
Chapter 159 Body Replacement

“The Muir creature. Collective consciousness?” The story told by the big head Pajeluian is profound Shocked Li Mo, didn’t expect microorganisms at the bottom of the biological chain to form a collective consciousness with wisdom, which shows the wonder of life.

The way Pajeluian treats this nascent civilization also makes him shudder. Sure enough, cold laws such as “Dark Forest” are prevalent in the vast universe.

Li Mo was deeply shocked by this story, and after being silent for a long time, he asked, “Can I ask the second question now?”

“Excuse me.”

Li Mo asked: “Why your Pajeluian lifespan can reach 500 years.” In the story just now, the big head Pajelu mentioned that he has lived for more than 500 years.

According to the laws of nature, few carbon-based organisms with advanced intelligence can live for more than 200 years. On Earth, the lifespan of people is about a hundred years; the turtle is a symbol of longevity, but Harriet, the longest-lived turtle, only lived for 176 years, and finally died of heart failure.

Of course, what is discussed here is the lifespan of higher organisms. Just like a car, the higher the configuration and the more features, the greater the chance of something bad. There are also many simple creatures on Earth, such as lighthouse jellyfish, ocean clams, Antarctic sponges, and their lifespans may be more than 500 years old. But their structure is very simple and does not have comparability.

A gray fog filled the high platform, and Pajelu, the big head, was silent for a moment.

“Survival and reproduction are the instincts of all living things, and we Pajeluians are not immune. In fact, our Pajeluians had an average natural lifespan of only about 50 years, and the short 50-year lifespan has become a shackle for the development of civilization. So After the Pajelu civilization developed to Level 2 civilization, it prioritized the development of biotechnology, developed genetic coding recombination technology, and broke the shackles by modifying genetic information.”

“Of course, the average Pajeluian average after breaking the shackles. Lifespan is only about 200 years old. You must have studied biology, and you should know that the biological cells of carbon-based organisms need oxygen when producing energy, and oxygen can be said to be one of the necessary conditions for the life of carbon-based organisms.”

“But oxygen is actually a chronic poison. The oxygen obtained by cells through the respiration of the organism overwhelming majority interacts with organic matter to generate the energy required for carbon-based organisms, and a small part is converted into oxygen free radicals. An oxygen atom is composed of atomic nucleus and It is composed of extranuclear electrons. The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. Some oxygen atoms will lose extranuclear electrons in the process of participating in metabolism. Oxygen atoms that lose extranuclear electrons are called free radicals. Because free radicals are positively charged, they It will plunder the electrons of the adjacent molecules, and the adjacent molecules will lose an electron and be converted into free radicals, thus forming a chain reaction, and the lifespan of carbon-based organisms is also limited.”

“At the same time, from From another point of view, the process of interaction between oxygen and organic matter is essentially an oxidation process, that is, slow “burning”. The body of carbon-based organisms is also an organism, and the oxidation of oxygen will inevitably cause damage to the body.”

Li Mo is attracted to the novel idea that breathing, which seems natural to humans, is a kind of burning. He listened silently, wondering how Pajeluian had dealt with the trouble with this innate breathing instinct.

“After entering the Level 3 civilization, the full genetic recombination technology has matured, and Pajeluian can create a new body based on the genetic code in the laboratory. This new body and the genetic code of the old body It is completely consistent, so there is no rejection. On average, every 150 years, Pajeluian needs to completely replace a new body. After the replacement, the memory in the original brain will be instilled into the new body through the brain wave machine. In this way, every 150 years Years, you become a whole new you, which of course costs a huge amount of Pajelu points.”

Complete replacement body, memory transplant? Are the people who have been transformed in this way still the original people? Even though he has the same genetic code and memory as the original body. On Earth, the development of gene cloning technology has also caused a huge ethical controversy. Can human beings really become “creators”? It appears that the desire for lifespan enabled the Pajelu civilization to cross this chasm.

“So, theoretically Pajeluian’s lifespan can be infinite. But in practice, we Pajeluian have not crossed the lifespan limit of thousands of years. Some Pajeluians who are 800 years old often lose mysterious after sleep. The most famous one is an old man who was lucky enough to live to be 999 years old. The official monitored him in an all-round way and broadcast it live on the media around the world, but he blinked his eyes lightly during the live broadcast. , and then lost consciousness.”

“Consciousness has now become the subject of Pajeluian research, but progress has been slow, and the Academy expects that our Pajeluian lifespan will increase significantly after entering Level 6 civilization.”

“The answer to your question is between the ages of 800 and 999.”

It turns out that Pajeluian obtains an increase in lifespan through complete replacement of his body, and it is not infinite. bound by mysterious consciousness.

New task released:

Task: Junior, get recognized by the whole world

Description: Academic fame is an invisible force, it represents you The level of attention of the work in the whole world.

Requirements: Win an international award.

Reward: 100,000 subject experience points, one ordinary lottery.

Time limit: 30 days

Accept: Yes/No

“International Awards?” Li Mo is never interested in academic awards. In his view, the award is an affirmation of academic achievements. If you don’t make heavy academic achievements, wouldn’t it be contrary to the pursuit of awards. So he spent all his time studying, and the teachers won the awards in China for him.

He only knows about Nobel and Fields for well-known foreign awards.

But these two awards are hard to match with his current performance.


Li Mo has now formed a kind of inertia. The tasks of learning the auxiliary system are all carefully thought out and closely linked with one another. Since the system proposed this task, it shows that his recent achievements have been well received in China. Attention of foreign counterparts.

“These 100,000 points are worthless.” He felt that he knew more and more about the style of the learning aid system. Sometimes it will give tasks that seem difficult to complete, but by chance, they can also stumble to complete the task. Sometimes seemingly simple tasks require a lot of brainpower to complete.

“pa slap. slap” someone is knocking on the door.

“Li Mo, the new issue of “Mathematics Weekly” has been published, and the magazine has sent a sample issue.” Xia Qing shouted cheerfully outside the door.

The entire cover is printed with “On: Perfect Conjecture for Odd Numbers”, Li Mo gently turned the first page, and the photo that was popular on the Internet was published on the title page. There are also subtitles on it: he is an 18-year-old boy, he has solved 2 world-level problems in a row, he has discovered the last planet in the solar system, and now he has a huge breakthrough.

“Well, my photography skills are pretty good.” Xia Qing said with a sly expression next to her, “The magazine also gave a payment as the copyright fee for the photos.”

(end of this chapter)

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