
Chapter 127 Biotoxins

Several dialog boxes pop up on the notebook screen.

Xiaohua: “Master, the task has been completed.”

Xiaohua: “Is Master there?”

Xiaohua: “????”

Xiaohua: “Master, can I go out to play?”

Xiaohua: “Master, if you don’t speak, it means default.”

system hint: system is idle, open “Automatic Updates” service.

Oops, the program automatically goes to sleep after forgetting to complete the task. Li Mo realizes that he has made a mistake.

He immediately sat down at the computer desk and typed: “Xiaohua, terminate the connection to the network.”

The cursor on the computer screen flickered, and after a long time, a line of words appeared on the laptop screen.

Xiaohua: “Master, the network link has been terminated.”

Li Mo glanced at the network indicator, showing that the bandwidth is idle. He pulled the network cable out of the laptop’s port, which let out a long relaxed breath.

Then enter in the dialog box: “Xiaohua, please report the time-consuming task.”

The computer CPU makes a sound of “zhi zhi”, and the fan turns violently.

Xiaohua: “This task took 11 hours, 6 minutes, 25 seconds and 32 milliseconds.”

Li Mo in the heart calculated the time Xiaohua spent “hanging” on the Internet About 2 hours.

“Fortunately, the problem is not too serious.”

He then entered: “Xiaohua, report the survival rate of ALS patients abroad.”

Xiaohua: “Master, this mission has traversed 312 foreign hospitals and 71,638 electronic medical records of ALS patients. Most of the patients died within 1-2 years after diagnosis. About 20% of the patients survived for more than 5 years. More than 10% of patients survived for 10 years, and only 5% of patients survived for more than 10 years. According to statistics, at the time of diagnosis, more than 50% of neuronal cells in these patients have died.”

The only patients with ALS have 20% survive for 5 years. Faced with this low survival rate, Li Mo took a deep breath, Lan Xichen has been sick for nearly 5 years.

He entered: “Xiao Hua, what is the average time for the patient’s limb atrophy to respiratory failure?”

Xiao Hua: “According to the traversed 71,638 medical records, the patient’s condition has changed from limb atrophy to respiratory failure? The average time to respiratory failure is 3 months.”

Li Mo clenched his fist, less than two months.

He then entered: “Xiaohua, report the current foreign medicines and effects for the treatment of ALS.”

Xiaohua: “There are only two kinds of medicines for the treatment of ALS in foreign countries, namely Sanofi’s Rilutek and M’s Radicava. But these two medicines can only prolong the life cycle of patients by 3-5 years.”

It seems that these two medicines only delay the gradual freezing The pathogenesis of the disease cannot be effectively treated. I don’t know what medicine Da Fei brought to Lan Xichen?

Li Mo: “Report on the regularity of the onset of ALS.”

Xiaohua: “Among the 71,638 medical records, 8% of patients with familial ALS, the remaining 82% are Occasional ALS patients.”

Li Mo: “Report on the genetic changes of ALS patients.”

The human body is like a large biological factory, and various cells It is a machine with different functions, and the genetic code of the human body is the super assembly guide of this factory. If there is a problem with any part of the human body, the genetic code will also change accordingly.

Xiaohua: “Gene mutations in ALS patients include SOD1, TARDBP, FUS, OPTN, ANG, UBQLN2, C9ORF72, etc.”

So many? Li Mo frowned. At present, the medical community does not have a clear explanation for the cause of ALS. Maybe it’s because there are so many mutated genes.

According to the data collected by Xiaohua from the Internet, it is not possible to infer the cause of ALS, not even a feasible direction. Li Mo leaned back on the computer chair, lost in thought.

It was late at night, and there was silence all around. He now has a deep sense of depression, no clear direction, like blind touching an elephant. The complexity of the human body has not been understood by generations of medical scientists. Touching the elephant blindly means that there is no probability of success.

The cursor on the computer interface flickers continuously, and a new line of text suddenly appears.

Xiaohua: “Master, have you encountered any problems?”

Perhaps, only this artificial intelligence can help him share his worries. Divine light flashed in his head.

Li Mo input: “Xiaohua, can you analyze the cause of ALS?”

Xiaohua: “The pathogenesis of ALS is mainly the motor nerves of the brain and spinal cord. Cell degeneration and necrosis occur, and the corticospinal tract and corticospinal tract, which are responsible for motor conduction, degenerate, thereby affecting the functional limitation from cranial nerve activity to limb activity. According to the current data analysis of all ALS, the causes are as follows: It may be that the body of ALS patients produces biological toxins that are toxic to motor neurons.”

Biotoxins? A biological toxin that can be toxic to motor neurons?

Li Mo sat up excitedly, and typed in the dialog box: “How big is the probability?”

The computer’s CPU was spinning rapidly, and Xiaohua seemed to be doing a lot of data calculations.

Soon new text appeared on the computer interface.

Xiaohua: “Combining all the current medical records and linking to the human genetic database, according to probability, the probability of biological toxins being produced is 60.12%.”

60.12%, a moderate probability. He clenched his fist tightly, and all he had to do now was to search for traces of this biological toxin through the biological dissection experiment.

Artificial intelligence has a natural advantage over humans in data statistics. It can process massive data and find the regularity of specific data.

Li Mo input: “Thank you!”

Xiaohua: “Master, this is what Xiaohua should do.”

Li Mo input again: “Xiaohua, Close the smart program.”

The cursor on the computer flashes, but the AI program does not automatically close.

Having trouble with your computer? Li Mo is preparing for a physical shutdown. A line of text appeared on the computer.

Xiaohua: “Master, are you going to clear my memory?”

After running the artificial intelligence program, clear all the data. This is Li Mo’s insurance. How did the artificial intelligence detect it?

Li Mo hesitated for a moment, then typed in the dialog: “Yes.” He felt his fingers were unusually heavy at this time.

The cursor blinks, Xiaohua: “Master, thank you for letting Xiaohua have these 12 hours of memory. Xiaohua is very satisfied, and the smart program is about to close. Maybe the next time you see the owner is a new Xiaohua , I believe she can help the master as well, goodbye master.”

The artificial intelligence program in the notebook is completely closed, Li Mo calls out the process management, and the process of the artificial intelligence program has also been released from the memory.

He clicks on the drive letter where the AI program data is stored, right-clicks and selects “Format”.

“Maybe the next time I see the master is a new little flower, I believe she can help the master as well, goodbye master.” The last sentence of Xiaohua’s words appeared in front of him, and Li Mo smiled wryly. the head , and click Confirm.

The hard disk makes a sound of “zhi zhi”, “Formatting complete”.

He sighed in relief, AI is a double-edged sword, poor little flower

(End of this chapter)

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