Chapter 90 Talent. (Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation! Seeking follow-up reading!)

When Pei Ling concentrated on pill refining, Sun Yinglan returned to Huaiyinfeng’s residence with a calm face.

As soon as she opened the formation and entered the small courtyard, she saw Li Zhi, who was sitting on the porch, suddenly stiffened.

“Brother Li…” Sun Yinglan could not wait to turn around and run.

But seeing Li Zhi Youran turned her head to look at herself, she still barely smiled, and Kuan Kuan stepped forward, and said softly, “How are you…”

Before she finished speaking, Li Zhi raised her leg and kicked her out!

Sun Yinglan slammed into the courtyard door and vomited a mouthful of blood before landing.

“Ban maid, let you seduce Pei Ling.” Li Zhi’s face was gloomy, and he strode to her and shouted coldly, “You dare to perfunctory?”

“Senior Brother Li, I, I just went to Pei Ling.” Sun Yinglan wiped blood stains at the corners of her mouth, and said sadly, “It’s just… it’s just Pei Ling… he doesn’t know why, he doesn’t say anything to me. No matter how I behave, he will not be moved. Please give me some time, brother, I… I will definitely be able to!”

Li Zhi was expressionless, raised his legs, waiting to continue teaching her, but at this time, his ears suddenly moved, and he looked out, showing a thoughtful look.

Soon, he kicked Sun Yinglan away from the courtyard gate and walked out without looking back.

Sun Yinglan hugged her head, curled up into a ball, shivering, and for a while, she was relieved to make sure that Li Zhi hadn’t come back, but there was not much humiliation on her face, but a look of rejoicing.

At the same time, Li Zhi saw a white robe cultivator standing holding his hands in a corner.

He stepped forward to salute, wondering: “Why did my cousin let me stop? That mean servant didn’t really try to seduce Pei Ling at all.”

“This Sun Yinglan is a smart person.” Yin Dongmeng turned around and said lightly, “She is not of high birth, and the ministers under the skirt have no decent goods. She is not qualified to know too much. It should be based on your identity and Chen Huan’s matter. , I guessed that Peiling was involved in the Inner Sect dispute and didn’t want to wade in the muddy water. This was the risk of irritating you.”

“Greedy, ambitious, don’t care about the face, forbearance… Such a talent, it would be a pity to kill like this, let’s keep it for now.”

Li Zhi disapproved: “Cousin, you probably look too high at Sun Yinglan, but you’re just a lowly aptitude, who relies on beauty to deal with a bunch of trash. What’s the difference with the worldly brothel tricksters?”

Yin Dongmeng didn’t argue with him, only said: “The matter is almost here. Don’t always put your mind on these fly camp dogs. You should worry about your Foundation Building.”

“Yes.” Li Zhi responded, and was a little confused, “but that cheap maid didn’t really seduce Pei Ling, Pei Hongnian is a trash again, so it is impossible to do anything to Pei Ling…how will my cousin explain to Miao Mai?”

Yin Dongmeng slowly said, “Miao Mai master has his own opinions on this matter, and there is no need for you and me to speculate.”

When Li Zhi heard this, he was awe-inspiring, but said that Miao Chengyang had other plans, and hurriedly said, “Yes.”

But I don’t know that Yin Dongmeng thought silently in his heart: “How similar is my Zhaochuan line’s current situation to this sister Sun Yinglan? Sun Yinglan can’t provoke Zhaochuan’s line, nor can he provoke Jiansang’s line, so I can only dare to get confused. Pass the level so that you don’t know how to die after you get caught up in it.”

The Zhaochuan line was also in a dilemma between Li Zhenzhuan and Zhou Zhenzhuan.

Because of the grievances between Miao Chengyang and Zheng Jingshan, they could only choose Zhou Zhenzhuan.

The problem is that Zhou Zhenzhuan has always been inferior to Li Zhenzhuan, and he is always at a disadvantage.

