
Chapter 148 Playing Big

Yanda, Cafe

The lights are very dim, Soothing and low-pitched music brews a different atmosphere. Young couples in small groups, looking at each other.

Li Mo regrets agreeing to come here for Wei Xiaonian, and he tastes the bitter coffee. This peculiar creature like man always likes to abuse himself, and gets pleasure from it. Tobacco is like this, tea is like this, coffee is like this.

The opposite Wei Xiaonian was reading his “On: The Perfect Conjecture of Odd Numbers” at a very fast speed. In less than an hour, Wei Xiaonian read the paper again. Then he smiled and said, “The paper is great, but I can’t understand it.”

I can’t understand it, and I’m still pretending it here, wasting an hour of time in vain. Li Mo’s heart and soul.

“Professor Wu has already seen it,” he said directly.

Wei Xiaonian heard this, and his confidence increased a little bit. He said with a smile: “The teacher has already read it, so of course it’s no problem. Which magazine are you going to submit to abroad, major well-known magazines? I have dealt with the club, and I have a few acquaintances.”

It seems that half a year has passed, and Wei Xiaonian has grown considerably and has expanded his business abroad.

Li Mo shook the head and said, “I’m going to vote for your “Mathematics Monthly”.”

“What?” Wei Xiaonian suddenly stood up from his seat, provoking the surrounding The young couples cast their attention.

Realizing his lost self-control, he slowly sat down and asked Li Mo, “This is an odd perfect conjecture, a world-level problem that the great god Euler has not proved. Do you want to submit an article to our magazine?”

Seeing his surprise, Li Mo knew that his decision was correct. Now even Wei Xiaonian, the editor of a domestic magazine, feels that excellent papers should be submitted to foreign journals, which has to be said to be a tragedy for the academic world.

“Yes, I just want to submit the paper to “Mathematics Monthly”. Li Mo nodded heavily, “Why, is this paper not qualified?” He asked again in confusion.

Faced with Li Mo’s questioning, Wei Xiaonian said with a red face: “Qualified, too qualified.”

“If you are not qualified enough, you can take the paper back today. Review it.” Li Mo got up and paid the money, “I still have something to say, so I won’t say more.”

Li Mo left the cafe, only Wei Xiaonian was left holding the paper in a daze. I can’t believe what happened just now is real. Li Mo even handed over the paper that proved the world-level difficulty conjecture to their journal for publication.

“Happiness came too suddenly, let’s hand over the paper to the editor-in-chief as soon as possible.” He then remembered that Li Mo also paid for the coffee just now. “This Li Mo is too good a friend.”

On the way back to the magazine, Wei Xiaonian was driving and looked at the papers on the passenger seat from time to time.

“Mathematics Monthly” magazine, editor-in-chief

Wang, the editor-in-chief, looked at the next issue of the magazine sample and unconsciously scratched the few hairs on the top of his head. The thinning hair on the top of his head is expected to be sacrificed after dozens of such scratches.

He felt that he was too difficult, and the level of these papers was too inferior.

He is a man with ideals and aspirations. Since he took over the position of editor-in-chief two years ago, he has been reforming the magazine. Streamline staff and significantly increase authors’ remuneration. The status of “Mathematics Monthly” in the domestic academic circle is also increasing day by day, but the level of papers submitted to the journal has plummeted recently.

Without raw materials, even the best chefs can’t make a good meal. “Don’t tell the readers that the monthly publication will be suspended for two months due to poor recent manuscripts?” He smiled wryly and shook the head.

“Would you like to apply to a foreign magazine for reprinting a few articles?” Editor-in-chief Wang came up with a single thought, but this thought was quickly cut off by him, “No, apply for reprinting. If you have to endure their harsh conditions, it will also be a lower grade in the reader’s impression.”

Just as he was troubled by the manuscript, the door of the editor-in-chief banged, and the People pushed away.

Who is so bold, didn’t tell them to take care of the public property of the magazine, and if you push the door like this, it won’t take long before you need to pay an extra fee to repair the door.

The editor-in-chief Wang was about to vent his depression this morning to the person who came.

“Editor-in-chief, Li Mo has submitted a manuscript.” He shouted excitedly when he saw Wei Xiaonian waving a manuscript.

“Li Mo?” Editor-in-chief Wang remembered that it was the young genius who discovered Mo Xing. He heard that he and Wei Xiaonian were senior and junior brothers. However, “Mathematics Monthly Card” is a mathematics journal, and it is normal for Li Mo to contribute.

Looking at Wei Xiaonian’s excitement, youngster lacks stability.

Thinking of this, he indifferently asked: “Have you reviewed it?” For Wei Xiaonian, the pillar of the magazine, he could only suppress his anger for the time being.

“I don’t understand!” Wei Xiaonian didn’t have a hint of shame on his face.

No, Wei Xiaonian’s business level has skyrocketed, and ordinary papers are no longer difficult for him.

Editor-in-Chief Wang took over the manuscript in his hand, “On: Perfect Conjecture for Odd Numbers”.

“This.” He suddenly stood up from his chair. As an old editor who has been immersed in mathematics for several decades, he naturally knows what an odd perfect conjecture is.

“Li Mo proved this question?”

“And to publish it in our Mathematical Monthly?”

His eyes Staring at Wei Xiaonian, for fear that Wei Xiaonian would say a word.

Living up to expectations, Wei Xiaonian blushed nodded.

“A paper on the proof of a mathematical unsolved problem comparable to Goldbach’s conjecture is ready to be published in our journal.” Editor-in-chief Wang raised the odd perfect conjecture to Goldbach’s conjecture at once. high.

“This shows that “Mathematics Monthly” ranks among the world’s first-class, just around the corner.”

“This Li Mo is too insightful.” Editor-in-chief Wang made the final conclusion, he is now Proud of Mathematical Monthly. It seems that it is now the world’s top academic journal.

Wei Xiaonian looked at Editor-in-Chief Wang in surprise. Editor-in-chief Wang raised Mathematical Monthly to a new level. He found that he still underestimated this stubborn old man.

“Do we need to review the content of the manuscript first?” Wei Xiaonian reminded beside him. Although he is very sure that there will be no errors in the papers written by Li Mo, academics pay attention to rigor.

Editor-in-chief Wang flipped through the paper with a smile: “Yes, I’ll review it first.”

After turning a few pages, he found that he couldn’t understand it either.

Wei Xiaonian saw the solemn expression on Editor Wang’s face, and hurriedly asked: “Found a mistake?”

Editor Wang sighed and closed it gently. The paper, helplessly said: “I can’t understand it either.”

Wei Xiaonian: “.”

Someone gave me a table of delicacies from mountains and seas, but I lacked chopsticks. What is this called?

At this time, Wei Xiaonian turned his head and thought of something. He leaned over and said, “I have a solution!”

Editor-in-chief Wang asked excitedly, “What solution?”

“We can learn from the practice of foreign magazines for such super-difficult papers, set up a review committee, and invite well-known scholars at home and abroad for collective review.” Wei Xiaonian has many friends who work in foreign magazines. You are familiar with the operation mode among them.

“Yes, we can send an invitation letter, I believe that the charm of perfect conjecture with odd numbers, few mathematicians will refuse.” Chief editor Wang comprehending, “In this way, there will be several people with international status. Mathematicians participate in academic seminars.”

“This is the first international mathematics conference organized by our Mathematical Monthly.”

Editor Wang was immersed in his planning In the middle, Wei Xiaonian next to him was stunned: “The editor-in-chief is going to play big!”

(End of this chapter)

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