
Chapter 178 Abel Awards Ceremony

The auditorium was filled with mathematicians from all over the world, sitting quietly in their seats It’s like listening to a lecture in a classroom. Some people have counted the most boring types of people in the world, and mathematicians are at the top of the list. In addition to studying mathematics, teaching and teaching, they rarely participate in other activities, let alone singing and dancing.

So when a few youngsters in Norwegian national costumes danced a weird rhythm of tap dancing to the accompaniment of Hardanger’s violin. The professors under the stage just widened their eyes quietly. Are these people on stage performing an oriental zombie? Does the youngster from China like to watch this?

The actors on the stage performed their own folk dances diligently, and the audience was silent. The atmosphere was too weird. In particular, when a dancing youngster accidentally stepped on someone else’s skirt in his nervousness, “呲la.” Pants with not strong fabrics were divided into two, and a mannequin appeared on the stage.

“Hahaha!” The audience had a big laughter, and the audience applauded.

This show is interesting, I thought it was a dance, but it turned out to be a joke.

Yes, yes.

The “joke dance” ended in a hurry. Professor Stormer, who was in charge of the preparation work, wiped the sweat from his forehead. He would definitely give the polar research bear to the person who proposed to add some ethnic characteristics to the ceremony. A few hairs are gone.

Fortunately, the media in various countries did not start live broadcasts just now, otherwise the Abel Awards Committee would be embarrassed internationally.

“Hello everyone, welcome to the venue for the award ceremony of the Abel Prize.” Professor Stormer walked onto the stage with an envelope. Although the list of winners has already been announced, it still needs to be done.

“This year’s winner of the Abel Prize is a graduate student of Yan University. Everyone knows that the Abel Prize was established in honor of the well-known mathematician Abel.”

“Abel Bell made countless achievements in his life. He first gave a complete proof that general algebraic equations higher than the fourth degree had no general form of algebraic solution, discovered the Abelian function, and created the elliptic function. But he did not get the mathematical community at that time. It is accepted that at the age of twenty-seven die an untimely death.”

“The value of Abel was not recognized until shortly before his death. In 1828, four French Academy members wrote to Norway. King, asking him to provide Abel with a suitable place for scientific research, and Legendre also praised Abel at the Academy meeting. Two days after Abel’s death, Creel wrote to say that he had successfully won Berlin for Abel. It is a pity that it is too late to become a professor of mathematics in a university.”

“So the awarding of the Abel Prize to a newcomer in mathematics today is completely in line with the concept of the Abel Prize.”

He tore open the envelope and muttered in a low voice.

“The following is the Abel Prize winner, Li Mo from Hua. The LIMO transformation theory he proposed is one of the most important theories in mathematics in recent years.”

Li Mo stood up and walked to the stage under the gaze of hundreds of mathematicians.

“Welcome, Li Mo.” Professor Stormer extended his right hand.

one old and one young, the two pairs held tightly together.

“To be honest, your age really makes me jealous.” Professor Stormer said enviously, “You won the Abel Prize before the age of 20, and you can imagine your achievements in the future.”

Li Mo said with a faint smile: “Math is a science full of inspiration and wisdom, and I just got a spark of inspiration.”

Not proud or proud, Not timid or rash, this is what Professor Stormer felt from this youngster. There is no shortage of geniuses in mathematics, but these geniuses are often like shooting stars, passing by in a flash.

“It is very good, mathematics is wide-ranging and profound, and we are all like childish urchins in front of it.” Professor Stormer agrees with Li Mo’s statement.

He took out a huge check.

“Now I present this check to you, I hope you can continue to climb the peaks and solve endless math puzzles under Abel’s watch.”

Li Mo accepted A cheque of NOK 200 million was printed, raised high.

The audience burst into applause.

“As usual, do you want to give an acceptance speech?” Professor Stormer reminded kindly, he liked the young student too much.

Li Mo gently put the check aside, picked up the microphone, and looked into the distance. “Everyone has a dream since childhood, and so do I. My dream is to become an international basketball star. I will be all-powerful on the basketball court and gain the hearts of thousands of girls.”

There was a burst of laughter from the audience. Sound, this youngster’s speech is too direct. Compared with the colorful lives of those basketball players, they are too hard.

“But unfortunately, I don’t have the chance to realize this dream.”

“Because when I grow up and become a mathematician, I will use my wise mind To explore the secrets of the mathematical world, to describe the entire world with omnipotent numbers.”

“Although we are not as profitable as they are, although we are not as strong as them, although we are not as popular with girls as they are I like it.”

“But we mathematicians have the smartest brains in the world, so I’m proud to be a mathematician.”

The audience burst into applause, hundreds of people The math professors rose to their feet.

“This youngster is really good. No other winner has ever received such treatment.” Professor Stormer next to him looked at the boiling scene and was filled with emotion.

At this time, Huaguoyan University

Mathematics students gathered in the cafeteria, and they were watching the live video of the award ceremony live on national TV.

“This stage is a bit crude, not as grand as the Nobel Prize ceremony.” A boy with glasses experienced and knowledgeable.

“The stage is simple and the prize money is high. 200 million NOK is about 5 million renminbi. As much as the Nobel Prize.”

“We don’t care about the pomp of mathematics.”

“That’s right, you can see that there are more than half of the big names in the international mathematics community coming, and this face is not big enough?”

“Do you know how to do it? Look at mathematics. The stage? Then why don’t we go dancing.”

“That’s right.”

Seeing this, the boy who complained about the poor stage just quietly shrank to the side, “I Just to say, as for?”

If Li Mo used to be regarded as a genius of Yanda University, now he has been upgraded to a school treasure, and any remarks against the school treasure must be criticized.

No one saw that a plainly dressed girl in the corner looked at the picture on the TV and showed a bright smile. This smile is so pure and so touching.

At this time, Meng City No. 1 High School

several banners had already been hung at the school gate, which read “Congratulations to our school graduate Li Mo, who won the Abel Prize.” “Abel The award is known as the Nobel Prize in mathematics.” “Li Mo became the first Asian to win this award.”

Principal Jiao Xuefeng looked at the banner with satisfaction, “I’m also the new dean of academic affairs. A few banners will solve the problem.” The only regret is that Li Mo’s parents could not be invited to the auditorium to watch the live broadcast, otherwise Meng City Yigao would definitely appear on TV.

(End of this chapter)

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