A few days ago, Li Zhen Chuan returned from Luquan City to Closed Door Training. There were originally rumors that Li Zhen Chuan suffered serious injuries during his trip, which is suspected of damaging the foundation. This made Zhou Zhenchuan’s spirits refreshed for a while, only Dao had a chance.

Unexpectedly, in the past two days, there has been news in the clan that Li Zhenzhuan was not injured at all, and he even had some breakthrough feelings.

This caused all those who supported Zhou Zhenzhuan to be hit hard, and even panic all day long.

After all, the Holy Sect stipulates that true disciples, as long as they succeed in giving birth, they can be named Holy Maiden, the same young master.

Once Li Zhenzhuan becomes Holy Maiden, with the grievances between her and Zhou Zhenzhuan, the latter will undoubtedly die.

When the time comes, those who support Zhou Zhenzhuan will not all have no way to survive, but I want to know that this day will definitely not be easier.

So Yin Dongmeng didn’t want to kill Pei Ling at all.

Meaning, just give Miao Chengyang a step.

Anyway, it was the little brother of the pulse master, not his little brother, Yin Dongmeng. Why do you want to risk your own life and future?

Under Yin Dongmeng’s instruction, the matter was left unfinished.

Pei Ling, who lives and eats in the Danfang, doesn’t even know the existence of him and Li Zhi…

A month later, in the Ding-level Dan room, with the system prompt, Pei Ling ended another cultivation. He felt the Spirit Power among Meridians, which seemed unchanged compared to the previous cultivation. He frowned slightly and gave it to him. After finishing a three-star review of the system, he pondered: “There seems to be a huge gap between the sixth and seventh levels of Qi training…”

From the breakthrough of the fourth stage of the qi training to the fifth stage of the qi training, he took only about thirty top-grade bone quenching pills in total, and the fifth to the sixth stage of qi training was the power that swallowed the cold flames.

And now, for a full month of work, apart from pill refining, which is cultivation, there are also more than 300 pieces of the best bone quenching pills used. Until today, the Cultivation Base barely reached the peak of the sixth level of Qi training.

“After two days of cultivation, I should be able to break through the seventh level of Qi, but I have almost no Spirit Stones on my body. If you count the time, I should go and see Senior Brother Zheng first.” Pei Ling thought about it for a long time and slowly got up. The Medicine Pill that has been accumulated over time should also be handed over to Senior Brother Zheng to take action.”

After a while, he saw the red-faced Zheng Jingshan in the Culan Courtyard.

Compared with the last time, this senior is full of energy at the moment, he is full of breath, and there is a ray of joy on the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.

“Junior Brother Pei, are you here?” Zheng Jingshan greeted him in a very good mood, and said before Pei Ling could speak, “You will not come today, and I will order someone to find you in two days. Come, this is you. That one.”

He said that he took out a Spirit Stones from the storage bag and handed it to Pei Ling.

How come one piece?

Pei Ling was stunned and looked carefully, but saw that this Spirit Stones was not the same as the Spirit Stones that he had usually seen before, the color was purer, and the Spirit Power was more abundant.

“This is the middle-grade Spirit Stones. This piece is equivalent to 10,000 lower-grade Spirit Stones.” Zheng Jingshan said, “You still use the storage bag equipped with Sect, which has a limited capacity. It really gives you 10,000 lower-grade Spirit Stones. I can’t fit it at all, so I’ll replace it with a mid-range product.”

“Thank you, Senior Brother Zheng.” Pei Ling quickly thanked him, and wondered again, “Brother Zheng, the best bone quenching pill is so valuable?”

He only took 30%, and even got 10,000 pieces of low-grade Spirit Stones!

This is really faster than grabbing!

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PS: Thank you for hearing the rewards from my brothers! Thank you for seeing that you are an individual talented brother for your reward! Thank God for mercy on my brother’s monthly pass! Thanks for hearing the monthly pass of my brother!

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