When he received Weihua shares, the whole process was handled by Mr. Ren, who just used “sit back and enjoy the success”.

But this time, Li Mo declined Mr. Ren’s good intention to send someone to help. Since he decided to set up an “independent” laboratory, these things need to be done by himself.

An obvious feature of modern society is that everyone performs their own duties. Teachers teach, drivers drive, and accountants are in charge of finance. Every industry has professionals and many friends.


Li Mo called Da Fei, and there was a noise from the phone. It seemed to be a construction site on his side.

“Brother Da Fei, what are you doing? It’s so noisy?”

“Mozi, I’m modifying the Ferrari exhaust. I promise you will ride this car next time. The car is not that loud anymore.” In the refit factory, Da Fei instructed the technician to remove the exhaust pipe below.

The Boss of the tuner next to him reluctantly shook the head, Ferrari changed to mute, is that still Ferrari? Without the iconic roar, this car is not as good as a new energy car, and now the youngster can really play.

Who knows what this Young Master has in store, but the customer is God, especially this God is always generous, and the Boss of the tuner is secretly delighted.

“That’s right, I want you to recommend an accountant, the certified one.” Li Mo is not in the mood to discuss the Ferrari tractor with him now.

“Accountant? Didn’t Zhang Yazi in our department already get the CPA? I’ll call her right now.” Da Fei replied.

Zhang Yazi, CPA? Hearing this really made Li Mo startled. Zhang Yazi is also the deputy manager of Li Mo Education Foundation. He knows that now the girl who studies biology has crossed the border again?

“No, I have Zhang Yazi’s phone number.”

After hanging up, Li Mo hesitated for a while, the girl’s “enthusiasm” made him a little overwhelmed.

Whatever, for the lab, he gritted his teeth and called Zhang Yazi.

The call is connected.

“Wow, boss, why do you have time to call me? Do you want to know about the operation of Foundation?” Zhang Yazi’s excited voice came from the phone. “Our Foundation has helped 126 students with difficult families this semester.”

Zhang Yazi directly reported the specific number, which made Li Mo happy that the Foundation did not entrust the wrong person, he said: “Student Zhang My work is very meticulous, I have an urgent matter here, have you obtained a CPA?”

“How do you know, I have only obtained the certificate not long ago.” Zhang Yazi was a little surprised, could it be that The boss is paying attention to her. In this case.

“Will you be able to make a large amount of public-to-private transfers?” Li Mo then asked.

Hearing the boss asked about his professional knowledge, Zhang Yazi confidently replied: “Of course, I am someone who has been intern in a big company for a few months.”

“You Isn’t he just a junior?” Li Mo didn’t believe her words.

“Can’t you do an internship in the summer vacation? You have also won a commendation from the company’s leaders.” Zhang Yazi replied in dissatisfaction.

It turned out to be like this, Li Mo couldn’t help secretly sighed, the youngster is really hard now, but in the rapidly developing modern society, it is decided that if you don’t work hard, you can only fall behind.

“Then you are at the Weihua Building now, I have something to trouble you.” Li Mo said directly, “Of course, I will reimburse you for the taxi fare.”

“I’ll be there soon, boss!” Zhang Yazi immediately became excited when he heard that the boss had something to ask for.

Mr. Ren went to a meeting. Li Mo could only stay in his office alone. These things were more difficult than academic issues. He closed his eyes and lay on the chair.

“Boss, I’m here, where are you?” Zhang Yazi had already come under the building.

So fast?

Li Mo got up and came to the hall, where Xia Qing was still waiting.

“Boss, let’s go?”

Li Mo shook the head, looked into Xia Qing’s eyes and said, “Fund transfers require an accountant, so I hired Zhang Yazi.”

After the last academic meeting, he knew that Xia Qing had an opinion on Zhang Yazi, so he was vaccinated in advance.

Sure enough, Xia Qing’s face darkened, her white teeth bit her cherry red lips.

“Maybe you will work together in the future. You know that a laboratory cannot be undertaken by me alone. I need some professional talents to help manage the laboratory.” Li Mo continued.

For some reason, looking at Xia Qing’s appearance, he felt a little guilty in his heart.

Xia Qing tried her best to put a smile on her little face, “It’s okay, Boss needs more people.”

Li Mo was very pleased with her understanding, “We’re here Go meet your new future colleague.”

“Boss, you are here!”

“And Miss Xia is here too!”

Before Li Mo went out to greet him, Zhang Yazi appeared in the hall.

Li Mo asked suspiciously, “How did you get in?” Weihua’s security inspection measures are very strict, and those entering and leaving must have a pass or an invitation letter. He believed that these two distinct things Zhang Yazi possessed impossible.

“Aha, maybe it’s because I grew up beautiful?” Zhang Yazi said haha, obviously unwilling to reveal the mystery.

Li Mo didn’t care about such trivial matters, he led the two “subordinates” to a Conference Hall.

Zhang Yazi looked at him with familiarity and asked suspiciously, “Boss, are you working for China now?”

Li Mo shook the head and sat on the chair Then he stared straight at Zhang Yazi and asked, “Student Zhang Yazi, I am going to set up a laboratory, and now I need your participation, would you like to?”

He sent an official letter to the first place staff. Invitation, many years later, Zhang Yazi wrote in his memoirs: “The boss’s eyes are like arrows, and there is endless brilliance behind him. He asked me to join his laboratory that has not even been registered. At that time, I was hesitant and reluctant. I agree.”

“Yes, I am very willing.” Zhang Yazi jumped up from his chair with excitement.

“Big brother, the laboratory you said? Where is it?” After she was excited, she raised the question in her heart.

Li Mo said with a smile: “It’s still in preparation, and the site is in Yanda.”

“It’s good to be in Yanda, so that I can earn money and study at the same time. .” Zhang Yazi nodded and said.

Sure enough, I am a small financial fan, and there are not many CPA candidates who are not financial fans.

Li Mo said: “Now there is a very important task for you.”

So he combined the start-up fund raising for the laboratory with the betting of Mr. Ren. All told, when Zhang Yazi heard the loan of 100 million yuan, his mouth could not close.

The big guy is the big guy, so bold, he even borrowed 100 million yuan at a time.

No, there is something wrong with this gambling agreement

Zhang Yazi frowned.

Li Mo saw her expression was wrong and asked, “What’s wrong with the agreement?”

Zhang Yazi replied with a serious expression: “The problem is big!”

Li Mo startled, is it

“This gambling agreement is completely a loan agreement.” Zhang Yazi carefully checked the terms of the agreement and said, “Look, if you can’t repay the loan within 2 years , Weihua has the right to confiscate 0.025% of your shares.”

“This means that our worst outcome is to lose 0.025% of Weihua shares.”

“This This agreement has made Weihua a huge loss.”

Li Mo thought about it carefully and it was true, today he planned to sell 0.025% of Weihua shares, and Weihua shares will be sold two years later. It’s sure to skyrocket.

The agreement means that after two years, he has the right to redeem the shares at the original price.

In other words, he can spend 100 million funds for two years in vain.

Thinking of this, Li Mo couldn’t help but warm his heart, and he could only write down this kindness for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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