
Chapter 154 Is there a flaw in the paper?

When Li Mo brought two slender girls into the venue, Wei Xiaonian was looking forward to it. After the participating professor scholar entered the venue, he asked to see the paper proving the perfect conjecture of odd numbers as soon as possible.

He has already made the paper into PPT and stored it in the computer. But this kind of paper is not something he can explain, and he can only wait for the owner of the paper to come.

Being stared at by more than 20 well-known mathematicians in the audience is really uncomfortable.

“We welcome the author of the paper, the discoverer of Moxing, Li Mo to come to the stage to explain “On: Perfect Conjecture of Odd Numbers” for everyone.” Wei Xiaonian couldn’t wait to invite Li Mo to the stage.

Li Mo is wearing a dark suit, a simple white shirt, and the buttons on the neckline are slightly unbuttoned, showing a bit of heroism. The original hustle and bustle of the audience suddenly became silent.

“Too young, too young!” This was the first impression of these professors scholar in the audience after seeing him.

Li Mo stood on the stage and spoke in standard Mandarin: “Hello everyone, welcome to Yanda University, today I want to share with you the perfect conjecture on odd numbers. I will prove it through mathematics. In natural numbers, there is no odd number that conforms to the characteristics of perfect numbers.”

Zhang Yazi, who was next to him, was in charge of simultaneous translation, and only listened to her skillful translation of Li Mo’s words into standard foreign languages.

“Of course, during this process, if you have any questions from professors who have come from afar, you can ask them.”

“Please look at the slides below.” Li Mo manipulates the computer to open the PPT.

“First of all, we can make a mathematical formula to generate all perfect numbers, of course there are many formulas that can generate perfect numbers, here I use Euclidean’s formula, if 2^p -1 prime number, then (2^p-1)X2^(p-1) is a perfect number. For example, p=2, 2^p-1=3 is a prime number, (2^p-1)X2^( p-1)=3X2=6, which is a perfect number.”

At this time, there was no sound in the audience. Scholar, who has studied the perfect conjecture of odd numbers, knows that this formula is the great mathematician Euclid. inferred.

“Here I want to introduce a new mathematical concept: virtual numbers. Assuming that an odd number is a perfect number, then this odd number should have all the characteristics of a “virtual number”, and it also comes with special conditions. And If it can be proved that “virtual” does not meet any of the constraints of “perfect odd”, then “perfect odd” exists. In short, since “perfect odd” cannot be divisible by 105, then if “virtual” can be divided by 105 Divisible, “perfect odd number” does not exist.”

The eyes of the professors in the audience lit up, and they were all attracted by his novel theory, and Professor Risk clapped his hands involuntarily. Whether or not this paper proves the odd perfect conjecture can be extended to other areas of mathematics.

Li Mo saw that his speech was recognized, and his mood gradually relaxed, and the speed of his speech became faster and faster.

“Characteristics of perfect numbers: Properties of perfect numbers 1: They can all be written as the sum of consecutive natural numbers: 6=1+2+3; 28=1+2+3+4+5+ 6+7; 496=1+2+3+30+31 Property 2: The reciprocal sum of all their factors is 2: 1/1+1/2+1/3+1/6=2; 1/1+ 1/2+1/4+1/7+1/14+1/28=2 Property 3: All perfect numbers end in 6, 8.

“It can be seen that there is no odd number that satisfies all the constraints. Therefore, there is no such thing as an odd number that meets the characteristics of a perfect number. So far, the odd number is perfect conjecture.” Li Mo recounted the hundreds of pages of the paper in one breath.

There was thunderous applause from the audience at this time, and the odd perfect conjecture that has plagued mankind for thousands of years no longer exists.

Zhang Yazi showed admiration beside him, this man conquered such an international mathematician with his gestures.

As the people in the Conference Hall cheered for new advances in math.

“Excuse me, is there a logical problem with the mathematical transformation you used on page 106?” A voice came from the cheering crowd, and Professor Xiao Cang from Kyoto University stood up.

There was absolute silence at the scene, “Is there a major flaw in the paper?” Zhang Yazi felt that his heart was about to jump out.

Li Mo couldn’t understand Professor Xiao Cang’s Japanese with a strong accent, so he cast doubtful eyes on Zhang Yazi.

Zhang Yazi had to repeat Professor Xiao Cang’s words completely and accurately.

Li Mo turned the PPT to page 106, frowned.

“Don’t go wrong!” Wei Xiaonian’s sweat dripped from his forehead.

After a long time, Li Mo’s brows slowed down, and his eyes stared at Professor Xiao Cang with deep and sharp eyes and said, “I am so disappointed that you will ask this question, it means that you simply do not understand what I have proved. Ideas.”

Then he took out chalk and quickly wrote on the blackboard: “Assume N is a prime number,”

Soon, the blackboard was filled with densely packed mathematics The formula symbol, in the most corner he wrote: “At this point, the conversion is complete.”

After writing, Li Mo gently threw the chalk into the box and asked: “Do you understand?”

“so that’s how it is, it’s amazing, it’s amazing!”

“The transformation is amazing, it’s like a bridge.”

“Not simple, so need inspiration.”

“This youngster is like magician!”

“Perfect, perfect paper, perfect seminar, this time It’s a worthwhile trip to China!”

Professor scholar in the audience was conquered by his miraculous transformation and chanted “LIMO, LIMO, LIMO, LIMO”. See the spark of wisdom.

“didn’t expect the world to have such a genius idea, it’s me, Meng Lang, I’m sorry!” Professor Xiao Cang from Kyoto University bowed deeply.

“The seminar was originally held to discuss and discuss, what’s wrong with you?” Li Mo was not impressed by the behavior of bowing at every turn.

It’s a bit of a moral kidnapping, isn’t it? If you did nothing wrong, you don’t need to apologize at all, and if you make a big mistake, no amount of bowing will help.

“didn’t expect you to be so generous, so admirable!” The professor bowed deeply again.

Li Mo: “.”

The last doubt was solved by him. There are so many well-known professors from all over the world in the audience, which is enough to ensure the authenticity and correctness of the paper .

Wei Xiaonian, who was next to him, immediately called and informed the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, and also described in detail the high evaluation of the paper by the participants, and the magazine’s funds were not wasted. He knew that the editor-in-chief was dissatisfied with Yanda’s “snatching” the right to hold the event.

“The following is the exchange meeting, everyone can communicate freely!” Wei Xiaonian, who had completed the task, was in a good mood. He walked to the podium and gave Li Mo a thumbs up.

didn’t expect The professors scholar in the audience saw his move and raised their hands at the same time, giving Li Mo a thumbs up. They don’t speak Chinese and can only pay tribute to the young math genius in this way.

Xia Qing just picked up her phone and took this classic photo.

“LIMO, I heard that you are studying for a master’s degree. If you are interested in pursuing a Ph.D., you can come to our Cambridge. Hardy and Barrow all grew up in our Cambridge University to become world-class mathematicians.” Professor Riske dragged his inflexible leg and squeezed forward.

Li Mo said with a smile: “At present, I have no plans to study abroad. If there is an opportunity, Cambridge University must be one of the first choices. Thank you for your sincere invitation.” The older generation of mathematicians who have worked silently in the world has always been respected.

(End of this chapter)

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