
Chapter 200 Tea Party

Outskirts, Tea Tree Manor

Li Mo didn’t know there was such a place in Yanjiao Existence, the whole row of single-family villas, the roadside is lined with trees and flowers are in full bloom.

“Where is this?” He turned his head and asked the old man who was closing his eyes and resting.

“My house.” Old Wang closed his eyes.

Li Mo: “.”

There is such a retirement resort, why should I live in a remote village, I really don’t understand.

But now is not the time to ask that question.

Due to his arm injury, Brother Hai could only sit in the co-pilot with a bit of loneliness on his face.

At the end of the road is a garden-style villa, with a yard surrounded by a wooden fence that is larger than the other yard that I just passed by.

The car came to a gentle stop.

Brother Hai got out of the car first and opened the door.

Wang Lao took a few steps to the gate of the fence, hesitated for a while, finally sighed, and gently opened the door.

Entering the living room, marble tiles, all-solid solid wood simple sofa, and gray rock companion Kung Fu tea table, Li Mo found that although it was very clean, it seemed to lack some fireworks, as if it had been idle for a long time.

Mr. Wang seemed to have some resistance to this, and sat down on the sofa without saying a word. On the contrary, Brother Hai hung his injured arm and started to prepare the tea set. When he walked into the kitchen to boil water, Li Mo also followed.

The kitchen utensils are also complete, the pots and pans, the stove are all spotless.

“What is this house?” he asked while helping Brother Hai wash the water glass.

Brother Haishook the head, “This is what Wang Lao prepared for his son, don’t ask more.”

It sounds like there is a story in it, Li Mo knows it by heart .

“Lao Wang, it’s a blessing for us to be able to drink your tea today.”

Li Mo returned to the living room and found that several leaders of Yanda University had already arrived. , a middle age person with a bald head is speaking.

“Hello leaders, Yunwu Tea is here.” He greeted him and placed the tea set neatly on the tea table.

Several leaders thought he was someone close to Wang Lao, and nodded, but Vice Principal Zhou Feng had sharp eyes: “Isn’t this Li Mo? Why are you here?”

Li Mo replied while pouring tea: “Mr. Wang is my old teacher, I’ll come to help if I have nothing to do.”

The leaders were stunned. Yan Da, a talented youngster, has something to do with him.

Li Mo made the tea, and instead of turning away, he moved a chair and sat beside him.

The leaders exchanged glances tacitly. If they, the elites in the social field, can’t understand the meaning, they will not be able to get into the top of the school.

“Drink tea.” Old Wang gestured with a cup of tea.

The leaders took their tea.

“Fragrant, really fragrant, this tea smells extraordinary. It tastes bitter and then sweet when you drink it, and your lips and teeth are fragrant. Could it be picked from the mother tree on Laolong Mountain?” The fat Vice Principal exclaimed.

“Tea doesn’t pay attention to origin, as long as it tastes good, it is good tea.” Wang Lao said slowly.

“That is, Mr. Wang, you are a tea drinker. If you can get your approval, it must be a good tea.” A Vice Principal with glasses said with a smile.

Old Wang put the teacup on the table and looked around, “Good tea is good, bad tea is bad. This is determined by the tea itself, and has nothing to do with people.”

“At work, your attitude is unacceptable.”

The Vice Principal was sweating on his forehead and nodded repeatedly, “What Wang Lao taught is that students should remember.”

Vice Principal’s face did not show a trace of sadness, but a red light on his face, as if being criticized by Wang Lao was an extremely honorable thing. He went on to say: “Mr. Li Mo is really fortunate. Mr. Wang is an Old Senior in our scientific research community. Learning from Mr. Wang will bring you endless benefits.”

Li Mo, “teacher’s academic attitude It is indeed worth learning.”

“That is, thinking back then, Wang Lao and the others braved the low temperature of minus 20 degrees to conduct experiments in the desert. That spirit is always worth learning from.” A Vice Principal accepted talk.

“Without the hard work of Wang Lao and the others, we would not have the good situation we are in now.”

Facing such “touted”, Wang Lao couldn’t deny it, as if tired. , leaning against the sofa with eyes closed.

Everyone chatted like this, from tea to satellite, from small traders to overseas trade, from Internet giants pushing community group buying, to the insecurity of imported cold chains. But no one mentioned the purpose of this visit, as if the tea party was just for chatting.

Li Mo listened quietly beside him, he felt that he had to admire the patience of these leaders.

Finally, Mr. Wang, who had “slept enough”, opened his eyes, “Okay, let’s go here today, you all have official business, so I won’t stay any more.”

The leaders got up and said their goodbyes.

Yan Da Principal turned around at this moment and said with a smile to Li Mo: “We are just having a school meeting, you should also go and watch it, so that you can help the school with an idea.”

Li Mo turned his attention to Wang Lao.

Wang Lao nodded.

School Conference Hall

Li Mo is the first time to step into this Conference Hall. The interior of the Conference Hall is very simple, and there are several chairs next to the jujube wood conference table.

“We welcome Professor Li to the meeting, quack quack quack.” Principal presided over the meeting.

Applause broke out, and Li Mo remembered that he still has the title of a visiting professor. Don’t say it, it sounds much better than a student.

“We are discussing the future development plan of Yanda University. Do you know what Professor Li has in mind?” Principal sat in the chair and guided him.

Li Mo looked directly, “I need to build a laboratory on the campus of Yanda University.”


“We Yanda University Isn’t there several laboratories?”

“Is this laboratory private or a school?”

One stone caused a thousand waves, and the school leaders who participated in the meeting immediately attracted attention After all, a little professor wants to build a laboratory, it is simply wishful thinking.

The Principal squeezed his hands, and his comments were much quieter. It can be seen that he is actually quite authoritative,

“I don’t know what kind of laboratory you want to build. , what aspects need the school’s cooperation.” Principal has made up his mind, a laboratory is not a plaything toy, and requires huge capital investment. Although the youngster in front of him is Wang Lao’s student, if he doesn’t have a proper reason, it won’t work.

Li Mo thought for a moment and said, “What I’m going to build is a private laboratory, and I don’t need financial support from the school. I’ll fund it myself.”

Heard here , the leaders present were sighed in relief, and they were afraid that Professor Li had lion’s big mouth in the name of Wang Lao.

“However, I need the school to provide the laboratory space, and of course I will pay the rent every year.”

The Principal turned his attention to the Vice Principal who was in charge of the infrastructure.

The Vice Principal said: “Our school happens to have a newly completed building, how much space do you need?”

(End of this chapter)


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